Turbo Jammers 8/24-8/30



  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Angel, I'm on 1400 calories and eat all my exercise calories. MFP says I can lose up to 0.3 lbs per week but I'm also treating myself (with not-so-clean foods) a little more often than I did back when I was focused on losing pounds. I also take creatine once a week so all of that with CE has been evening out for the most part (I'm teetering between 131 and 132). I'm pretty sure it will start turning into an actual loss in a few weeks because of how CE works, but I lowered my goal to account for that (not really aiming for it but I wont increase calories unless I actually get there).

    I think it was Casey who said that she goes under most days so she can have a cheat day each week and that keeps her even-stevens. So that can also be something you can try eventually.

    There is this one girl around the forums who makes it a point to have some higher calorie and lower calorie weeks every so often. She would even purposely go on maintenance periodically as part of her weight-loss plan.

    Some of it is math and some of it is trial and error. You wont gain 40 lbs figuring out what works best with your schedule and lifestyle. If it worries you that much, set a weight min/max. If it's 115-120 then switch to a solid deficit as soon as you start to teeter into the 121 range and start increasing calories if you start to dip into the 114 range or whatever your comfort range is.

    It's rest day today and I'm resting. I'm also going out later with the family so I'm bracing for a super-sized lunch, hehe.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey girls! I had a great Sunday, I hope you all did too!:happy:
    I got in my CardioPartyMix1 this AM first thing. It was pouring this AM so after TJ I took to finishing all those pesky unfinished things:grumble: ..but kicked it in the early afternoon with Burn1 and a bit later I took off for a short run:bigsmile:
    Ghanie-I want to thank you sooooo much for all of your help. I know I am probably such a pain sometimes--lol, but I really appreciate all of the support and advice. I have really changed soo many things as far as eating/calories/exercise-just everything goes, and it's hard to not go overboard with excitement! lol. I have always been one to get really involved with something I enjoy, and heck-I can't think of a better way to enjoy myself than working out and burning more cals so I can eat more! haha! I think my game plan will be increasing my cal intake on days I burn more and leave around 200 at the end of the day-eating ALL those exercise cals just seems crazy, even though I guess I honestly could and still be ok! Besides, that way I get a little wiggle room if I do slip:blushing: or want to add an extra snack at night or something:tongue: Thanks again girl:flowerforyou:
    I'm off to visit my grandmother:smile: Have a good night everyone!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    So I have Burn 1 with my stretch routine today. And I'm looking forward to changing the menu with a 40/40/20 plan next week for the Push phase.
    Ghanie-I want to thank you sooooo much for all of your help.

    No worries, we all had the same questions at one point. It's also good for those who have the questions but wont ask, hehe. And you sound like you have a good plan mapped out.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Everybody,
    Wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. Feeling a little down because the scale has been hovering b/w 160-166 for the past month and refuses to break thru to the 150's..:grumble:
    Not giviing up just wanted to type that and get it out of my head!!!!
    Feeling really good about my progress and although the scale doesn't seem to want to participate my body looks soooo much better in (and out of,,, hahahaha) my clothes.. Just got to keep pushing and not give up.
    Great job on all of your continued progress - Ghanie ~ another pound!! WTG!!
    Casey ~ as always you amaze me. I have no idea how you manage to fit in so much exercise in a day!!
    Hi Megan!!!

    20 Min TJ this am and plan on doing 4 mi when I get home if the weather holds up. My DH snagged a pretty good treadmill at a garage sale a couple of weeks ago so there really are no excuses!! I just way prefer to be outdoors!!

    Have a great day beauties!!!:heart:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey girlies:tongue:
    I have had a pretty slow Monday considering it is sunny outside-a little chilly still, but nice. I had a eye doc appt this AM that threw me off schedule a bit-I was planning on getting up and doing my CardioPartymix1-well..I ended up getting up late, running out of time between breakfast and having to leave..so I never got to any exercise this AM:ohwell:. I did however get home, have a quick snack and got started making my lunch (took me quite awhile but I get leftovers outta it):smile: Anyway, I did Burn2 and FatBlaster this afternoon. I was planning on throwing a run in later but I just don't think I can. My body is feeling very sluggish today--I dunno if it is from the late start or I've just been pushing a little too hard too quick (I think it is that)..but I just don't think I will do anything except maybe AbJam tonight. I am feeling a bit down on myself because I had my days meals planned out (higher cals) but bumped some things out to accommodate. I guess I shouldn't feel at all bad about taking a break though if my workouts are going to suffer by not giving my all. I am still disappointed in myself and can't seem to get over the feeling:cry:
    Dragonfly-awesome find with the treadmill!
    Have a good one all:heart:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies! Well, I had an awesome "rest" day yesterday...I really needed it. So often, on my rest day, I don't actually rest...I'm out for a walk, a run or some other form of working out, when I need to just rest! I also slept in this morning instead of getting up to do my workout. I felt much better getting the extra hour and half of sleep! Now, I can bring it tonight!!! Not sure what DVD I'm going after, but I'm hitting it hard!

    Dragonfly, I scored a great deal on a treadmill too...Craigslist! Nice find, and I"m very happy with it. Unlike most, I prefer to run on a treadmill...I notice that it feels better on my knees! Plus I can get some sprints in too!

    Angel, don't get down on yourself! You are kicking butt, and doing a great job!!

    Ghanie--Have fun on the Push phase!! It's fun!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Well, I got my workouts in tonight...I had so much energy when I got home...must be the extra sleep I got this morning! Did Power Half Hour with Tony Horton and worked the arms...man does he move fast...not like CE. Had to go a lot lighter on the weights due to going faster and higher reps! Then did Shaun T Rockin Body Disco Groove...for the first time ever...wasn't a fan. I'm not a disco girl, so I had a hard time getting into it. Gotta go back to the HIp Hop I guess!

    Well, time to get ready for bed. I'm up early to get some cardio in tomorrow morning! Good nite y'all!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I just got an afternoon assignment and I definitely need to rest or stretch tomorrow. I think I'll go ahead and make this a recovery week and do the CE schedule.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning!!! I busted out TJ Cardio Party 1 and Tamilee Webb's I Want Those Buns...felt great! Now, off to tackle the work day! Have a good one everybody!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Mornin jammers,
    Well I am back from MN (they sent me back..couldn't handle me:laugh: )..had a wonderful time with my Jas. I was so lonely the past day as he left on a work trip..I got so used to being around him! :smooched: Thankfully comes home tonight. We walked I swear like 5-10 miles on Sat (and the hotel gym was suh weet!) I also got to run for an hour in downtown Minneapolis near the waterfront on Sunday..it was awesome!
    Yesterday I did some CE Burn It Off ..treadmill...and then CE Lean 1 (that one is a killer!). This am was my usual am run...getting a little chilly...think I ran faster to stay warm!
    New computer comes today..yeah!!! Ihave found that on my stomach issues and think it has to do with my increase in protein...I just don't think my system can digest that much protein and the fats that come with it..so decreasing back down to where I was to see if that helps. I am praying this works!!
    Great to see you all rockin it out still. Lilangel-I will tell you ...when it comes to nutrition..sometimes it just takes some experimenting. Sometimes things work..sometimes they don't. Be careful when increasing proteins..even in a normal person it can meess with digestion as proteins are harder to digest.
    Ghanie-great to see your continued weight loss!
    Where is Megan????!!!
    Dragonfly-Good to see you again. I don't work out any more than most..just break up into shorter sessions with my schedule:) Duty calls!
    Thanks for being a great support system all...back to the craziness here at work!:noway:
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Morning all!! I still have to go back and catch up on the forum. Friday I did Burn 1. I took rest days Sat through yesterday. There was a death in my husband's family so I was a bit preoccupied. Hoping to get Burn 2 in today and get back on track. My eating has been okay.

    Hope everyone is having a great week.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!!!

    I did Level 1 of Jillian's 30 Day Shred...thank goodness it is easier than when I first did it in January! I think next time I can do Level 1 and 2 both. Nice change to do her DVD again! Followed up with Power Half Hour Thigh Trimmer. I LOVE Tony Horton :flowerforyou: He cracks me up and makes the time fly by...his personality reminds me a lot of mine...maybe that's why I like him so much!

    I hope you all have awesome workouts today. I have a couple hours of work in the office and then taking a client to the Twins game today...should be fun!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Morning jammers,
    Erika-If my Jason knew where you were going he would be SO jealous! Gosh..whatever will we watch on TV if no Twins tonight? :laugh: Probably family guy....you'll have to send me updates from the game:wink: Tony Horton is a total hoot...he's kind of like a girl in that he likes to jabber!
    I did a tempo run this am...some walk breaks at work..then it's CE Lean 2 and Ab Jam tonight. Normally do core at lunch..but gotta head out early today so no lunch break.
    New computer is up and running at home..yeah!!! Going to GI spec today...although lower protein has helped..stomach has been decent so far and I have already lost a pound of the stomach problem issues.
    Have a great day!
  • PattyTheUndefeated
    So I'm fairly new to the Turbo Jamming, and I must say that I absolutely LOVE IT! OMG! I don't mean to sound like an infomercial but in two months I've lost about 26 pounds using TJ. And they weren't kidding when they said that you can burn up to 1000 cals a workout. I did Fast Blaster and Kickin' Core (but skipped the abs part 'cause I'm still recovering from the last one) and I burned 1023 calories. Holy Cow!!!!! I used to bust my poor bum at the gym, and I highly doubt I EVER burned that many calories. I'm just happy I finally found something I like. :)

    Just thought I'd share. :happy:
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Welcome Patty!! I love Fat Blaster...it's one of my favorite workouts. I've only done Kickin Core twice and it was a couple of years ago. I still have it and should pull it out.

    Yesterday I had a very long workout and felt so much better. I was kind of blah and needed that extra kick. I mangaged to fit in PKJ, Burn 2, Hip Hop Abs last minute abs (it's only 5 minutes long) and a 10 minute stretch routine. I'm going to try to incorporate some abs and stretching every day.

    Tonight is CE Intervals and Abs. I will probably add a longer stretching DVD since it was the intervals that I felt the most last week. Hopefully the stretching will help. May add 20 minute jam in as well.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Morning Ladies!!

    Well, I was still sore from Power Half Hour Thigh Toner on Wednesday, so I had a tough time with the workouts this morning. Managed to get in some Rockin Body with Shaun T and Cardio Balance Ball too. Not a great calorie burn, but I really had a tough time moving around when my legs are so sore! Funny how I went through 3 months of CE and only was sore maybe 2 times, but every time I do Power Half Hour with Tony Horton, I hurt for days!

    I'm going to try to get some Yoga in tonight to stretch out my muscles!
  • ccleadbyexample
    Yo jammers!
    Well I rocked out some CE Lean 2 last night and ab jam..I like the standing part of ab jam..but don't do all of the floor work...I had enough with Lean 2 anyway! This am was CE Burn Intervals..I just don't get the burn like I used to..think I need to do the upgrade! I have went on a few short work break walks..and then Recharge later!
    Patty-Great to meet you! Glad to hear you enjoy it...I wish I got that kind of calorie burn!
    Spiral: Way to rock out the CE...way to get EXTREME! Stretching DEF helps...and cardio/stretching really helps me work out muscle soreness.
    Erika: You and your hip hop..cracks me up!
    Well Jas leaves after work again for a few days...I am ready for his schedule to calm down..I never thought I'd see the day I'd miss a MAN!:bigsmile:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening girls! FINALLY I've started my weekend! I do have to work Saturday afternoon which is a bummer but oh well-I can rock out in the AM and feel great the rest of the day! I'm glad to hear everyone is doing so WELL!:drinker: I'm so proud!
    Tonight I finished up Burn 3- next week starts Push! Eeks! Haha- tomorrow is Burn It Off and Recharge, plus I've got the entire day off so I'm thinking my new found running is in order:bigsmile: I am going to try very hard to get up, eat a small snack and go out for a longer AM run..then breakfast will taste sooo good! haha..we shall see, I am bad when it comes to my days off and getting out of bed early....:grumble:
    Anyway, have a good night everyone and keep up the great work!!!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey everyone, my week has been a little off because of an afternoon assignment (so I'm working 16 hour days again). I managed to get Burn 1 and 2 this week. I'm going to go ahead and get Burn 3 in tomorrow.

    Luckily I don't have the afternoon assignment on the weekends so I should be able to make up the interval/abs and the cardio workout then, fingers crossed.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies!!! I'm so excited to get to work from home this AM and then start my weekend! No plans, which is how I like it. That means lots of fun play time with the fam and relaxation!

    I did Jari Love's Get Ripped DVD this AM...Whoa, my arms, legs, back...everything was burning! So different to go from CE with lower reps to something with lots and lots of reps. My body was on fire! After that, I felt I needed a little something in the cardio...or abs department...you've got it...had to dance it out to Hip Hop Abs--my favorite :love:

    Well, off to shower, get the kiddos to daycare and put in my 1/2 day of work, then have some fun! Have an awesome Friday ladies!