What is with teenage girls these days?!?



  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Pregnant high school girls get a lot of attention, and some of them want that attention. They also think it will give them a better chance to hold onto the baby dad. It probably works for some. Of course, most teenagers having babies are lucky to even get child support.

    I was pregnant in high school. I did not get a lot of attention for it.

    Sorry you missed out on the attention. Maybe it's a regional or cultural thing. I hear a lot of baby/pregnancy conversations at the high school. Friends of the pregnant girls generally make a fuss over them. Our school has parenting classes for the girls and a daycare center on campus. The girls are allowed to leave class to check on their babies and give them medications. Anyway, I hope you, at least, got the guy or the child support.
  • renwicker
    renwicker Posts: 158 Member
    Its that stupid ****in MTV show! Its ALL those stupid ****ing MTV reality shows!

    I agree with this to an extent. Those shows do, at times, glorify the teen pregnancy thing. And I think even more so the fact that they are now celebs, and are making a crap ton of money for doing the show, makes it seem more appealing to a teenager. However, I've recently read that since the airing of "16 and Pregnant", teen pregnancy is down for the first time in decades. Which is def a good thing. The shows are ridiculously stupid, so I dont watch them. But, I do think awareness is important.

    Back on topic to the OP. Your friend needs to quit that girl if he doesnt want to get her pregnant. The pull out method is certainly not the safest of sex. And she is obviously not on any form fo birth control if she WANTS to get knocked up. Dummies.
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    Show her labour videos. I was subjected to those while my mum was training to be a midwife. I do not want to have any children after watching that, I may have been persuaded had I not seen the videos, but no way now!
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    I have a friend who is 20 years old
    His current girlfriend of 1 year is 17 (a junior in high school)

    The other day he was telling me that he loves her, she's a
    cool girl, but she always gets ANGRY at him,
    bc when they would "do the deed" he would NOT ummm
    do what one does to impregnate another...

    Sweetheart, you are only 17 years old, not to mention
    you aren't even out of highschool yet...
    Why do you wanna grow up so fast?

    That's where he should pretend that you "do what one does to impregnate another". Then when she's happy with him, bust out and "do what one does to facial another" and say SURPRISE!

    Argh!!!! Angry Pirate? Sorry couldn't resist.....google it if you don't know.
  • CWSpiegel
    CWSpiegel Posts: 114
    I blame the MTV shows as well for making it seem glam and cool to have a baby.

    To the original poster, this chick seems like she wants to "trap" the guy. She sounds insecure of herself and thinks that will keep him around. He needs to wrap it up, or better yet, start dating a girl who has grown up into a woman with some proper priorities.

    Oh, and here's a link with a very interesting article about it.

  • SpanishRapunzel
    SpanishRapunzel Posts: 53 Member
    (With all seriousness) She needs help. He needs to grow up and see that she needs help. Imho. If he can't see she's in desperate need of help, maybe he doesn't understand what love really is. Babies are beautiful, but it's not fair to them to be born to someone with such strong emotional issues...
  • heagler870
    heagler870 Posts: 280 Member
    Good question! Why on earth would a 17 year old child want a child? Why not be a child and enjoy your time as a child! And what is with grown men impregnating 17 year old girls? Sorry, this a rant from my personal life. :grumble:
  • couponfun
    couponfun Posts: 714 Member
    Remember a few years ago they had a show where teen couples who "wanted" to have kids had to take care of a 2-year-old for a few days or a week and still function? If I'm not mistaken 100% of those kids changed their minds.

    They need to bring THAT show back and put it back to back with the Teen Mom crap.

    I volunteer my son, whose idea of fun is taking the dishwasher rack from the kitchen and running around with it, hitting me with golf clubs while I work, and was strong enough as an 18-month-old that he took apart a bar stool and broke it :laugh:

    Other than that, dude run! Get tested for STDs and run - maybe even get a restraining order or something cuz she sounds nuts.
  • torylinnangel
    Am I the only one that has a problem with a 20 year old "doing" a 17 year old?

    No you are not... I think it is wrong, she is still just a kid (no matter what she thinks...)
    HURLEYX3RO Posts: 269

    Well now after telling him that it can still happen, bc he's not using protection it kinda opened his eyes a bit.


    He also just got out of the ER... turns out... he has a Kidney Infection... started out as a UTI.
    Rare for males, but he learned how he could get that! :laugh:

    Looks like she's not getting any and if she does, it will be protected from now on.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Am I the only one that has a problem with a 20 year old "doing" a 17 year old?

    That was my first thought as well. I mean, she's almost 18...but she's probably still in high school...