Most Disgusting Thing You've Found In Your Food?



  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    When I was a kid, we were at the store and my mom bought my brother and me each a Chunky candy bar (anyone old enough to remember those?). Anyway, I bit into mine and it was crawling with live maggots. We took it back to the store and the whole box was like that. Apparently, my brother had eaten the whole thing without even noticing! No lie.
  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    bandaid on top of a pizza, fingernail in some soup.
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    At Subway, I dead fly in my iced tea.
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    I bought a half gallon of ice cream from a Stewarts Shop in New York. After serving everyone some my sister found a rather large peice of a latex something in the spoonful she had put in her mouth. We brought it back to the store and showed them what we had found and to this day none of us want to believe it was anything other then a large piece of a rubber glove. Although my husband still points out the fact that the latex didn't match that of a rubber glove just to make us gag.
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    When I was a kid, we were at the store and my mom bought my brother and me each a Chunky candy bar (anyone old enough to remember those?). Anyway, I bit into mine and it was crawling with live maggots. We took it back to the store and the whole box was like that. Apparently, my brother had eaten the whole thing without even noticing! No lie.

    oh gag! I seriously just gagged out loud over this, lol.
  • earwig in my nectarine...eewww
  • docturtle
    docturtle Posts: 156 Member
    I just found a dead beetle on my plate when I was eating a subway sandwich and it wasn't there the last time I reached for a chip on my plate, so it must have fallen out of the sandwich! I'm so in the mode of not going back there anytime soon!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Hey it's protein. But then so are all the bugs people are talking about. What is gross for one person is a delicacy for another one.

    This didn't happen to me but when I back at college a girl eating in the cafeteria took a drink of her soda and a cockroach went into her mouth with it. EWWWW!

    This was James Madison University in VA for anyone who's interested...
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I live out in the country and found a random peach tree a few weeks ago. I told my neighbor that they looked a little small for peaches and maybe they were apricots,but I'd taste one just to see. lol I bit into it and sure enough they were delicious peaches, then a piece fell onto the ground and I looked down and saw a worm in it! I was glad that I didn't eat the little creature but was gagging. lol
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    A deep-fried bandaid under my french fries at Baker's Square (do those even exist anymore?)... Our meal was free and they gave us a voucher for a future free meal, but we never ate there again.
  • karalynnroll
    karalynnroll Posts: 33 Member
    Found several hairs in my chili at Steak and Shake. I was eating it and found a huge curly hair in my chili. I complained and requested a new bowl. It also had a hair in it. I complained again. I should have stopped there, but she insisted in bringing me a third bowl. I found a hair in it, also. When I went up the register, I complained and the manager didn't believe me. The waitress wouldn't stick up for me. Didn't go back for years.
  • snowpony
    snowpony Posts: 47 Member
    I found a fingernail in my mojito at Cubana Lounge... eew
  • The back of someone's earring in my seaweed salad at Zip sushi. That's what you get for trying to eat healthy. We insisted on paying for the meal, all except the salad and we never went back.
  • ckay220
    ckay220 Posts: 271 Member
    I found a nail in my IHOP in a metal nail, not fingernail...had to bite on it to find it unfortunately!
  • SailAweigh
    SailAweigh Posts: 6 Member
    I was eating lunch in high school once, when a fly landed on my fork just as I stuck it in my mouth. Hey, extra protein doesn't hurt.
  • Ok...technically it wasn't in my food, but I have not eaten at a Hardee's in about 12 years. They allowed a customer to sit in the dining room and clip his fingernails. When my husband asked him to stop, the other guy got beligerent and the staff told us all that he could do whatever he wanted. In addition to this, there was a mouse running through the dining room and a staff member squashed it with a food tray. I was so disgusted and upset that I paid the bank $15 to put a stop payment on the $9 check that I had written. Corporate called me and apologized. They sent me a few coupons for free items, as well. But I will not ever eat at a Hardee's.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    Back when we were fast food junkies, my husband and I used to eat at McD’s regularly. That is until he opened his Big Mac to take a bite and there was already one taken out of it. Yeah. :sick:
  • Moonblood
    Moonblood Posts: 199 Member
    I found an insect egg on a blueberry. This was after popping another one in my mouth and thinking to myself it was a bit too hard... yuck.
  • Part of the chain of someones necklace in my mashed potatoes at some restaurant in my local mall. Place isn't there anymore (something about their restaurant being a breeding ground for cockroaches and people were finding them in their food)
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    What's the most disgusting thing you've never found in your food? haha

    My daughter was stalked and then eventually assaulted. :( Her attacker wasn't jailed and the police told my daughter that she needed to tell her employer, a local restaurant, what the girl looked like so all of the employees would recognize her if she came in. She took in a picture of the girl and showed everyone.
    One day while my daughter wasn't working, the girl came in and they all recognized her. Welll according to them they spit in their drink, dropped the food on the floor, etc., then served it to the person!
    I was grossed out hearing that but at the same time I also didn't care. On the other hand, it makes me wonder what else has gone on in kitchens! Don't ever piss off your server! lol