June Starters-August 24 Weigh in!

Good morning! I hope no one has started this thread yet. If so, please let me know where the other one is. Thanks!

LW: 197.5
TW: 196

Down 1.5lbs. I should be more excited but I was really hoping for 195.5, I know it's ridiculous to fret about a half pound but I can't help it. only 7 more lbs to go before my mini goal of 189 by my birthday (Sept 24).

I hope everyone else had a good week! :flowerforyou:


  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    SW 208.5
    LW 183
    CW 180.5

    Good Monday All - Down 2.5lbs this week from last. Yay Again! I'm always amazed at the losses when I see them on the scale ... I'm heading towards the 170s!! Woo Hoo!!
  • schlieffen
    schlieffen Posts: 269
    SW: 182.4
    LW: 164.2
    TW: 162.0

    :noway: :bigsmile: Last week I made my 10% loss, this week I've hit the 20lb loss mark... I wonder what's in store for next week?!

    I'm also excited for Friday.. my bf and I are going camping and since we're going to be out on the water in a canoe (and secluded) for a good deal of the weekend, I've decided to ditch the self-consciousness and buy a bikini! :laugh:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    SW: 182.4
    LW: 164.2
    TW: 162.0

    :noway: :bigsmile: Last week I made my 10% loss, this week I've hit the 20lb loss mark... I wonder what's in store for next week?!

    I'm also excited for Friday.. my bf and I are going camping and since we're going to be out on the water in a canoe (and secluded) for a good deal of the weekend, I've decided to ditch the self-consciousness and buy a bikini! :laugh:

    Way Cool ... good for you!!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Good morning everyone! I weigh in wednesdays but I thought we could share stuff about ourselves. (Another poster suggested this in last weeks weigh in page.)

    Well I thought I had a terrible eating weekend but when I logged everything today I did pretty good. Only a little over and it was contered by some accidental excercise. (mowing the lawn, cleaning the garage hardcore, shampooing the carpet and such.) YAY!

    Let's see, I'm 22, engaged and a mom to a 17 month old monster I mean daughter, 3 male dogs and a male cat. :laugh:

    You'd think I'd keep busy enough to lose weight but I actually put it all on in the year after my daugther was born. I weighed less after I had her then when I got preggo.

    We are currently trying to add fun, cheap improvements on our home. We'd eventually like to re-do the entire kitchen but that will have to wait. For now we went to grab paint samples for our bathroom and our daughters room. For the bathroom I want orange. Like bright orange. :happy: the tiles are all a yellow/ peach/ blah color. For our daughter, we're thinking a hot pink with lime green accents and maybe blue as well. All of her furniture is white and oh so boring. :laugh:
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Thanks Maggie for the heads up on where the new thread is. :flowerforyou:

    SW: 253.4 lbs (June 26)
    LW: 232.4
    CW: 228.6

    Progress this week: - 3.8 lbs
    Total Progress: - 24.8 lbs

    Hello All and thank you for the wonderful birthday wishes!!!!

    So it is back to the grind today since my vacation is over. We managed to get quite a bit done in the yard. We are tearing up our old patio and redoing it since it was so uneven it looked like the hills of Tennessee. Plus our backyard is half weeds, half grass so I am turning all the dirt, put down some screening to prevent weeds and going to do grass seed. Not the ideal time of year to do it but it was the only time we had. Renovations continue in our basement as well with DH fixing the cracks in the foundation this past week.

    I went to Swiss Chalet with the fam for my birthday and spent the rest of the day doing yard work. I did however buy myself a wicked new desktop for my birthday that is capable of doing video editing (for those interested in specs - 9GB RAM, 1 GB dedicated video RAM, awesome video card and a wicked processor, blue ray player, lightscribe, 24" 50,000:1 contrast ratio flat screen monitor, 1 TB hard drive). I am so excited I could squee.

    I even managed to eat well all week but most of my exercise consisted of yard work. However when you have to sledge hammer a concrete pad apart it tends to burn those pesky calories.

    Well I hope you all had a good week as well and an even better one coming up.

    Take care,
  • schlieffen
    schlieffen Posts: 269
    In the spirit of sharing and getting to know one another..

    The real name is Laura.. schlieffen came from a grade 10 history class project on world war I where my topic was the Schlieffen Plan. I enjoyed the name and have used it since. I'm 23, originally from Fredericton NB but moved last Sept to Ottawa. I have a lovely bf who I've been with for a little over a year. He's currently on the job hunt after finishing his Master's degree in aerospace engineering, so I'm hopeful he finds something near Ottawa, or else it'll be long distance for a while :frown:

    I am one year into my Master's degree in physics where I'm working on a high pressure materials project. I enjoy the research, though my supervisor/principal investigator and I don't see eye to eye on many things. Recently I've lost my spice for the work and am finding it hard to put in the time, though I'm hopeful that the new semester with new classes to TA will lift my out of this rut!

    I live in an apartment building so there are no home renos for me to speak of... though the maintenance people are supposed to come by today and/or tomorrow to replace some of the floor. The AC unit had a bit of a fit and leaked water all over the floor :grumble:

    What else can I say.. a student's life is most typically a boring life. :laugh:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I forgot to add that my dogs and my cat are all neutered. We are very active in the animal comunity and we foster for 2-3 diffenent rescues at any given time. We had to take a break after the last fosters though as it was just getting to be too much for us with our group. We still run transports and we still go to the fundraisers but we can't wait to get the privacy fence up so we can foster again. :happy:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    SW: 182.4
    LW: 164.2
    TW: 162.0

    :noway: :bigsmile: Last week I made my 10% loss, this week I've hit the 20lb loss mark... I wonder what's in store for next week?!

    I'm also excited for Friday.. my bf and I are going camping and since we're going to be out on the water in a canoe (and secluded) for a good deal of the weekend, I've decided to ditch the self-consciousness and buy a bikini! :laugh:
    Good! Enjoy. :flowerforyou:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    In the spirit of sharing and getting to know one another..

    The real name is Laura.. schlieffen came from a grade 10 history class project on world war I where my topic was the Schlieffen Plan. I enjoyed the name and have used it since. I'm 23, originally from Fredericton NB but moved last Sept to Ottawa. I have a lovely bf who I've been with for a little over a year. He's currently on the job hunt after finishing his Master's degree in aerospace engineering, so I'm hopeful he finds something near Ottawa, or else it'll be long distance for a while :frown:

    I am one year into my Master's degree in physics where I'm working on a high pressure materials project. I enjoy the research, though my supervisor/principal investigator and I don't see eye to eye on many things. Recently I've lost my spice for the work and am finding it hard to put in the time, though I'm hopeful that the new semester with new classes to TA will lift my out of this rut!

    I live in an apartment building so there are no home renos for me to speak of... though the maintenance people are supposed to come by today and/or tomorrow to replace some of the floor. The AC unit had a bit of a fit and leaked water all over the floor :grumble:

    What else can I say.. a student's life is most typically a boring life. :laugh:
    Thanks for sharing. It's nice to get to know people.
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Nothing this week. I'm not surprised. I keep going over on my calories and pigging out!
    145 was my goal weight and I think I was at that weight for a day or 2- it definately didn't last long. I made a new goal, but I'm struggling. :grumble:
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Bumpity Bump! :smooched:
  • Meags23
    Meags23 Posts: 98
    Yay to all of us sharing! I'm 25, I live in Calgary, with my boyfriend who does water testing. I'm currently working at a summer job (finished at the end of this week!!) and I'm back to school for my last semester of Education this September!! I'm really looking forward to back to school even though that means going to Edmonton, away from the BF for 1 month! I have my practicum in Calgary so I will return to Cowtown mid-October.
    My BF and I have decided to run in the Nike Human Race. He did it last year while we were teaching overseas in Korea, and I've regreted not running with him ever since. So I'm kind of in training, which means I'm so tired and achy... but I do feel better now that I'm exercise for sure at least 4 times a week. The only trouble I have is keeping up with my hydration. I find it tough to drink enough water when I'm running...
    Anywho... that's me for right now... oh and Maggie, I was born and raised in Fort Erie and everytime you talk about Niagara, it makes me happy!! My family is all still there and I visit often.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Yay to all of us sharing! I'm 25, I live in Calgary, with my boyfriend who does water testing. I'm currently working at a summer job (finished at the end of this week!!) and I'm back to school for my last semester of Education this September!! I'm really looking forward to back to school even though that means going to Edmonton, away from the BF for 1 month! I have my practicum in Calgary so I will return to Cowtown mid-October.
    My BF and I have decided to run in the Nike Human Race. He did it last year while we were teaching overseas in Korea, and I've regreted not running with him ever since. So I'm kind of in training, which means I'm so tired and achy... but I do feel better now that I'm exercise for sure at least 4 times a week. The only trouble I have is keeping up with my hydration. I find it tough to drink enough water when I'm running...
    Anywho... that's me for right now... oh and Maggie, I was born and raised in Fort Erie and everytime you talk about Niagara, it makes me happy!! My family is all still there and I visit often.

    Fort Erie?!? ... way cool, I worked there for a few years with the Employment Office in the old Canadian Tire Plaza. What a small world ... I use to call it Fort Cheery. :laugh:
  • Meags23
    Meags23 Posts: 98

    Fort Erie?!? ... way cool, I worked there for a few years with the Employment Office in the old Canadian Tire Plaza. What a small world ... I use to call it Fort Cheery. :laugh:

    Oh really? we used to call it Fort Dreary.. haha! I guess it depends if you were a bored teenager there or not!! :laugh: I remember the old Canadian Tire Plaza. My Dad used to work across the street at Canadian Gasket when I was little.
  • SweetAzn
    SweetAzn Posts: 195 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    It's nice getting to know everyone! Meags23: How did you enjoy teaching in Korea? That's really awesome that you both taught abroad!

    Currently, I'm in college for Math and Education but I have another 1 1/2 years left. I've been married for 3 years and that's my husband in my profile pic. He's very supportive of me and has become an avid animal lover because of me! Lol...we own 2 dogs, a cat, and a rabbit. (Busymom73: that's really great that you help rescued pets! ) No children yet, but we treat our dogs like our babies! :laugh:

    Keep up the good work everyone...it's amazing to see how much some people lost in just 2-3 months! Coongrats to everyone's success! :drinker:

    LW: 152
    CW: 150

    Woohoo! I went jeans shopping yesterday and I went down a size! That was really the best feeling ever! I want to be a size 6 again but I have a ways to go.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • yellowhouse
    I was really hoping to see at least 2 pounds down this week but only got 1.25. Just going to keep at it and hope for a better result next week.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Calculator

    Oh, and I am Lara - I am a stay at home mom. I live in the pacific northwest with my husband, 2 year old, 6 year old and 2 old golden retrievers (12 and 14).
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    WOW! You ladies did great this week!:happy:
    Keep up the great work!:drinker:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Thanks for sharing about yourselves. It's nice to get to know people. I'm a mother of 4 and a grandma to 3. I'm only 38 so I'm a young grandma and love it. I have a teaching degree but have put my career on hold to raise babies. My youngest is almost 5 and starts school next fall, so I'm hoping to start teaching as well. My husband is a police officer and my soul mate. He was born in Canada -to those of you in Canada. I've never been there and we have planned 2 trips to Canada and both were canceled due to unforseen circumstances. We planned to see the Calgary Stampede and Edmonton - So, I'm hoping that someday I'll be able to see it. Best of luck to all of you. :flowerforyou:
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Since we are all sharing...

    Some of you know some of this already but there are lots of new members...

    Anyway, I am a married mom of 2 (5 yr old boy and 11 yr old girl) and work in Technology Support. I live in the Niagara Region (and for those with ties to Ontario I have also lived in Kingston, Base Borden, Orillia, Port McNichol, Midland, Bracebridge, Victoria Harbour, and Washago).

    I was always in school until a year and a half ago when my multiple chemical sensitivity made it pretty much impossible to go in person. Most recently I was going for a degree in Psychology and hope to finish via online learning. I love to learn so I have taken courses in so many different areas it is hard to remember them all but some of them are computer programming, photography, human resources management, community health, drama, chilhood literacy, parapsychology, communication, home inspection... and the list goes on.

    I also have a ton of hobbies but with so little time I tend to rotate through them every few years. Some of those include(d) collecting postcards, decos, paper twilling, scrapbooking, artist trading cards, web site design, photography, LARP, RPGs, trivia, theatre, improv, search & rescue, red hat society, rug latch hooking, golf, story writing, reading... and that list goes on as well.

    So enough about me... how about the rest of you?

    Take care,
  • glandis
    glandis Posts: 89
    I hope this isn't the dreaded plateau. I have lost a good amount in 2 months so I am not complaining. I also had a couple bad eating days in the last 2 weeks and TOM coming up so we shall see in the next few weeks how it plays out. I will still keep at it to reach my goal ! good luck everyone.