Advice please...guys point of view as well



  • riddellr
    riddellr Posts: 23

    Run Far...

    Run Fast....
  • Establishedn1986
    Establishedn1986 Posts: 306 Member
    I say at lease he's being honest with you and letting you know where he at. Now you have a choice either to give in or keep doing you and take all the time you need. That's one of the things that you have to give him credit for is he's honest. so many women and men say after the fact that if they would have known they would have did something different .... Here is your chance!!!!


    Ps. Sex should be something that you are clear and up front about. Yes it does take time sometimes to get it right. But if your needs are not met or your being something your not. It won't last long anyways

    I agree. I would be glad that he is honest. This puts the ball in your court, and where it goes from there is up to you!
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Like it was said before, there is no such thing as ~bad~ sex. Only sex and great sex. The only way 'Sex' becomes 'Great Sex' is when the couple really really dig eachother and they work together in both a sexual and interpersonal way.

    You can be inexperienced in sex, but the person that cares for you will help you become better at it and vice versa. The fact that he has put out to you and asking if you make great sex just shows that he doesnt seem to interested in making the effort to make casual sex turn into great sex. Unless you are paying for it, sex isnt gonna be instantly great. Especially when its something he is asking for rather than having it mutually come up together. If he is lookin for a booty call, then he can get one from a sex website.

    One does not simply ask for great sex. One earns it.

    Casual sex comes from someone with spread legs and someone else with a boner
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    Tell him he can go f@ck himself or get him one of those blow up dolls and jerk off to that. But before you tell him off make sure he takes you out to a nice dinner or an activity that YOU enjoy . You might as well get somrehing out of this since he is wasting your time.
  • kaylasue_mustlose
    Sounds to me like you should RUN. What kind of REAL man would say that to a woman that he respected? A real man wouldn't have time to think about "how good the sex is" because he would be trying to get to know you. I would have laughed in his face. But that is just me! Sex with me is a privlige...not a "tryout"! You can do much better.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Sexual chemistry is a very important part of a lasting relationship. I would want to be sure the sex was gonna be at least 'something to work with' before I tried entering in to a long-term relationship with someone. Doesn't make him a pig or shallow.. he's being honest and practical and sharing with you how he feels.

    Honestly, if someone has more stock in the sexual chemistry of their relationship than you do, then it won't last forever anyway. You have to be on the same page about a few key items, and I believe this is one of them.
  • ryanpayne4
    ryanpayne4 Posts: 64 Member
  • TiffanyWasmer
    TiffanyWasmer Posts: 190 Member
    I would pass him a bottle of lotion and say "Get to it and then you tell me if it was good cause that's all the sexin you gonna be gettin"

    Best answer ever! Seriously, tell him to kiss it...and then RUN as fast as you possibly can :)
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    The guy is a jerk for saying it, and you're better off without him.

    However~ For those who haven't had it, let me assure you there *is* such a thing as bad sex.
    I've dumped men because of it.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Maybe he would settle for a mouth hug?
  • deepfuture
    deepfuture Posts: 35 Member
    That statement from him is enough for you to know what kinda guy he is .. RUN !!!
  • capricorn0120
    capricorn0120 Posts: 109 Member
    He's a big jerk. You've been on 2 dates and he wants to have sex to see if you're compatible in bed? Are you physically attractive to him? How well did the previous dates go, is there any depth to him or is he shallow and full of himself?

    I think that if there's an attraction sex will happen naturally. He seems desperate and in a hurry. Why not date for a while longer and see if there is something there?
  • iva001
    iva001 Posts: 162
    I hope this guy is history already. I know people are praising his honesty but I still think he was disrespectful.

    Anyway, be glad he was upfront about it and you only wasted two dates on him. He must have been really hot if you still felt some attraction to him after that.
  • hallmanm
    hallmanm Posts: 6
    Ew, what a JERK. Run fast and run far, my friend. There are much better fish in the sea.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I don't see the issue here. You want one thing, he wants another. Time to say goodbye.

    I don't think he is being a douche by telling you right from the get go what he believes is important to him. Personally, I had the same viewpoint when I was single. Whilst I would have expressed myself differently I wouldn't enter a relationship with someone I wasn't sexually compatible with and I would have preferred to have found that out sooner rather than later.
  • Here2GetFit
    Here2GetFit Posts: 292
    In my opinion, he clearly isn't interested in you. No guy that REALLY liked a woman would make such a bonehead statement like that. It sounds he is just looking for some action.
  • hallmanm
    hallmanm Posts: 6
    That statement from him is enough for you to know what kinda guy he is .. RUN !!!

    Amen to that! :smile:
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    tell him you ain't a car - which he needs to test drive before buying, then after you can let him know that when ever and if he ever decides to be a real man and understands that a woman is to be respected you might, just might, consider going out with him again (that is if you like him a lot)
  • iva001
    iva001 Posts: 162
    I don't see the issue here. You want one thing, he wants another. Time to say goodbye.

    I don't think he is being a douche by telling you right from the get go what he believes is important to him. Personally, I had the same viewpoint when I was single. Whilst I would have expressed myself differently I wouldn't enter a relationship with someone I wasn't sexually compatible with and I would have preferred to have found that out sooner rather than later.

    If you really liked a girl (as much as you possibly can after 2 dates) would you really risk turning her off by discussing sex so soon?
  • moosetrap
    moosetrap Posts: 18
    I'd say take a pass on this guy. He's obviously a dyed-in-the-wool jerk. There will be better men out there who will treat you with more respect than that. Guarantee it.