Looking Good For Christmas - WEEK SIX



  • RecliningFigure
    RecliningFigure Posts: 214 Member
    It is 2:30 and I have already gone over on my calories!! :grumble:

    I knew better then to go Subway...I can't resist the chocolate chip cookies!

    Stay away from the cookies!!! :bigsmile:

    I'm a cookie monster, that's me. But I do have this big giant whip that snaps that beast back. :bigsmile:
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    Can I join this group?? It sounds really great, and will help me get through not only my vacation in Oct, but will help me think longer term. So if its ok...I'll go ahead and post.

    Start Date: July 5th- weight 183.7
    Week 1 July 15th - weight 180 (- 3.7)
    Week 2 July 22- weight 178(-2) total - 5.7lbs
    Week 3 July 29- weight 178 (-0)

    Week 4 August 5- weight 177(-1) total -6.7lbs
    Week 5 August 12- weight 174.5 (-2.5) total -9.2 lbs
    Week 6 August 19 - weight 175 (+.5) :grumble: total - 8.7 lbs.
    Week 7 August 26
    Goal: 170
    Week 8 September 2 Labor Day is Monday
    Week 9 September 9
    Week 10 September 16
    Week 11 September 23
    Week 12 September 30
    Goal: 165
    Week 13 October 7 - Going to Mexico on the 3rd!! I want to be 165!
    Week 14 October 14
    Week 15 October 21
    Week 16 October 28
    Goal: 160
    Week 17 November 4
    Week 18 November 11
    Week 19 November 18
    Week 20 November 25
    Goal: 155
    Week 21 December 2
    Week 22 December 9
    Week 23 December 16
    Week 24 December 23 Christmas Eve is Tomorrow!
    Goal: 150
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    Seeing all your losses is so motivating!! i am hoping my goal of 170 by the end of this month will be attainable!! Great job all! :drinker:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I've already gotten all of my water in today.
    This is a first. I have never drank all my water, usually get about 4 and switch to diet coke.
    And it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I can do this!

    See, just have a little faith in yourself and you can do anything. WHOOOHOOO!!!! You go girl!!! :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Seeing all your losses is so motivating!! i am hoping my goal of 170 by the end of this month will be attainable!! Great job all! :drinker:

    Welcome Flutterby, glad that you are here. By the way, I love your name.
    Just make sure you watch what you eat and exercise everyday and you might make your goal. You can do anything if you put your mind to it. You can do this, we are all here for you. :bigsmile:
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I'm going to join in too....
    Starting weight 167
    Week 6 August 19 - 162.4
    Week 7 August 26 - my daughter's b-day, I hope I don't eat too much!
    Goal: 157
    Week 8 September 2 Labor Day is Monday
    Week 9 September 9
    Week 10 September 16
    Week 11 September 23
    Week 12 September 30
    Goal: 150
    Week 13 October 7
    Week 14 October 14
    Week 15 October 21
    Week 16 October 28 My b-day is the 26th - I'm hoping to be under 150, the lower the better! :tongue:
    Goal: 145
    Week 17 November 4
    Week 18 November 11
    Week 19 November 18
    Week 20 November 25
    Goal: 140
    Week 21 December 2
    Week 22 December 9
    Week 23 December 16
    Week 24 December 23 Christmas Eve is Tomorrow!
    Goal: 135 - that would be AMAZING if I made it to this weight by the end of the year!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    It is 2:30 and I have already gone over on my calories!! :grumble:

    I knew better then to go Subway...I can't resist the chocolate chip cookies!

    Chocolate chips, yummmmm.

    Do you have time to go and exercise today?

    Unfortunately I haven't had time to exercise at all. I have been trying to focus on my eatting which I have been doing really good except today. I even lost over 2 lbs this past week. I guess I just get back on the wagon tomorrow.

    I wish that I could get up first thing in the morning and exercise like I used to. But until I get my thyroid under control I don't seem to roll out of bed until 8 AM at the earliest. I am going to see a new doctor on Friday so I hope he can fix me...he specializes in thyroid, metabolism, and weight loss...he seems like he is the cure for everything I have wrong. :laugh:
  • cdickey
    cdickey Posts: 230
    Welcome to the newcomers! We're glad to have you on board with us.

    Congrats to those who lost this week. Keep trying hard to all those who haven't lost or have gained a wee bit. We are in this for the long haul, not just the short go. It'll come off in due time. I'm proud of everybody's efforts and look forward see big SMILEY faces when we reach or come close to our goals at Christmas. I'm shooting to be between 260 and 250 by then. I know with hard work and staying dedicated I can make it and you all can make your goals too.:wink:
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hi All,

    Woohoo! Congrats to all those who are working hard on their goals. As long as your are being honest with yourself, trying hard, and making adjustments when needed then it doesn't matter if you lost, maintained or gained a little. It will come off in the long run and fluctuations and plateaus are natural. It is your body's way of adjusting to changes it is going through.

    I am very excited today. It's my birthday and I had a mini goal of being 235 by today and I weighed in today at 230.8.

    My next mini goal is to be 225 by September 14 and I feel confident that I will meet and beat that!

    Well, take care all and be good to yourselves and your bodies.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000

  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Tammy - Happy Birthday and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: That is a GREAT present!!!

    Welcome to the new joiners! Can't wait to help each other make our goals! Mine is to lose 15-20 pounds by Christmas. So far I've lost 1 :ohwell: but these are the last 15-20 so I'm aware they'll come off slower. Still....... :explode: !!!

    HaHa! I'm going to try to stay motivated and work even harder!
  • jkroc
    jkroc Posts: 137 Member
    Tammy Happy Birthday:flowerforyou:

    To all the Newbies Welcome:flowerforyou: You can DO IT!!!

    What is everyone doing today for EXERCISE?

    I am on wk.2 day 3 of C25K!!
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Tammy Happy Birthday:flowerforyou:

    To all the Newbies Welcome:flowerforyou: You can DO IT!!!

    What is everyone doing today for EXERCISE?

    I am on wk.2 day 3 of C25K!!

    Hello Hello!

    How is C25K going for you? I started week 4 day 1 today. I was nervous about starting it, so I did 2 extra days of week 3. But, as it turns out, it went very well (maybe the extra 2 days helped). I find it so hard to believe that in week 1 I thought I was going to pass out before I made it to the 1 min mark and this morning I ran 5 straight mins and was barely even sweating :bigsmile: Keep up the great work! :happy: I almost find accomplishing this to be more exciting than losing weight b/c my body feels so different and when I am running is when I notice how much it has truely changed!

    Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:

    P.S. Does anyone else find it hard to believe we are already on week 6? :noway: Wow, does time fly!
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAMMY! And congrats on the great weight loss!!!

    Hope you have a great one! :flowerforyou: :love: :drinker: :happy:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    For Exercise Today? If it doesn't rain I think I'll take a walk on the Niagara Parkway and up Clifton Hill to check out some tourists. If it does rain I'll do one of my DVD's (zumba or turbo jam party). I'm looking forward to my chicken dinner tonight ... I'm starting to get hungry for it already. Mmmmm chicken & Sugar Snap Peas .... mmmmmm. Hope you're all doing well.

  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member

    What is everyone doing today for EXERCISE?

    I'm going to try to get in 4 miles of running tonight on the treadmill at the gym, it's just too hot to run outside here in Nashville. Ugh.

    Running has been my primary workout lately because I like the way it makes me feel and burns the most calories. But I think I need to add strength training to tone up. Have been thinking about Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones. Anyone used this before?

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member

    What is everyone doing today for EXERCISE?

    I'm going to try to get in 4 miles of running tonight on the treadmill at the gym, it's just too hot to run outside here in Nashville. Ugh.

    Running has been my primary workout lately because I like the way it makes me feel and burns the most calories. But I think I need to add strength training to tone up. Have been thinking about Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones. Anyone used this before?


    I like the Jillian Michaels No more Trouble Zones. I wish I would take the time to do it more often. If I remember correctly it is similar to 30 day Shred only longer. I hope I am not confusing this with her Banish Fat Boost Metabolism . They both contain seven 6 minute circuits and a cool down. Her workouts are intense. I tend to forget my DVD's in the summer and do my workouts outside walking and biking. I do plan to start using them again when the weather turns colder.
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Gonna do my old standby Sweatin to the Oldies. I just love Richard Simmons. I have so many other DVD's but I always go back to him. I have 30 day shred, Jillian Michaels for beginners, Paula Abdule, Walk Away the Pounds and many more, but I stick to Richard.

    Am I crazy????

  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member

    What is everyone doing today for EXERCISE?

    I'm going to try to get in 4 miles of running tonight on the treadmill at the gym, it's just too hot to run outside here in Nashville. Ugh.

    Running has been my primary workout lately because I like the way it makes me feel and burns the most calories. But I think I need to add strength training to tone up. Have been thinking about Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones. Anyone used this before?


    I like the Jillian Michaels No more Trouble Zones. I wish I would take the time to do it more often. If I remember correctly it is similar to 30 day Shred only longer. I hope I am not confusing this with her Banish Fat Boost Metabolism . They both contain seven 6 minute circuits and a cool down. Her workouts are intense. I tend to forget my DVD's in the summer and do my workouts outside walking and biking. I do plan to start using them again when the weather turns colder.

    Thanks for the info! I like my workouts to be intense! The more I sweat (which is a lot :ohwell: !) the better I feel afterwards, so I'll have to try that one!
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Magglett, I love your new pic!!! :flowerforyou:

    Those 26 pounds lost are looking great on you! :glasses: