Do you have a crazy....



  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    Spiders...I can't even look at them in a book and my heart races and I freak out..LOL. I also have a crazy phobia of thunderstorms :embarassed: To my defense...When I was 9 yrs. old we were in the tail end of a huge tornado (1979) and I witnessed a lot of trauma to people and kids I went to school with. It was horrible and sad as one of my friends mother was killed :sad: I've never got over this even with trips to the doctor :frown: I also have a fear of a flock of any feathered friend. I was attacked by a bunch of chickens and a mad rooster in a coop when I was 13. I can feed them and like them from a distance, just don't invade my space!! :laugh:
  • elcieloesazul
    elcieloesazul Posts: 448 Member

    Winston Smith, is that you?!

    the answer to 1984 is 1776.

    That's just Common Sense

    I'll ask my Big Brother about it.
    Don't disturb him if he's in Room 101, okay?
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    The dentist. Need valium to go.
    Snakes. Ewwwww. They creep me out.

    Feet - not afraid of feet but just yuck.
    Loose teeth. So gross.
  • LaneyRZ
    LaneyRZ Posts: 22 Member
    I fear nothing :smokin:
    But I do have a favorite phobia:

    Fear of long words.

    Same here.

    My favorites are Autorhinophagophobia (fear of eating one's own nose) and Anatidaephobia (the fear that somewhere, somehow, you are being watched by a duck).
  • jfrog123
    jfrog123 Posts: 432 Member
    :sad: I have a major fear that I am going to get locked in somewhere and not be able to get out. I never lock car doors. I had a friend of mine disable the feature on my car that automatically locks the doors when you put it in drive. I don't like to have the doors locked when I am in the house. We never lock our bedroom door or the bathroom door. At work I will wait until I am the only one in the bathroom and hold the stall door closed instead of turning the lock when I need to pee. When I was in college we were playing hide and seek one night (highly intoxicated). I told my friend I was going to hide in the trunk of my car and asked her to come get me in a few minutes. She forgot me! About 30 minutes had passed from the time I closed the trunk to the time she remembered and came back with several other friends and opened the trunk. That is when the freak outs about locks started. I know it was my own stupid fault for getting in the trunk and that it is highly unlikely I will get locked in somewhere, but I can't shake the fear.
  • dizzydi1968
    dizzydi1968 Posts: 564
    Two for me

    Physical contact - I hate being touched by random people, the thought of a social hug or even a handshake makes me die a little inside (clearly I'm ok with my husband and son, friends I tolerate in order to not upset them but thats it - no touching strangers EVER) the thought of a massage makes me vomit, even going to the hairdressers is tough. Goint to Turkey for my holiday this year and apparently they are VERY tactile. I may end up getting arrested for smacking an overly friendly turk!!

    Tomato Ketchup - weird I know but the sight, smell, texture and even the noise it makes when you shake the bottle makes me panic and sweat. I even avoid the sauce aisle in the supermarket just in case someone drops a bottle near me.

    Obviously I need help :blushing:
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member

    why do grown men have to get dressed up to hid themselves and be around young kids.... freaks me out always has

    and big old cars that could come to life and kill me.... and everyone else.. ( i may have snuck and watched those movies while my big sister was watching it once and scared the **** out of me
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    arachnophobia and trypophobia... google it if you are brave enough!
    it gives me chills just saying that word... UGH
  • delikium
    delikium Posts: 196 Member
    Bugs in general.
    One time I was in the shower and I looked to my left at what I thought was a glob of hair on the shower curtain. I went to shake it off and it was a giant centipede. I ripped the curtain open and ran screaming for bloody hell.
    thank you!
    that's the hardest i laughed all day!
  • Polebarbie
    Polebarbie Posts: 84
    Worms, I'm absolutely petrified of them
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    I'm trypophobic. I won't explain it without getting the willies, you can google it.

    oh God I thought i was alone with this one......... :sick: :explode: :sad:
  • Jen32285
    Jen32285 Posts: 281 Member
    Spiders. Although I had to get over that pretty fast once I had kids. I can actually now kill them with just a tissue. It used to take some sort of spray and the vacuum cleaner.
  • Alissakelly
    Alissakelly Posts: 119
    Yess!!! I can't have someone walking behind me on stairs. I don't know why but it scares the heck out of me!!

    I either let them go a head (which probably makes it seem like i want to check there bum out hahaha) or I BOOK it down/up which usually ends with me tripping.

    It's a hard life! :P
    I have the same issue, I mean I guess with stairs in my house I can rush it up, but it also happens when walling down the street, something creeps me out if they behind me. Need then next to or in front of me all the time.

    THANK YOU!!! I get chirped so hard because no one understands why i'm scared of something so weird. I have the walking issue as well but not as bad as my stair one. On the street I get antsy if someone is behind me but I generally walk pretty fast so I usually get far a head of them fairly quickly. However, if this is at night its a whole nother story hahaha! That terrifies me!! (but i think thats a common fear: night time walking with a stranger lurking behind you)
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I do....I'm mean it is as irrational as it gets. =( Last time I told someone over the Internet.. they posted pics. So none of you will EVER know.
  • Jen32285
    Jen32285 Posts: 281 Member
    I am terrified of tornadoes. When there are warnings I move everything & everyone to the basement just in case.

    You would hate me. I'm the crazy one that runs outside to find them. That's after I get my kids to their safety area.
  • stuntpilot51
    stuntpilot51 Posts: 53 Member
    I love thunderstorms and tornado's in fact I go outside during a tornado warning just to catch a glimpse of one.

    I live in tornado alley and as I type thunderstorms are approaching. :happy:

    My phobia would be dancing! You couldn't drag me kicking and screaming onto a dance floor.

    I enjoyed the one about static shocks, as an electrician I've been hit so many times it actually feels good now, except when I get one from a neutral on a flourescent ballast, now that's painful especially if it's 277 volts.
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    I have an irrational fear of drive through car washes. Have since I was a small child. My husband wont even go near them with me in the car, though I tell him to go all the time - I just close my eyes and breathe into a paper sack :D I'm completely normal...
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I don't know that this is crazy, but it is seriously irrational. I am hugely claustrophobic. I had no idea until I went camping with my husband - after my mud run/obstacle course last year - and we were trying to sleep in this small compartment in the tent (just big enough for two people). Once we had the zip closed, I started to feel like I couldn't breathe and then had a full on panic attack. I felt like I was being buried alive. It was so weird and we ended up having to sleep in our car, which is much bigger than the tent. It's happened a couple of times since then but nothing major, mostly because I haven't been squeezed like a sardine into anything since that fun little incident.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I don't have irrational fears. I do like bringing the subject up so I know how to scare someone later.

    This is why I keep my mouth shut!
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I hate, hate, hate birds. They are the devil. My funniest bird story is that one day I was driving down a rural road and I saw some vultures (vultures! - I had no idea we even had them here) and I screamed and locked the door. Everyone kept making fun of me because I apparently believed that they would open the car door and come in. But seriously... I mean, they were vultures.

    I also have a thing, I don't know if I would call it a phobia but I hate all noises involving mouths and throats. So like, people around me chewing, coughing, clearing their throats. I can actually get panicky about that sometimes. I have to wear headphones all the time at work because I have a co-worker who has a medical condition that causes her to cough - ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. Gross.