I seem like the only chick...



  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I want to wear a bikini just to see what it's like. My husband actually perfers one piece suits on women. I have a retro pin-up style one ths year and he thinks it's super hot. The last/only time I wore a bikini was the summer after 7th grade. This is the one I want to wear, I love this look. I have stretch marks from two big babies, ha.

    Super cute! Something similar is my goal too! :D
  • Beleren
    Beleren Posts: 142
    I don't like "advertising" what isn't for sale :)
    So get a burqa. What a disgusting and insulting thing to say.

    I agree. Unfortunately, some people like to get on their high horse when it comes to modesty.

    Live and let live.
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    A 26 year old should not be thinking, "I'm no spring chicken anymore"! That's just not right. You are still a spring chicken. As for the bikini, you're right. It's all about confidence and self-esteem. It's about being comfortable in your own skin. We all have different levels of comfort.

    BTW, I think you're beautiful. If I didn't, I wouldn't tell you that every morning! LOL

    LOL, thanks.. and your right, i shouldnt say things like "i'm no spring chicken" ;)
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    I don't like "advertising" what isn't for sale :)
    So get a burqa. What a disgusting and insulting thing to say.

    I agree. Unfortunately, some people like to get on their high horse when it comes to modesty.

    Live and let live.

    Bikinis and One pieces both look great from up here :wink:
  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    I am not trying to get into a bikini...I am trying to get out of the plus size section and comfortably into some regular sizes. Of course I want to be healthy, but I'm interested in my appearance also.
  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566
    That doesn't have the main goal, to rock a 2 piece bikini. Everywhere I go all I hear is "I can't wait to get to my goal weight, so i can be bikini ready". Guess my main goal is more focused on health (looks are good too). Even when I get to my goal weight , after having my daughter, I look like I got attacked by a cougar. But I've accepted it, and I don't want anyone having to see all of that. Now, this isn't to say that if you have stretch marks (ladies) that you can't pull a 2 piece off. If you can and want to, more power to ya. Hell, that just shows you have more confidence than I do. But I think i've just accepted that I'm a mother, my body has its flaws and I'm no spring chicken any more, so time for me to chill in my mama one piece. Any other ladies out there feel the same??

    I rock a bikini now, lol. Fat or not, I love me and I love a good tan. My goal is to be healthier whether it causes weight loss along the way or not.
  • poodlepaws
    poodlepaws Posts: 269 Member
    I have absolutely NO desire to rock a 2 piece bathing suit! Hell, at this point I'm still not willing to get into a 1 piece and I'm a lot smaller now than I was the last time I wore one!
    I just want to be happy in my own skin and to rock some cute clothes!
  • Beleren
    Beleren Posts: 142
    Bikinis and One pieces both look great from up here :wink:

    At least you'll get a nice view. ;)
  • ajhr
    ajhr Posts: 92 Member
    One of my goals is to look great in ALL of my clothes - if that happens to include a bikini, super! If I'm rocking a one-piece then that's awesome, too :)
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    This body will not rock a bikini. I plan on rocking a tankini where all my bits are covered!
  • chosengiver
    chosengiver Posts: 1,493
    Heres what I am going to ware when I hit my beach weight. Oh yeah full of awesome!:laugh:

    This reminded me of a pic i saw of John Mayer!!
    Wrong wrong wrong on every level!!!
  • bewitchinglife
    bewitchinglife Posts: 167 Member
    No bikini for me thanks.

    I want to be lean, strong and bad *kitten*.

    I want to climb mountains without passing out or on.

    I want to be able to run and play with my kids and not get tired.

    I want to be fit enough for hours and hours of fun with hubs.

    A bikini isn't even on my radar.

    I want performance.
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    That doesn't have the main goal, to rock a 2 piece bikini. Everywhere I go all I hear is "I can't wait to get to my goal weight, so i can be bikini ready". Guess my main goal is more focused on health (looks are good too). Even when I get to my goal weight , after having my daughter, I look like I got attacked by a cougar. But I've accepted it, and I don't want anyone having to see all of that. Now, this isn't to say that if you have stretch marks (ladies) that you can't pull a 2 piece off. If you can and want to, more power to ya. Hell, that just shows you have more confidence than I do. But I think i've just accepted that I'm a mother, my body has its flaws and I'm no spring chicken any more, so time for me to chill in my mama one piece. Any other ladies out there feel the same??

    Right there with yer.....although I have the body worthy of a bikini, I actually am still too self conscious to wear one. Nevermind the fact that over here in England, our Summer lasts for about 2-3weeks and quite frankly is not bikini worthy weather. It has to be mid 20's Celcius before I even contemplate stripping down to shorts let alone a bikini. On vacations, its different as no-one knows you so you don't feel as self conscious. But in answer to your question, bikini wearing has never been my goal. I just simply want to be healthier.
  • mali240
    mali240 Posts: 126
    i guess i am one of those ladies who want to be bikini ready. its not so much about flashing your bits around as someone said, but more to have that confidence that i feel comfortable enough in my own skin. (Not to say you are uncomfortable with yourself if you're not wearing a two piece). I personally find bikinis more flattering on me, one pieces make me feel like a stumpy square (dont have a very defined waist and i have short legs).
    as for the stretch marks, who cares??? my skin expanded coz my beautiful LO was there. I aint ashamed of them.. if other people are offended by my scars, they are free to look the other way.

    that being said, im not losing my weight so i can wear a bikini and thats it, of course the main goal is to be healthier, have more staminia but hey some of us wanna be in a bikini while being healthy.
  • Beleren
    Beleren Posts: 142
    i guess i am one of those ladies who want to be bikini ready. its not so much about flashing your bits around as someone said, but more to have that confidence that i feel comfortable enough in my own skin. (Not to say you are uncomfortable with yourself if you're not wearing a two piece). I personally find bikinis more flattering on me, one pieces make me feel like a stumpy square (dont have a very defined waist and i have short legs).
    as for the stretch marks, who cares??? my skin expanded coz my beautiful LO was there. I aint ashamed of them.. if other people are offended by my scars, they are free to look the other way.

    that being said, im not losing my weight so i can wear a bikini and thats it, of course the main goal is to be healthier, have more staminia but hey some of us wanna be in a bikini while being healthy.

    Love the confidence. :)