will quitting drinking really help THAT much??



  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    I quit drinking.

    Of course, I was drinking 12-18 beers/4 nights a week.

    That's a big calorie deficit!

    ...of course I am recovering alcoholic, so yea.
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    you can do it occasionally but I know there the same amount of calories in a glass of red wine as there is in a big mac =) but if you do it like once a month you should be fine =)
    Holy crap how big is that glass?

    A big Mac is about 540 cals!

    lol theres about 100 per glass, but honestly..who has one glass.

    ha ha , okay, point taken...
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 366 Member
    I switched from beer to wine and cider when I went gluten free....I lost a bunch of weight at the beginning. Now it has slowed down, and I am thinking of giving up my nightly wine (usually two glasses). The problem is that I have insomnia, and if I don't have wine before bed, I am up every couple hours. If I just have those two glasses then I sleep fine and no hangover.

    What to do?? I love my wine!!
  • hipsdontlie1
    hipsdontlie1 Posts: 294 Member
    I quit drinking.

    Of course, I was drinking 12-18 beers/4 nights a week.

    That's a big calorie deficit!

    ...of course I am recovering alcoholic, so yea.

    Amazing progress, good for you!!
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    I switched from beer to wine and cider when I went gluten free....I lost a bunch of weight at the beginning. Now it has slowed down, and I am thinking of giving up my nightly wine (usually two glasses). The problem is that I have insomnia, and if I don't have wine before bed, I am up every couple hours. If I just have those two glasses then I sleep fine and no hangover.

    What to do?? I love my wine!!

    Honestly, in small servings, wine is fine - try to cut back to 1 glass a night instead of 2 and sip it reeeeally slowly....
  • HunterKiller_wechange
    HunterKiller_wechange Posts: 369 Member
    Alcohol and fitness definately don't mix and i know because i used to be a proper piss head! Not only is it bad for you but it affects your workouts too. In the end i just decided not to drink anymore as i'd rather be fit than drink. A bit of a no brainer really. :)

    The odd one now and again won't hurt though. I said one!
  • ElviraCross
    ElviraCross Posts: 331 Member
    I could never do it. I have way too much fun with my husband on our date nights to our favorite bar.
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    Quitting drinking won't just help with weight loss, but it will help decrease chances of NAFLD and AFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and alcohol fatty liver disease).
  • profgal43
    profgal43 Posts: 115 Member
    RE: comparing a glass of wine to a Big Mac: How big is your glass?? An average serving of red wine (10 oz) is 200 calories. A Big Mac is 550 calories... not quite the same :) I'm not giving up my glass of wine a couple times a week because I won't keep that up for the long run and that's my goal. This is really a personal decision. Just count the calories!
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Whoever said that there is 80 calories in one shot of vodka is going to a very generous bar! There are approx 55 calories in a 25ml shot of vodka......40 in 25ml Pimms (add some diet lemonade and that's one very happy English-girl), 50 in a shot of Malibu (retro but tasty) and about 60 in a Gin and Slimline.
    I don't drink beer but can quite happily tell you there's a tasty 210 calories in a pint (a whole pint) of Guinness and for an entire bottle of wine (provided it's dry white or red) and you're consuming around 550 calories.

    Drinking didn't do my weight loss any harm. I might sweat it out in the gym, but I also like to sweat it out dancing to live music with my friends and a beverage in my hand...:drinker:
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Hey kids!
    SO ive been thinking about quitting drinking! Due to my social life and influence of my friends!! lol i like to think its their fault.. I drink on average once a weekend, somtimes twice. and when I do drink, I'll drink about a pint and maybe 1 beer. Do you guys really think if I stop drinking all together that it will show?!? Or if I cut it down to once a month?? Let me know what you think!

    I'm a beer-and-wine drinker and I have no plans to give it up. However, beer and wine are largely empty calories, so giving them up would (if I chose to do it) free up some calories for food and/or increased speed of weight loss.

    It's certainly not going to HURT your weight loss progress, but keep in mind that you are also in this to learn what works for you long-term. Completely cutting out alcohol in all its forms is not a bad idea, but is it one you want to do forever? Once you lose the weight, will you go back to your old habits? Or are you prepared with a plan to slowly reintroduce it or planning on giving it up forever?
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I dropped 10lbs as soon as I got sober. 10lbs. No joke.
  • Not sure if someone has mentioned this already (sorry if they have) but its not the actual amount of calories in your beverage which causes problems, its the effect the alcohol has on your metabolism.

    Alcohol slows down your metabolisation of other fat. Most of the alcohol you drink is converted by your liver into something called acetate and this acetate is used as your body's primary source of fuel and energy. It replaces fat consumption. One study showed that fat metabolism dropped by 73% for several hours after two drinks.

    Then, as I and many others have done on way home from a night out, we go to the fast food place and get a ridiculous amount of greasy food to eat on the way home...the fats etc from this along with our now slowed metabolism is where weight gain can occur or weight loss can stall.

    Hope this helps and I apologise if this has already been mentioned
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Hey kids!
    SO ive been thinking about quitting drinking! Due to my social life and influence of my friends!! lol i like to think its their fault.. I drink on average once a weekend, somtimes twice. and when I do drink, I'll drink about a pint and maybe 1 beer. Do you guys really think if I stop drinking all together that it will show?!? Or if I cut it down to once a month?? Let me know what you think!

    If you don't drink every day, I don't think it is hurting you at all.
  • Ummm............ can you talk to my Hubby! lol Good Job! =0)
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    ...besides, if you dont eat that day to make room for the alcoholic calories.....you get drunk faster and cheaper!!! :drinker: :drinker: