Turbo Jammers 8/24-8/30



  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Morning!! Last night I did 60 minutes of dance cardio and Burn 3. I am back to working out in the evenings so I will post once I've done my daily duty.

    Casey- Thanks for your help on Facebook earlier this week. I think I might follow Ghanie's lead and add some good stretching sessions during the week.

    Erika-Your spreadsheet also made me laugh. I am a bit OCD about my DVD's. I never thought about the spreadsheet though....hummm. I am starting to love the Dancy DVD's because they help with my abs. I've noticed a huge difference in my abs when I do my other dance DVD's and am hoping to kick it up a notch. There is also a Turbo Kick class offered near my house. I'm trying to decide if it's worth joining that gym or if I should just buy the DVD online.

    Ghanie and Angel-Congrats on your weight loss this year!! It gives me hope!!

    Okay, back to work for me!!
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Hello ladies (in Chalene's voice- j/k)

    Wow, I had a HORRIBLE day yesterday. I woke up and went running- just to get to terrible side cramp after 6 minutes. :angry: Does anyone know what to do for side cramps? I did run for 14 out of 20 minutes and then I walked with my mom who is visiting.

    Then I went to work and I almost walked out. :explode: Not only did I get out 2 hours late (with family visiting), I was yelled at repeatedly and people just don't listen to me. One of my patients was crashing and I told a nurse to get me a few things stat- and they asked me why. I actually had to say, "Because I am a doctor and I need to revive my patient." :angry: The lack of respect is hurtful and there 's no team atmosphere- which means the quality of medicine is not OK.:mad: I was so exhausted and emotionally drained when I came home that I ate dinner (at 10:30) and went to bed. I ate rather healthy (no pizza, no chocolate) but I never tracked my calories yesterday- so I feel guilty about that as well- especially since today is my 2 month check point.:sad:

    Sorry about my rant, just know if my 9 years of school hadn't cost so much I would have walked out. My sister moved out yesterday and husband forgot to get me a new scale:grumble:, so my 2 month weigh in will be tomorrow now.

    Anyway, today I'm going to do biggest loser cardiomax and probably go for a walk and do AbJam tonight. The good news is I'm off work for 3 days and I'll be with my parents:happy:

    Hope you have a wonderful day and thanks for letting me vent- it's keeping my mind off the bad calories and fat from chocolate, pizza and ice cream!

  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Wow Erica...that nurse is something else!! I hope today is a better day. Don't feel guilty about not tracking the food. I hope today is better for you. I will try to research about the side cramps to see if I can come up with anything. Hugs girl, you're doing great!!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Hey jammers!
    Busy day today as always! Went out in the mist/rain this am to get my run in..had to use my IPOD for a stopwatch as the hr monitor continues to get lighter and lighter...:grumble:
    Going to do some CE Lean 3 later..then off for chores, errands, packing for MN trip with Jason:smooched:
    Lilangel: Good for you taking a break. Sometimes when you get active it's hard! And not to worry about the man thing..enjoy life and he will come when he's meant to be..and he'll def be worth the wait:bigsmile:
    Erika: Tony Horton is a hoot..too funny as you'd think he'd be totally like let's do it and be a hard *kitten*! He is..but a funny one:laugh:
    Spiral: Way to continue to rock it out and support others! I am here anytime..glad to help..I know you'd do the same back!!!:flowerforyou:
    Erica: Don't feel bad about the rant..sound like you are having a tough time with work..which totally sucks..it takes up a lot of our day! I am amazed at how you keep at it..go girl!:noway:
    Keep it real all...
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey everyone, busy day over here too. They're painting one of the apartments near my unit so we had to shut everything up and turn on the AC. That kinda got me feeling a bit lazy so it took me a while to get to my workout. But I did it and I don't think there is any workout that works out my legs quite like ballet conditioning. I also burned more calories than I estimated so I thought I'd treat myself to a half a kit-kat bar, yum.

    spiralgirl71, what type of stretch routine are you doing?

    Erica, I hope you were able to file some kind of complaint against that nurse. It sounds like the type of thing that would get a dumbass like that fired and blacklisted. That reminds me, I gotta try to apply for insurance again, hehe.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening girls! It was a busy day for me at work today..and I've felt so sluggish all day:frown: I managed to complete my Burn3 and also threw in a bikeride after I got home though. I guess I just feel I accomplish more when I burn more calories! haha-It's ok though, I have work til noon tomorrow then can kick it up again over the weekend off! WOOHOO!
    I hope things are going well for everyone, I think I am going to check in early tonight-think my body is just feeling a little fatigue:ohwell: So I plan to get some more rest tonight and push harder tomorrow:bigsmile:
    Erica- I am sorry to hear about you're situation at work-it seems to me when a doctor gives a request that its a nurses job to listen--HELLO?! I am a veterinary technician (basically an animal nurse:tongue: )and when I've got an animal crashing and Dr tells me to grab some supplies-DO IT! Geez...:noway:
    Ghanie and spiralgirl-GREAT job with the workouts! Keep on truckin! And good job treating yourself to a kit-kat:love:
    Casey-Sounds like the Polar is dying...RIP Polar...lol. I hope I get a good use outta mine before it decides to bite the dust!
    Have a good night all, I'll check in in the AM!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Morning Ladies---IT"S FRIDAY!!! I am so ready for the weekend!!!

    This morning was Biggest Loser Bootcamp workout...wow, it was good! I love Bob (shh, don't tell Shaun T):blushing: Can't wait to do this one again!

    I just love reading how you all push it to get your workouts in, it keeps me motivated to get my butt out of bed in the morning and get r done!

    I hope you all have a fantastic Friday! I may not be back on here until Sunday night...I've got a little guy turning 6, and a weekend of parties to put on!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Hey ladies!
    Not sure about you guys..but I NEED WEEKEND!!!:drinker:
    My home computer is now hacking into my facebook etc and sending other people viruses (awesome) so now not using that for basically anything except surfing internet and going to see if I can still do dvd's on it. So might not be on as much for like a week or two! :grumble: :sad:
    Heading out of town with Jason tonight...so probably won't be on much this weekend..so you girls ROCK IT OUT! I am so proud of you guys...some of you were just newbies not that long ago and now you all are regulars and don't think much of it:bigsmile:
    Have a good one all!:flowerforyou:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hi girls! I hope you're all having a great Friday! I just finished CE Burn It Off, and am giving myself a break before a Recharge session:smile:
    I have a quick question to ask -It seems to me that my body has been slacking the last week here...I am not sure why, I mean I have enough energy to get through my workouts, but my calorie burn just isn't as high and I feel like I am slacking..I don't know. For example, last week when I did Burn It Off I burned almost 200 cals, but today only about 160..what's with that?? I am trying to keep my calorie intake between 1600-1630 for CE, but as you know on my days off/weekends I burn over 500-600 cals a day usually, and weekdays I only get about 200-300. I guess I need some advice about what to do next-I don't want to feel sluggish with my workouts coz I am not proud of myself:frown: Then I just push myself to do another workout which ends up sluggish as well. Hum..how depressing:cry:
    Anyway, I am going to recharge my body-those stretches sure do feel great..and maybe do a small run for something different (I have been trying to get out on the road to run a bit:blushing: )...Thanks in advance girls..
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    For example, last week when I did Burn It Off I burned almost 200 cals, but today only about 160..what's with that??

    When your fitness improves, it gets harder to burn calories. So your body isn't slacking. It's just getting more efficient at working out. It's also been a few weeks doing the same workouts so your body is getting used to them.

    But no worries, one more week and we get to move into the Push phase with brand new workouts. And because they will be new, the calorie burn will go back up.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Thanks Ghanie, I needed that confidence boost..really thanks! I am going to do a run outside in a little bit.:happy:
    Right now I am trying to figure out what would be the best thing to order at Applebees (healthiest option) tomorrow at lunch-my friend and I are heading to the mall and that was the place decided--I have not been out to eat since I started tracking my meals so...I am kind of scared...any suggestions? I am thinking the grilled chili-lime chicken salad--but then again I haven't gone out to eat in forever, and I have been doing really good with my eating.......but I know I shouldn't have that mindset--I need to pick the healthiest meal...right? ahhh help
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Thanks Ghanie, I needed that confidence boost..really thanks! I am going to do a run outside in a little bit.:happy:
    Right now I am trying to figure out what would be the best thing to order at Applebees (healthiest option) tomorrow at lunch-my friend and I are heading to the mall and that was the place decided--I have not been out to eat since I started tracking my meals so...I am kind of scared...any suggestions? I am thinking the grilled chili-lime chicken salad--but then again I haven't gone out to eat in forever, and I have been doing really good with my eating.......but I know I shouldn't have that mindset--I need to pick the healthiest meal...right? ahhh help

    That's what I had when I went out for my birthday dinner. I made sure to pick a place that I could research the menu first. I think you can check calories and such on Applebee's website. Just have them bring the dressing out on the side, and you'll be good to go!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    WOOHOO girls! I am feeling SOOO good right now! I just got back from my run-well what I did was powerwalk a song, jog a song, and so on..for about 1 hour! I'm estimating about 5 miles..I'm not exactly sure but I will eventually track it! I burned over 400 cals! and I ENJOYED it SO MUCH! I think there is a runner in me yet and it's just now busted through! phew I loved it! Thanks to you runners-you really inspired me to do it! I think I am going to invest in a better pair of running shoes though-any suggestions?
    Erika-Thank you for the Applebees tip-I think that is what I will end up getting, or the grilled shrimp spinach salad (they are very similar-shrimp one has a bit more fat) but I'm going to log in my whole day and see which fits better!-haha-I'm such a dork...:tongue:
    Hope you're all having a great Friday PM! I'll be around:laugh:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Just another thought-Should I really be eating more when I am working out more over the weekends? I get so confused on this...Like tonight I ended up with almost 500 exercise cals to use...:huh: should I be eating them?
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    It's been a really humid day. But I got in Burn 3 and my stretch routine.

    Angel, you should see about eating some of those extra calories. Do you have any kind of recovery drink like chocolate milk? I suppose you can be sure you have a little extra when you go out tomorrow, hehe. See about staying within 200 calories of your daily goals.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey all..so I've tweaked my food log for tomorrow-decided to go with the grilled chicken salad at applebees--and would like to get a sangria--think thats a bad idea? Ive accommodated for it, but I also increased my calories to a little over 1800 because I end up working out so much harder over the weekends...so as you suggested Ghanie, I should be staying about 200 under my expected cal goal for the day.....I'm just debating the drink-:huh:
    I also added a chocolate milk recovery drink to mid-day..probably for right after my run!:happy: Along with some lil soy crisps. I think that will be appropriate but I'd like any thoughts...:ohwell:
    I will check back in the AM, plan is to do TJ CardioPartymix1, breakfast, get ready to go for 9:30AM, mall with lunch out and be home around 1 with plenty of afternoon to still burn cals..haha...
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I have Plyometrics X today in lieu of Burn it Off/Recharge.
    Hey all..so I've tweaked my food log for tomorrow-decided to go with the grilled chicken salad at applebees--and would like to get a sangria--think thats a bad idea? Ive accommodated for it, but I also increased my calories to a little over 1800 because I end up working out so much harder over the weekends...so as you suggested Ghanie, I should be staying about 200 under my expected cal goal for the day.....I'm just debating the drink-:huh:

    Well, within 200 calories ... so be sure the "remaining" calories at the end of the day isn't more than 200, at least not too often.

    The drink sounds fine. Have fun!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Ok so, now I know you all think I am crazy:tongue: ..lol..:ohwell: I ended up doing my CardioPartymix1 in the AM, got a great cal burn, headed to the mall with my friend where we pretty near powerwalked-we did get applebees but carside to go (ended up running out of time she needed to get back)-so I got only my salad-no drink!:smile:
    Ghanie-Thanks, yea I think I get what you're saying, I am going to stay around 1800 at first for my days I really burn and stay lower cal on weekdays. I am not trying to lose any more weight, just maintain and shape/tone up muscles. I also don't want to end up having way too many cals left over after dinnertime:noway:
    Also, picked up a brand spankin new pair of Nike Shox+ Navina SI's:bigsmile: I hope they do me well..hehe!
    And without getting too much at Applebees I am going to spread those cals out for this afternoons snacks, maybe have a larger recovery drink-I was going to just use skim milk and hersheys sugar free syrup with about 1/4 scoop whey protein powder..I also have unsweetened cocoa powder or nesquick. what would be better?--or any other suggestions? Maybe add some fruit-banana probably..mmm I love bananas..:blushing:
    Can't wait to try out my Shox! It was pretty dreary/overcast this AM, but now it looks like the run is popping through so I am in luck!!
    Wow, I really do ramble:embarassed: ..have a good afternoon all, I will be back and forth all day-any snack suggestions are always welcomed:smile:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    For your recovery drink, you want carbs. Go for a 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein ... so 4 carbs for every protein (my chocolate milk has 41 carbs and 10 proteins).

    When you go for these long runs, endurance workouts, or heavy strength training ... you deplete your muscles of glycogen. So the carbs and sugars in the recovery drink gets soaked up to re-nourish the muscles. At least that's how I understand it. If you google recovery drink, you can get more specific info on how it works. Ideally, you have it right after your workout and then go for a snack or meal about an hour later (no sooner than a half hour).

    I think there is a range between 2:1 to 4:1 .... but 4:1 allows for maximal absorption. Chocolate milk is just an easy way to get it (I use 4 tbs of nestle with a full cup of skim milk to get mine). Some will use some protein powder with juice (anything but orange juice because the acids in it interfere with absorption). There's also ovaltine and all sorts of other goodies that you can play with. Also, be sure there is little to no fat because that will also interfere with absorption.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Thanks so much Ghanie:flowerforyou: This still seems sooo new to me and I am so happy that I have such good support. I am going to try this out- eating more on the days I KNOW I will burn alot, and lower (around my 1600) on weekdays where I don't get a big workout in, and only my net cals on rest day. I just get nervous about eating more cals because I do not want to gain any weight back-I am trying not to worry about it, but honestly after working this hard-ugh just the thought! Do you think that if I am burning over 600 cals and MFP says I could eat like 2000 cals a day and I stay with less than 200 cals leftover, that I will be fine? Eeps:embarassed: Tonight I stayed just under 2000 cals (had burned 753 exercise) and had just over 200 cals to spare...MFP says after I logged everything in that I would still be "losing" in 5 weeks..lol I guess I am just a little nerved...in need of some reassurance:ohwell: