Bit Embarrassing



  • notnormallyacaloriecounter
    I've had this problem, I take a stool softener every day with my vitamins. It's embarrassing, but better than the alternative.
  • orchi51126
    orchi51126 Posts: 12 Member
    laxatives are bad.. go stool softener.. much gentler on the system..
    For me the coffee works.. and activia..
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    IF you go over your protein, eat less of that and more fiber... apples help.
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    Honestly go get fiber bars and eat on every day and you will open the flood gates!!

    Sounds good lol. Can you get them in UK?
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member

    "What's considered normal frequency for bowel movements varies widely. In general, however, you're probably experiencing constipation if you pass fewer than three stools a week, and your stools are hard and dry.

    Fortunately, most cases of constipation are temporary. Simple lifestyle changes, such as getting more exercise, drinking more fluids and eating a high-fiber diet, can go a long way toward alleviating constipation. Constipation may also be treated with over-the-counter laxatives.

    Not having a bowel movement every day doesn't necessarily mean you're constipated. You likely have constipation, however, if you've had at least two of the following signs and symptoms for at least three of the past six months:

    - Pass fewer than three stools a week
    - Experience hard stools
    - Strain excessively during bowel movements
    - Experience a sense of rectal blockage
    - Have a feeling of incomplete evacuation after having a bowel movement
    - Need to use manual maneuvers to have a bowel movement, such as finger evacuation or manipulation of your lower abdomen

    To help prevent constipation:

    - Eat a high-fiber diet. Choose lots of high-fiber foods, including fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole-grain cereals and breads. Aim to consume 20 to 35 grams of fiber daily. Experiment to see if particular fruits or vegetables have a laxative effect for you. Remember to add fiber to your diet gradually to help reduce related gas and bloating.
    - Limit low-fiber foods. Foods that are high in fat and sugar and those that tend to be low in fiber content, such as ice cream, cheese and processed foods, may cause or aggravate constipation.
    - Drink plenty of liquids. The exact amount of water and other fluids you should drink each day varies and depends on your age, sex, health, activity level and other factors. Limit caffeine intake, which can worsen symptoms of constipation by causing dehydration.
    - Exercise regularly. Engage in regular physical exercise, such as walking, biking or swimming, to help stimulate intestinal function. Getting at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week is recommended.
    - Heed nature's call. Don't ignore the urge to have a bowel movement. The longer you delay, the more water is absorbed from your stool and the harder it becomes.
    - Try fiber supplements. Over-the-counter products, such as Metamucil and Citrucel, can help keep stools soft and regular. Be sure to drink plenty of water or other fluids every day, as taking fiber supplements without drinking plenty of fluids may worsen constipation.
    - Be careful about introducing stimulant laxatives. Habitual use of agents such as Correctol and Dulcolax can make your colon dependent on them and may require increasing dosages, eventually leading to problems with your intestines. For occasional relief try a saline laxative, such as milk of magnesia, which draws water into the colon to lubricate the stool. Avoid giving children laxatives without a doctor's approval."
  • JBott84
    JBott84 Posts: 268 Member
    All the goooood answers have been taken lol but drinking more and more water will help also, and should be done anyways...I had the same problem :blushing: when I first started, I adjusted things and now it's all good :)
  • shakespearessister
    Caffeine first thing in the morning, and two tablespoons of chia seeds in juice or water (um, not with the coffee, but sometime during the day.) The chia seeds are super high fiber and don't make you feel bloated and gross like regular fiber drinks.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    Try Activia yogurt!

    I did try Activia but I am not a massive yoghut fan and I probably didn't give it long enough lol.

    Put it in a Smoothie!!! =) I switched to activia because it had less calories.. I like the Strawberry smoothie, with mago and strawberry. That is all ya need, SO yummy.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Try some Smooth Move tea, you drink it in the evening before you go to bed. I found it in My Organic Market.
    Keep in mind that Smooth Move tea IS a laxative.
  • GermanicKnight
    Try Psyllium Husk I take these along with my other multi vitamins

    ^^THIS. I recommend Natural Brand (Gnc) - Colon Pure - Purified Psyllium Husk. I tsp has 5g and only 20 calories.
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 498 Member
    I take a fiber supplement as well. Good luck!
  • Rachel_Leigh84
    Try prunes, they certainly work for me!! :wink:
  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
    don;t use a laxative- just get mild stool softener- will be much easier, and no terrible side effects
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    Two thoughts:
    1) I don't think you are drinking enough water, and that will mess you up

    2) I don't know what you are doing for exercise, but a good workout will help move things along. Just about every time I run, it's followed by a good emptying of the bowels.
  • stopdangerpi
    It doesn't look like you're really eating many vegetables lots of carbs and meat. I am 95% vegetarian and poop like a rockstar.

    For lunch, I usually have an enormous salad with all sorts of stuff thrown in: broccoli, mushrooms, asparagus, tomato, cuke, avocado, whatever there is. It is important to get that roughage.
  • hdroddy
    hdroddy Posts: 122
    Fiber supplements help, as well. And even a powder like Benefiber or something similar. You can get one that is tasteless and add it to anything. I put it in our morning protein shakes, most meals we eat, even the morning coffee. No taste, and it helps quite a bit for many things.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    I can not see your fiber intake on your diary but I would recoment more fiber also what I could see the most water you drink (at least this week) has been about 4 cups and at most times 2 cups unless you dont log everything. I suggest atleast 6 or 8 and then some if possible. I have the same problem if I dont drink atleast 6 cups of water a day. sounds like a lot but just carry 3 water bottles and you are set!
  • tsavisky
    tsavisky Posts: 78 Member
    I was having the same troubles, I cut out grains and sugar and within 3 days everything is back to normal. I pretty much only eat fruit, veggies and proteins now and the difference is astounding. I'm still getting the necessary carbs from the odd potato, some dairy and fruit.
  • notnormallyacaloriecounter
    Fiber One has some great tasting fiber bars. Honestly you don't even know you're eating something that's good for you!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Make sure you're drinking enough water/fluids and rather than a laxative try a fibre supplement (Metamucil or another psyllium based one should help & they also help lower serum cholestrol)