Is it ok for a woman..........



  • nalfavi
    nalfavi Posts: 174 Member
    Full out NO NO NO. It's not right. My ex did this to me with another chick, and I got dumped about a month later, because what I was "overreacting" to was really a huge red flag that I should have paid attention to.
  • LeeLough
    LeeLough Posts: 10 Member
    Ok so in my opinion there is something wrong here. Even if she is just friends with this guy, its inapropriate to speak to another male for that amount of time, unless its family of course. What do they talk about? What could be so important that takes 3 hours? Especially if its week after week, I dont even talk to my closest girlfriends that much. To me it seems like shes "fakely" supporting you hanging out with your guy friends so she has more time to do whatever she wants. And when she says you can do whatever you want "except talk to your old gal friends" that makes her just a hypocrite. Honestly....your a good looking guy and its sounds like your legit about your relationship...dont let yourself be dooped. If you tell her straight out how it makes you feel uncomfortable how she speaks to him so frequently and for such a long period of time she should definatly respect you and your relationship. If she keeps defending herself and not being considerate to your feelings than it just means something else is going on that she doesnt want to let go of. Whether thats just a friendship or more you probably wont ever know but any women who acts like that isnt worth it.