JUNE STARTERS - Monday Weigh In - August 17



  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good Morning Good Morning: Sorry I didn't get on here sooner ... had to do the ritual Sunday morning breakfast at Good Eats Restaurant ... DH hates change so it has to happen ... but I've changed the over easy fried eggs to poached, the white toast with butter to dry rye, and the hash browns to sliced tomatoes. It's really quite yummy to make into a breakfast sandwich. I'll be faced with lots of temptation today ... it's girls day and we're playing tourist. We'll meet at the Rain Forest Cafe then do Maid of the Mist, Journey Behind the Falls, Falls Fury, and any other tourist trap we feel like doing. It should be loads of fun. Well, my BFF is picking me up soon so I better go ... I have to look up the menu for the Rain Forest Cafe and see if there's any chance I can be good. Have a great day all ... bye for now.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi everyone ... so I picked up a Jillian Michaels DVD - Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. Man oh man ... I'm big time sweating!! What a workout. I needed it after a day in Niagara Falls with the girls. Among other things, we rode the Maid of the Mist. I haven't done that in years ... it is AWESOME. If you're ever in the area I highly recommend that excursion. Well thanks to Jillian I burned off over 400 calories. Take care all ... I'm off to have a much needed shower and then relax a bit before bed. Sweet dreams and I'll talk to you tomorrow.

  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    I couldn't find a new thread so I will post this here for now and post again in the new thread once it is started.

    SW: 253.4 lbs (June 26)
    LW: 232.4
    CW: 228.6

    Progress this week: - 3.8 lbs
    Total Progress: - 24.8 lbs

    Hello All,

    So it is back to the grind today since my vacation is over. We managed to get quite a bit done in the yard. We are tearing up our old patio and redoing it since it was so uneven it looked like the hills of Tennessee. Plus our backyard is half weeds, half grass so I am turning all the dirt, put down some screening to prevent weeds and going to do grass seed. Not the ideal time of year to do it but it was the only time we had. Renovations continue in our basement as well with DH fixing the cracks in the foundation this past week.

    I went to Swiss Chalet with the fam for my birthday and spent the rest of the day doing yard work. I did however buy myself a wicked new desktop for my birthday that is capable of doing video editing (for those interested in specs - 9GB RAM, 1 GB dedicated video RAM, awesome video card and a wicked processor, blue ray player, lightscribe, 24" 50,000:1 contrast ratio flat screen monitor, 1 TB hard drive). I am so excited I could squee.

    I even managed to eat well all week but most of my exercise consisted of yard work. However when you have to sledge hammer a concrete pad apart it tends to burn those pesky calories.

    Well I hope you all had a good week as well and an even better one coming up.

    Take care,
  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476
    well i started in late may

    my SW was 140kg
    CW is 133.8kg
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