Black Coffee?



  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    I took out the creamer not too long ago, still do sugar though. 2 cups is only 64 calories compare to 120 with the cream. Maybe I can wean my way off that sugar too!
  • mkgrayson
    mkgrayson Posts: 17
    Definately a Black Coffee drinker. I have been a BCD since college. If it is not good quality stuff (gas station / mickey D's) I add several pieces of ice to cut it a bit and make it drinkable. I also like to blend coffees. So for instance I will blend a dark and a hazlenut. I also like 7-11 blueberry coffee (not with the syrup though).

    Test some blends out, you will probably fiind some that you like.

    For home I like to buy the flavored beans, especially around the holidays when there is all kinds of crazy flavors coming out.
  • supermom2002
    supermom2002 Posts: 180 Member
    I used to be a double double girl forever...then the International Delight French Vanilla. Then along came MFP and i realized how many calories i was drinking every morning.
    Switched to black--cold turkey. Every now and then i'll splurge and add some French Vanilla but I find it so sweet I can barely finish my cup.
    I can only drink it lukewarm though. Strange.
    And the bottom of the pot makes great coffee ice cubes to throw in my protein shakes :)
  • pedraz
    pedraz Posts: 173
    1. Buy quality coffee.
    2. Ditch the drip pot. Get one of these:


    or one of these


    (I prefer the latter, but the former is probably easier).

    The Bialetti moka pot is great. Use a good Italian roast and fresh water. Throw out the first 2-3 pots of coffee. Then the pot will be primed and ready. Never ever ever use soap to clean this pot. It will turn brown and grey and all colors. This is a good thing. Just rinse and let drain. The best coffee ever? SELEZIONE=NUOVA SELEZIONE&categoria=CAF&raggruppamento=&aggregazione=&stagione=
    Scroll down to the one in gold AVIO SPECIALITA' It's too good to ruin with sugar or milk. This is the real thing. Hard to find though. Enjoy!
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Coffee purists will probably flame me for this, but just go buy a Keurig. They're incredibley convenient.
  • suzikay12
    suzikay12 Posts: 150 Member
    I used to put so much stuff in my coffee that it was probably closer to caramel than coffee. I started drinking it black out of convenience because it took 1 second to pour a cup of black coffee and head out the door and I needed to cut my morning routine down. It really didn't take me long until I was used to drinking it black. Now I prefer it that way.

    You could try out some of the flavored coffee that is available, that might make your transition easier.

    I agree with everyone above who says that starbucks is NOT good coffee.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    I drink it every day. Buy good quality coffee beans and grind them yourself. I still use a drip coffee maker, some use french presses but it's a preference.
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    1. Buy quality coffee.
    2. Ditch the drip pot. Get one of these:


    or one of these


    (I prefer the latter, but the former is probably easier).

  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    I used to drink coffee with cream and sugar. I slowly cut things out. Started with drinking it with cream and sweetener. Than switched to sweetener and milk. Cut out the sweetener and lowered the milk. Ended up drinking it black. Sometimes I will have some milk in it.

    I buy the flavoured coffee now (french vanilla, hazelnut, etc) and it makes it so good that you don't need anything. I love my Tassimo (although still wish it had the selection that the Kuerig has but their selection is getting better).

    My treat to myself is a little fat free creamer now.
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    1. Buy quality coffee.
    2. Ditch the drip pot. Get one of these:


    or one of these


    (I prefer the latter, but the former is probably easier).

    or one of these (aeropress) which is better than both of those:

  • secondchance82
    As others have said, ditch the crap coffee. I buy a local roaster who makes their coffee right in town. It's called Honeymoon Bay, and when I'm tight on money I go with Tully's.
  • mdbs2004
    mdbs2004 Posts: 220
    I drink black coffee now. I used to use alot of creamer and ok amount of sweetner. I first started by lessening the amount of creamer I used and that took about 6 weeks. Then I started lessening the amount of sweetner. Took about 3 months but now I drink black coffee. Worked for me. GL
  • claricecollins
    It took me awhile to get used to it, but for the first few, i let it get cold and then it made the taste go down easier. Now, I love black coffee at any temperature or with a little no cal sweetener. Also, I water it down a little bit so it cools down faster :)
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    I always go with the black coffee in the morning if I don't have a Java Monster to drink.

    I have a Java Monster problem...
  • SuperAmie
    SuperAmie Posts: 307 Member
    I put a wee bit of milk... helps the bitterness and isnt bad for you ;)
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    I've been drinking mine black for a while now. I used to add tons of cream and sugar. Now, I'd rather save those unnecessary calories for things I like even better. : )
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,013 Member
    I'm a convert. I used to put TONS of cream/creamer in my coffee. I figured that I would have to give it up altogether or learn to drink it black. Since the world is not ready for an uncaffienated me, I learned to take it black. Now, I love it unless the coffee is too strong like at Starbucks.
  • sweetbippy
    sweetbippy Posts: 189 Member
    I switched to black 2 years ago. Now, any other tastes bitter and chemically. (Is that a word??) Quality coffee beans or fresh ground, and Cold, filtered or spring water makes a huge difference. I don't do any of the flavors b/c I find they have a strange after taste, just straight up coffee.
  • grendel322
    grendel322 Posts: 105 Member
    I used an AeroPress, and the way they have you brew coffee is to brew it strong and then add cold water to it. I discovered that (in addition to this making a smooth cup of coffee) it wasn't the bitterness or flavor that was hard for me to get by, it was the temperature. I started adding a splash of cold water to black coffee and now have no problem drinking it.
  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    I have learned to drink black coffee. You may want to consider flavored black coffee. I love it because there are no calories and it
    has a little caffeine to help you with working out. I have a Keurig Coffeemaker which has many, many types of flavored coffee and
    I love it. Look it up online.