


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    what I really dont understand is why carbs cause such an uproar. If you dont want to go low carb, then dont. And Mark;s daily apple is not the only guy who advocates low carb.

    All I know is when I cut way back on grains (not all carbs) I feel and perform better. N-1 and all that...who cares? what the heck is the big deal?
  • irishbunnylover
    irishbunnylover Posts: 13 Member
    Ideally you should obtain 75% of your calories from carbohydrates with one HUGE caveat: make sure those carbs are high-quality, nutrient dense carbs from un-refined, plant-based sources. So fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts, and a small amount of whole grains. Don't eat foods that are predominantly calories from refined sugar, wheat, rice, or corn. Refined is the key word there. The closer the food is to the way it is found in nature the better. Think corn on the cob vs high fructose corn syrup.

    That percentage shouldn't change whether you are trying to lose weight or not. That is just the normal human amount. However, if you are trying to gain muscle for bodybuilding purposes, you can carve out another 4-8% as protein.
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member

    The human body has largely not evolved.

    So if you're going to eat like our ancestors, do you also go without electricity, indoor plumbing, and vaccinations? We evolved mentally and physically after agriculture became part of who we are. Any sort of "diet", pretty much anything with a name, other than just eating, is ridiculous, unless you have a medical condition that warrants it.

    Of course not, it's about adapting that eating and exercise style in a modern society.

    We evolved technologically, but the human body largely has not evolved. We learned how to use our brains more and more, but our body has not changed.. except with the outward expanding waistline.

    Society is fat, not people. 50 years ago obesity wasn't an epidemic and they were eating carbs galore. Laziness = weight gain, not evil carbs. People need to get off their butts and be active, not blame food and everything else for their bodies.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    what I really dont understand is why carbs cause such an uproar. If you dont want to go low carb, then dont. And Mark;s daily apple is not the only guy who advocates low carb.

    All I know is when I cut way back on grains (not all carbs) I feel and perform better. N-1 and all that...who cares? what the heck is the big deal?

    THIS!!! for some people, based on health conditions, going low carb makes all the difference.

    For other people it does not matter.

    And that's OK.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Ideally you should obtain 75% of your calories from carbohydrates with one HUGE caveat: make sure those carbs are high-quality, nutrient dense carbs from un-refined, plant-based sources. So fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts, and a small amount of whole grains. Don't eat foods that are predominantly calories from refined sugar, wheat, rice, or corn. Refined is the key word there. The closer the food is to the way it is found in nature the better. Think corn on the cob vs high fructose corn syrup.

    That percentage shouldn't change whether you are trying to lose weight or not. That is just the normal human amount. However, if you are trying to gain muscle for bodybuilding purposes, you can carve out another 4-8% as protein.

    75% of calories should be from carbs? good lord
  • LesterBlackstone
    LesterBlackstone Posts: 291 Member

    If evolution did not come to a screeching halt, I would not have gone through wisdom teeth extraction hell that literally almost killed me. :)

    Got me there. Cause wisdom teeth are such a killer to the vast majority of the population, preventing them from reproducing.

    Do you even understand how evolutionary pressure works?

    LOL!!! of course I do. I taught evolutionary bio. and I almost died from an abscess when I was 20. I chose not to have children., but I assure you that dying at age 20 would have stopped me regardless.

    Oh I see, so if evolution was still happening, nobody would ever die of natural causes at a young age.

    PS: If you're going to lie about your credentials, you should at least put them in your profile.
    I work as a defense analyst to pay my rent, but my true passion is oil painting

    So you got your Ph.d, taught at an "Ivy League" school for what, a year? Then changed careers?

    Sure you did.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    You cite one article, which its research was probably funded by some biased agriculture agency, and expect me to take it as truth? lol.. There are just as many low carb advocates and articles that refute what you say as well.

    The least you could have done would be to read the article. It's pretty clear you've already made up your mind though.

    Good luck with your goals.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member

    Got me there. Cause wisdom teeth are such a killer to the vast majority of the population, preventing them from reproducing.

    Do you even understand how evolutionary pressure works?

    LOL!!! of course I do. I taught evolutionary bio. and I almost died from an abscess when I was 20. I chose not to have children., but I assure you that dying at age 20 would have stopped me regardless.

    Oh I see, so if evolution was still happening, nobody would ever die of natural causes at a young age.

    PS: If you're going to lie about your credentials, you should at least put them in your profile.
    I work as a defense analyst to pay my rent, but my true passion is oil painting

    So you got your Ph.d, taught at an "Ivy League" school for what, a year? Then changed careers?

    Sure you did.

    LOL!! I absolutely did. quit that BS with a Master's.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    You cite one article, which its research was probably funded by some biased agriculture agency, and expect me to take it as truth? lol.. There are just as many low carb advocates and articles that refute what you say as well.

    The least you could have done would be to read the article. It's pretty clear you've already made up your mind though.

    Good luck with your goals.

    Pretty sure you're on Big Agriculture's payroll and just saying that

    ::tinfoil hat on::
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member

    Got me there. Cause wisdom teeth are such a killer to the vast majority of the population, preventing them from reproducing.

    Do you even understand how evolutionary pressure works?

    LOL!!! of course I do. I taught evolutionary bio. and I almost died from an abscess when I was 20. I chose not to have children., but I assure you that dying at age 20 would have stopped me regardless.

    Oh I see, so if evolution was still happening, nobody would ever die of natural causes at a young age.

    PS: If you're going to lie about your credentials, you should at least put them in your profile.
    I work as a defense analyst to pay my rent, but my true passion is oil painting

    So you got your Ph.d, taught at an "Ivy League" school for what, a year? Then changed careers?

    Sure you did.

    LOL!! I absolutely did. quit that BS with a Master's.

    If you IM me, I will give you my real name and you are welcome to call them up and ask.

    but I am too stupid to edit a post. which is probably why I didn't hack it. :)
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    You cite one article, which its research was probably funded by some biased agriculture agency, and expect me to take it as truth? lol.. There are just as many low carb advocates and articles that refute what you say as well.

    The least you could have done would be to read the article. It's pretty clear you've already made up your mind though.

    Good luck with your goals.
    I think many of these believers are solidified in their stance when they see the initial reduction in weight by cutting out carbs. Therefore, carbs = evil fat causing devil.
    When the fact is that cutting out an entire macro-nutrient from your diet will usually cause folks to eat less calories.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    You cite one article, which its research was probably funded by some biased agriculture agency, and expect me to take it as truth? lol.. There are just as many low carb advocates and articles that refute what you say as well.

    The least you could have done would be to read the article. It's pretty clear you've already made up your mind though.

    Good luck with your goals.

    Pretty sure you're on Big Agriculture's payroll and just saying that

    ::tinfoil hat on::

    Agriculture clearly killed civilizations and brought disease to our people.

    Did you hear about what corn did to my man parts?
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    You cite one article, which its research was probably funded by some biased agriculture agency, and expect me to take it as truth? lol.. There are just as many low carb advocates and articles that refute what you say as well.

    The least you could have done would be to read the article. It's pretty clear you've already made up your mind though.

    Good luck with your goals.

    Pretty sure you're on Big Agriculture's payroll and just saying that

    ::tinfoil hat on::

    you realize that as a student in higher education in nutritional science, you are automatically on their payroll? BIG TIME
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    You cite one article, which its research was probably funded by some biased agriculture agency, and expect me to take it as truth? lol.. There are just as many low carb advocates and articles that refute what you say as well.

    The least you could have done would be to read the article. It's pretty clear you've already made up your mind though.

    Good luck with your goals.
    I think many of these believers are solidified in their stance when they see the initial reduction in weight by cutting out carbs. Therefore, carbs = evil fat causing devil.
    When the fact is that cutting out an entire macro-nutrient from your diet will usually cause folks to eat less calories.

    That or they picked up a Taubes book and actually believed it. LOL.
  • LesterBlackstone
    LesterBlackstone Posts: 291 Member
    You cite one article, which its research was probably funded by some biased agriculture agency, and expect me to take it as truth? lol.. There are just as many low carb advocates and articles that refute what you say as well.

    The least you could have done would be to read the article. It's pretty clear you've already made up your mind though.

    Good luck with your goals.
    I think many of these believers are solidified in their stance when they see the initial reduction in weight by cutting out carbs. Therefore, carbs = evil fat causing devil.
    When the fact is that cutting out an entire macro-nutrient from your diet will usually cause folks to eat less calories.

    That or they picked up a Taubes book and actually believed it. LOL.

    Grains killed Lyle's sister.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    I hear you can get some really rapid weight loss by dropping carbs, protein, and fat from your diet completely.
  • Ketomaniac9
    Ketomaniac9 Posts: 108 Member
    I hear you can get some really rapid weight loss by dropping carbs, protein, and fat from your diet completely.

    That's genius! imma try dat!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I did not state my educational background to make myself feel more qualified then everyone else. But I am better. For I have the elven scroll.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    You cite one article, which its research was probably funded by some biased agriculture agency, and expect me to take it as truth? lol.. There are just as many low carb advocates and articles that refute what you say as well.

    The least you could have done would be to read the article. It's pretty clear you've already made up your mind though.

    Good luck with your goals.
    I think many of these believers are solidified in their stance when they see the initial reduction in weight by cutting out carbs. Therefore, carbs = evil fat causing devil.
    When the fact is that cutting out an entire macro-nutrient from your diet will usually cause folks to eat less calories.

    That or they picked up a Taubes book and actually believed it. LOL.

    Grains killed Lyle's sister.
    I personally think Lyle sneaked grains into her diet. He's always been jealous of his sisters.
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    I hear you can get some really rapid weight loss by dropping carbs, protein, and fat from your diet completely.

    Thats what I need to do. Lol. Cost effective too.