Looking Good For Christmas - WEEK SIX



  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    It is 2:30 and I have already gone over on my calories!! :grumble:

    I knew better then to go Subway...I can't resist the chocolate chip cookies!

    Chocolate chips, yummmmm.

    Do you have time to go and exercise today?

    Unfortunately I haven't had time to exercise at all. I have been trying to focus on my eatting which I have been doing really good except today. I even lost over 2 lbs this past week. I guess I just get back on the wagon tomorrow.

    I wish that I could get up first thing in the morning and exercise like I used to. But until I get my thyroid under control I don't seem to roll out of bed until 8 AM at the earliest. I am going to see a new doctor on Friday so I hope he can fix me...he specializes in thyroid, metabolism, and weight loss...he seems like he is the cure for everything I have wrong. :laugh:

    Good luck at the doctors appointment today. Let us know what he said. :bigsmile:

    I went to the doctor and he said that I need to go get more blood work done and go back in 2 weeks. He thinks we need to change the medication that I am on and that I might be insulin resistant. We will find out in 2 weeks. :happy:

    I hope the new meds will work for you. I know the wait is a pain, hang in there.
  • GumbyAnne
    GumbyAnne Posts: 130 Member
    Just checking in (sorry it is late). On wednesday in was at 199 for a week of zero loss.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I'm feeling fat and puffed out today ... do you ever get days when you feel like that? The scale doesn't show any gain or anything ... I guess Its in my mind.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I'm feeling fat and puffed out today ... do you ever get days when you feel like that? The scale doesn't show any gain or anything ... I guess Its in my mind.

    Not in your mind......unless it is in mine too. There are days I feel so bloated I could explde. I feel like my jeans are going to pop the button and hit someone across the room, and then the next day that feeling is gone. Not sure what causes it but sure am glad when it goes away.:drinker:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
  • cdickey
    cdickey Posts: 230

    ME TOO!!

    I hope everybody has a good weekend. Don't blow those calories if you can help it!!!!1:happy:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I have to share something ... well I guess you could say I have to brag ... I'm so excited. When I first started this journey I measured myself and I haven't done it again ... until tonight. I knew there would be a change but WOW!!!!! I've lost 5.5" off my bust (which makes my hubby pout), 4.5" off my waist, 2.5" off my hips, and before I joined MFP I had a panniculectomy which left me will this spare tire type thing above my hips so I call this my "scared area" ... well there's also 6" gone from that area too. Holy Moly man ... no wonder people are stopping me to ask what I've been doing. There really is a big difference eh? Thank you thank you thank you to everyone involved with MFP. You're the best!!!
  • kdm9295
    kdm9295 Posts: 126 Member
    That is absolutely amazing! Good for you. Those are some big numbers. I like to see peoples inches lost, it's impressive.

    Keep it up.
  • kdm9295
    kdm9295 Posts: 126 Member
    This has not been a good weight loss week for me. Pretty frustrating actually. My allergies have gone nuts and I've been on allergy medicine all week, makes not very motivated to work out. I gained back a couple pounds, so I'll be kicking it up next week.
    At least this weekend is going to be very busy, and very active. Tomorrow we're going to the local water park, which is always good for miles and miles of walking up and down hills.

    Hope you all have a good weekend!
  • jkroc
    jkroc Posts: 137 Member
    I have to share something ... well I guess you could say I have to brag ... I'm so excited. When I first started this journey I measured myself and I haven't done it again ... until tonight. I knew there would be a change but WOW!!!!! I've lost 5.5" off my bust (which makes my hubby pout), 4.5" off my waist, 2.5" off my hips, and before I joined MFP I had a panniculectomy which left me will this spare tire type thing above my hips so I call this my "scared area" ... well there's also 6" gone from that area too. Holy Moly man ... no wonder people are stopping me to ask what I've been doing. There really is a big difference eh? Thank you thank you thank you to everyone involved with MFP. You're the best!!!

    AWSOME JOB:flowerforyou: You CAN do it!!!
  • jkroc
    jkroc Posts: 137 Member
    This has not been a good weight loss week for me. Pretty frustrating actually. My allergies have gone nuts and I've been on allergy medicine all week, makes not very motivated to work out. I gained back a couple pounds, so I'll be kicking it up next week.
    At least this weekend is going to be very busy, and very active. Tomorrow we're going to the local water park, which is always good for miles and miles of walking up and down hills.

    Hope you all have a good weekend!

    Have FUN at the water park. I've been outside mowing my lawn for 1 hr. with a push mower. OMG....am I HOT!! It's so humid outside...off to jump in my pool for the afternoon.
    Hope everyone is having a great Sat.:drinker:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hello Looking Good For Christmas Gang: I hope you're all having a fun filled weekend. I don't know about where you are but here in Niagara, Ontario the weather is really wonky ... this morning I went for a one and a half hour walk ... when I started it was super hot and humid and there was nothing but blue skies to be seen ... then this huge black cloud rolled passed and hid the sun and dropped the temperature a bit ... then the blue skies were back again with the heat ... then when I got home the rain started for an hour or so, that brought the temperature right down ... now the sky is all clear again. I think mother nature is having a little manic/depressive episode today. She just can't make up her mind ... hmmm ... maybe she's menopausal (I can relate to the mood swings). Oh well ... other then the mixed up weather conditions, today has been pretty good. I got my exercise in first thing this morning and my food choices have been positive ... I wish every day was like that. Drop a note if you get the chance ... how's your day going?

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good Morning Good Morning: Sorry I didn't get on here sooner ... had to do the ritual Sunday morning breakfast at Good Eats Restaurant ... DH hates change so it has to happen ... but I've changed the over easy fried eggs to poached, the white toast with butter to dry rye, and the hash browns to sliced tomatoes. It's really quite yummy to make into a breakfast sandwich. I'll be faced with lots of temptation today ... it's girls day and we're playing tourist. We'll meet at the Rain Forest Cafe then do Maid of the Mist, Journey Behind the Falls, Falls Fury, and any other tourist trap we feel like doing. It should be loads of fun. Well, my BFF is picking me up soon so I better go ... I have to look up the menu for the Rain Forest Cafe and see if there's any chance I can be good. Have a great day all ... bye for now.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi everyone ... so I picked up a Jillian Michaels DVD - Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. Man oh man ... I'm big time sweating!! What a workout. I needed it after a day in Niagara Falls with the girls. Among other things, we rode the Maid of the Mist. I haven't done that in years ... it is AWESOME. If you're ever in the area I highly recommend that excursion. Well thanks to Jillian I burned off over 400 calories. Take care all ... I'm off to have a much needed shower and then relax a bit before bed. Sweet dreams and I'll talk to you tomorrow.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi there ... I'm at work ... don't you just love mondays :grumble: Just wanted to pop in and say hello.

  • cdickey
    cdickey Posts: 230
    Morning Everybody! I hope you all had a good weekend and are looking forward to checking in on Wednesday. I have fluctuated all weekend with my weight but I think I might still be able to pull off a loss by Wednesday. (I'm an everyday weigher:embarassed: ) Anyway, you all keep up the good work!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Morning Everybody! I hope you all had a good weekend and are looking forward to checking in on Wednesday. I have fluctuated all weekend with my weight but I think I might still be able to pull off a loss by Wednesday. (I'm an everyday weigher:embarassed: ) Anyway, you all keep up the good work!
    I too am one of those who get on the scale daily (but I only record what shows on Monday mornings). With me I think it's a control thing ... I know it will fluctuate ... but I just gotta know what's going on.

  • kdm9295
    kdm9295 Posts: 126 Member
    We had such a good time at the water park yesterday. Wish I had a pedometer to track how much we walked. And I was able to stick with my picnic lunch that I packed, turkey meat w/ swiss cheese. No ice cream, funnel cakes, pizza that the rest of the family indulged in.

    Now it's back to work and time to stay way from the huge platter of giant cupcakes sitting in the break room.
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hello All and thank you for the wonderful birthday wishes!!!!

    So it is back to the grind today since my vacation is over. We managed to get quite a bit done in the yard. We are tearing up our old patio and redoing it since it was so uneven it looked like the hills of Tennessee. Plus our backyard is half weeds, half grass so I am turning all the dirt, put down some screening to prevent weeds and going to do grass seed. Not the ideal time of year to do it but it was the only time we had. Renovations continue in our basement as well with DH fixing the cracks in the foundation this past week.

    I went to Swiss Chalet with the fam for my birthday and spent the rest of the day doing yard work. I did however buy myself a wicked new desktop for my birthday that is capable of doing video editing (for those interested in specs - 9GB RAM, 1 GB dedicated video RAM, awesome video card and a wicked processor, blue ray player, lightscribe, 24" 50,000:1 contrast ratio flat screen monitor, 1 TB hard drive). I am so excited I could squee.

    I even managed to eat well all week but most of my exercise consisted of yard work. However when you have to sledge hammer a concrete pad apart it tends to burn those pesky calories.

    Well I hope you all had a good week as well and an even better one coming up.

    Take care,
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I too weigh everyday it helps me track the good and the bad and what foods really make me retain water.

    I tried to make a healthier spaghetti sauce on Saturday. Bought the low sodium diced tomatoes added my own spices and flavorings. Along comes my husband and tastes it. He decides it needs more flavor so he adds garlic salt and onion salt...oh well at least I ate it on spaghetti squash.

    Last night was not any better. I was feeling lazy and did not want to work to hard to make dinner so I grabbed one of those boxed Banquet dinners and cooked. How easy in the pan in 5 minutes 25 minutes to cook and then you can eat. I read the nutrition label this morning. One serving 300+ calories and 55% of my daily allotment of sodium.:cry: Need to drink extra water today to flush the system. The scale was up 2 pounds this morning.:angry::grumble: Hope it is just water retention.

    Back on track this morning and the rest of the week.

    Have a great Monday!