Be brutally honest please!



  • _Thanatos_
    _Thanatos_ Posts: 166
    You look fine to me. Ignore 'em
  • I don't see it at all, your beautiful !
  • sktllmdrhmz
    sktllmdrhmz Posts: 1,799 Member
    I see it. The eyes, the nose, the smile. They're all similar.

    You're cute, though, so what's it matter?
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    Not at all! You're beautiful. They are just jealous.
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    I do see a resemblance, but only in the way that I sometimes think people resemble certain animals. Specifically, you've got the beautiful brown eyes and cute rounded features. So, if they said it, I don't know that they meant it maliciously. And if they did mean it maliciously, they are stupid because you are very attractive.

    This. 100% this. You're beautiful, but I do see some Ogre Fiona in you. Just because your nose is so adorably rounded. That's all. They can't possibly mean you're unattractive.

    True..I am shocked how many people "avoided saying something like this"...she said be
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    I see it. The eyes, the nose, the smile. They're all similar.

    You're cute, though, so what's it matter?

    That's why you my homie!

    keeps it real...

    OP is a cutie!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Personally, I think you are a beautiful girl. And I am generally honest with people. I don't look at you and see Shrek.

    Your sister-in-law is a jealous, hateful *****... and that's the truth. The most important thing is do you think that you are beautiful. If so, then nothing else really matters. Don't let other people's opinions of you dictate how you feel. I certainly wouldn't take the opinion of your sister-in-law considering that she is nasty enough of a person to talk about a relative behind their back, and is likely full of her own self-loathing.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Guessing you live in the states, no? Your features are stronger than a typical caucasian American - you look like you have some Eastern European, possibly Polish or Russian in you, but looking like Shrek? No. Not at all.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I found out a couple of days ago that my sister in law and her husband have been saying I look like shrek. Only thing I can think of is that its my nose. Now please be honest. If you see it tell me because if I truely do I need to get something done about it. But if I dont then I need to stop stressing over it.

    Meh, if you look like Shrek then your SIL looks like Donkey and her husband looks like Doris, the ugly step sister.

    I :heart: you!
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    You don't look like Shrek, but you do look like you have a computer generated face, you know the ones where they take say " CLICK HERE TO SEE WHAT YOUR BABY IS GOING TO LOOK LIKE" and thats what you look like...

    NOW HERE is fiona!


    Enjoy. :)
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    I found out a couple of days ago that my sister in law and her husband have been saying I look like shrek. Only thing I can think of is that its my nose. Now please be honest. If you see it tell me because if I truely do I need to get something done about it. But if I dont then I need to stop stressing over it.

    Wow. First of all...NO! Not at all! Second of all...I'd have slapped the hell out of them!
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    I do see a resemblance, but only in the way that I sometimes think people resemble certain animals. Specifically, you've got the beautiful brown eyes and cute rounded features. So, if they said it, I don't know that they meant it maliciously. And if they did mean it maliciously, they are stupid because you are very attractive.

    This. 100% this. You're beautiful, but I do see some Ogre Fiona in you. Just because your nose is so adorably rounded. That's all. They can't possibly mean you're unattractive.

    True..I am shocked how many people "avoided saying something like this"...she said be

    I agree completely! She asked for brutal honestly, and I was all ready to give it, too! But, I don't personally see it...just me, maybe!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I don't think you should be insulted... I think Shrek is cute! I think it might be your eyes. You have some beautiful innocent and sweet eyes.

    We always say my sister in law looks like an ostrich...she is tall and lanky. Doesn't mean she is ugly in the least...just just has features that remind us of animals or cartoon characters.
  • Oh, and another thing. You dont ever ever need to be around someone who needs to stand on someone else to feel taller. They need to get a life. Makes me mad!!! They are trying to get a laugh at your expense. Mean.
  • zombiefarmboy
    zombiefarmboy Posts: 221 Member
    You are a very pretty woman.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Ok, there's only one way to settle this:


    You look nothing like Shrek. Anyone tells you any different please drop kick them with my blessing.

    That is all.
  • Marley112586
    Marley112586 Posts: 168 Member
    Ok, there's only one way to settle this:


    You look nothing like Shrek. Anyone tells you any different please drop kick them with my blessing.

    That is all.

    EEKK!! This is a horrible pic to blow up like that! I had just gotten out of bed. :D
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Ok I came here read your post without looking at your pic and my first thought was I have friends that look like cartoon characters and to say which ones arent very flattering abd in reality some of them are rather pretty. If you resemble a ugly creature that doesnt mean your ugly. I know a pretty ***** that all the guys love and I think she resembles a cartoon frog. Shes still pretty tho unfortunately.

    So then I looked at your pic. Eyes? Nope, shreks are wide set...yours are not.
    Nose? His is huge and round and long. Yours isnt a mini ski slope but it is no shrek. (I like your nose actually, its like my sisters...I got the long pointer giant version haha)
    I think you have a gorgeous smile, shreks isnt bad either haha
    Definately not a skin tone thing

    So I'm lost. I think a person can be pretty and resemble shrek. The princess is hot and resembles the green version, yes? Sounds like someones jealous. If you hear it again Id loudly insert you must be getting mixed up with the princess ;)
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    Wow you're brother's a meathead. You don't look like Shrek.
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    I found out a couple of days ago that my sister in law and her husband have been saying I look like shrek. Only thing I can think of is that its my nose. Now please be honest. If you see it tell me because if I truely do I need to get something done about it. But if I dont then I need to stop stressing over it.

    WTH!??? That is totally rude...and NO YOU DON'T LOOK LIKE SHREK!