June Starters-August 24 Weigh in!



  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Okay it’s my turn to share. I'm a 47 year old woman looking to enjoy the rest of my life to the fullest. I’m happily married for the past 28 years to a good man, I’m the mother of two full grown women who are my absolute pride and joy. My youngest baby will be 25 in September and has announced that she’ll be marrying the love of her life in August 2010 which is exciting news. The two of them have been great friends since they first met in kindergarten. I need to get strong and healthy since I hope to be a grandma some time shortly after the wedding. My eldest daughter just enjoys her life to the fullest with absolutely no intention of ever settling down with one person. The rest of this story can be found in my profile but for those who haven’t read it yet here goes. Anyway, things have changed in my life in the past few years. Some time a few years back, I was miss-diagnosed with bi-polar disease. Because of that I was given some pretty heavy duty meds that really messed up my life. I seriously can't even recall a few of those dark years. Although I've been heavy most of my life a huge chunk of my weight was accumulated during those years. Anyway ... an assessment by an expert advised me that I wasn't bi-polar at all and I should get off of the meds immediately. So that's what I did ... WOW ... that was really hard. Withdrawal. Eeeeek. I also dumped the shrink who gave me all the meds in the first place. WACKO!! It took a few years and a lot of counselling to get over it. I have since changed jobs to something pretty physical. I walk a good 8 to 10 thousand steps per shift as a mail clerk for a large company (big change after 20 years of cubicle jobs), last December I quit smoking (for the thousandth time), I enjoy hiking, walking, and bicycling. On April 30th this year I had an abdominal panniculectomy (they cut off my huge belly apron) which had left me 10 lbs. lighter. Once I pretty much healed up I was itching to take the extra steps to change my eating habits. So that's why I joined this site on June 9th; hoping to conquer this like the stupid pills and smokes. I do tend to babble on don’t I, I guess that's it for today.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Okay it’s my turn to share. I'm a 47 year old woman looking to enjoy the rest of my life to the fullest. I’m happily married for the past 28 years to a good man, I’m the mother of two full grown women who are my absolute pride and joy. My youngest baby will be 25 in September and has announced that she’ll be marrying the love of her life in August 2010 which is exciting news. The two of them have been great friends since they first met in kindergarten. I need to get strong and healthy since I hope to be a grandma some time shortly after the wedding. My eldest daughter just enjoys her life to the fullest with absolutely no intention of ever settling down with one person. The rest of this story can be found in my profile but for those who haven’t read it yet here goes. Anyway, things have changed in my life in the past few years. Some time a few years back, I was miss-diagnosed with bi-polar disease. Because of that I was given some pretty heavy duty meds that really messed up my life. I seriously can't even recall a few of those dark years. Although I've been heavy most of my life a huge chunk of my weight was accumulated during those years. Anyway ... an assessment by an expert advised me that I wasn't bi-polar at all and I should get off of the meds immediately. So that's what I did ... WOW ... that was really hard. Withdrawal. Eeeeek. I also dumped the shrink who gave me all the meds in the first place. WACKO!! It took a few years and a lot of counselling to get over it. I have since changed jobs to something pretty physical. I walk a good 8 to 10 thousand steps per shift as a mail clerk for a large company (big change after 20 years of cubicle jobs), last December I quit smoking (for the thousandth time), I enjoy hiking, walking, and bicycling. On April 30th this year I had an abdominal panniculectomy (they cut off my huge belly apron) which had left me 10 lbs. lighter. Once I pretty much healed up I was itching to take the extra steps to change my eating habits. So that's why I joined this site on June 9th; hoping to conquer this like the stupid pills and smokes. I do tend to babble on don’t I, I guess that's it for today.

    You are so awesome!!! YOu have already come such a long way!! YOu really show a lot of strength! That is probably why you are such a great encouragement to me here! Thank you!! :drinker:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Hey guys! I was happy when I weighed in this morning with another 2 lb. loss. I am amazed everyday at my progress. And I am proud to report that my mom has been inspired by my weight loss and went on a lifestyle change as well. She has started eating better (she had high cholesterol) and she walks 2.5 miles a day now. She has lost 3 lbs. so far!

    SW: 191
    LW: 169
    TW: 167
    GW: 150....considering 140 now

    Anywho, my name is Courtney, as you could have guessed. I am 23 and have lived in Kentucky my whole life. I am currently a 2nd year medical student at the University of Kentucky, and it sucks :) Studying to be a surgeon some day....not sure what kind just yet. I am not allowed to have a job now; they actually make us sign a contract saying we will not have a job while in med school :ohwell:

    I am single (Prince Charming, are you out there??) and live with my pup Marley, a Boston Terrier. I am a homebody yet I love to go out. I think of myself as kind of lazy, and for sure a procrastinator :blushing: Trying to break it but I dunno....hehe! I love my family and I can't wait to visit them--they're 4 hours away! Well....enough about me...let's hear about some of you others and I'm glad I got to know a few of you a little more!
    I'm sure your parents are really proud of you! It's great that you are young but have goals set for your life.
  • kat05317
    kat05317 Posts: 96 Member
    hello everyone!
    Had a couple of not so good days but overall I did ok.
    LW- 243.2
    CW- 242.0
    One more pound gone. (hopefully forever!)
    I love sharing stories about ourselves. I guess the old saying "don't judge a book by it's cover" would apply here. You don't know what a person is really like from what little you see in the profiles.
    My life is nothing to interesting. I have had a problem with my weight for most all my life. It got worse after I got married. (haha) Got married in 1997 had a little girl in 2005 have been really seriously over weight the past for the past 9 years or so. (but whose counting right? ) I promised myself not to long after my little girl was born that I would lose this weight. I don't want my girl to be ashamed of me or embarrassed by my size. My mom also has been overweight for as long as I can remember and at close to seventy is suffering some health problems because of her weight. So, that is my motivation mostly. Sorry for rambling.
    Keep up the good work!!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Sharing Part 2....

    So I mentioned the part about family, work, school, and hobbies so onto more about what led me to joining MFP (besides Maggie...lol).

    Like a lot of people I had a crappy childhood. I was diagnosed as manic depressive by the time I was 15 and on Xanax.

    I was always a good, healthy weight until I joined the army reserves when I was 18. Once there and going through boot camp I gained a lot despite all of the intensive exercise because the army (well the Canadian army anyway) feeds you foods extremely high in calories, carbs, fat and all the other bad stuff. They had good foods too but who wants that when you 'think' you can eat all the junk you want because you will just burn it off, right? I was so wrong.

    Well all the intensive exercise caused me to sprain my ankles again and again and dislocate my knees a couple of times. The military docs discovered that the ligaments in my ankles aren't joined in the right places which causes me to fall... a LOT (just ask Maggie...lol). So that was a short lived career.

    After I was out I was still heavy and barely out of my teens and depressed (from lots of bad things that happened in my life) so I did the really really REALLY stupid thing of starving myself to lose weight. I literally would eat three low fat frozen dinners a week and that was it. I drank lots of milk and took vitamins but ate only three times a week for about three months. Needless to say I got extremely ill... eventually though I recovered and ganied weight again.

    I went through some more crappy stuff that included my parents splitting and I moved to another city where I was okay for a while. Crap happened again though and by age 21 I was diagnosed as bi-polar, agoraphobic and that I have hypothyroidism. I was lucky in that medication really worked for me and it didn't take long to find the right dosage whereas most people it can takes years and years.

    When I was 22 my life changed forever when I met my hubby... I had found my soul mate!!! We are just as madly in love now as we were when we first started dating. We have 2 great kids but of course I gained HUGE during my pregnancies and haven't been able to get it off and keep it off.

    So that leads me to now... Maggie told me about MFP and I joined about ten minutes later...lol. I am absolutely committed to myself and my journey. I finally came to the point where I knew I loved myself enough and had so much faith in myself to do this that things are going well. Loving myself and having faith that I can do this and am deserving of being where I want to be is a HUGE part of my current success. It is what is keeping me on track and not giving up.

    I have other health issues that play a role and complicate things but it just makes me more determined not to let them stand in my way or use them as an excuse to quit or let things slide.

    I have a really good life now, a wonderful family, and look forward to reaching my goals.

    Take care all and I hope I haven't bored you all with the story of my journey.

  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Well I am surprised with my results considering the week I had last week. It is nice to be back at it again...

    LW (2 weeks ago) 172
    CW 168.2

    Well I hit my 10%. :smile: Now I am aiming for my next 10% (17 lbs this time). I am aiming for around the end of October for that one. The good thing about 10% goals is they get smaller every time!! :wink:
    I may have to revisit my longer term goals. It is my goal right now to be 135 by New Years, but I know I will slow down towards the end, and I don't want to be disappointed in myself later. Now that BBQ/ party season is coming to a close perhaps weight loss will come faster. We will see.

    Congrats to those who lost, those who stayed the same and those who are sticking through it even though you may be frustrated. GO JUNE STARTERS!

    AWESOME!!!!! on hitting your 10% .. Congrats! :happy:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    BUMP! We don't want to lose this!! :wink:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    BUMP! We don't want to lose this!! :wink:

    I see your bump and I raise you a bump :happy:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi Everyone ... I have to whine a bit. I haven't been feeling very well at all this past week ... something going on in the digestive track ... ugh!!! It is pretty painful; I'm all puffy, stopped up, and bloated and I feel like there's a volcano in me. Anyway ... I just had an upper GI and will have some follow up testing done next week. So we'll see if anything shows up. My problem is that I'm a big suck when I don't feel well so I not only fell off of the wagon but I dove off head first. I have eaten all whilly nilly this week and had no exercise ... got on the scale this morning to see if I did any damage and I'm up 4 lbs just since Monday. Yowsers!!! I am feeling so angry with myself and I've got the blues now. I'm sure this will pass and I'll get back on track ... I'm just shocked at how easy it is for my body to gain and how difficult it is to lose. Sorry to vent ... but I just had to get it out.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Aww, Magglett don't worry! Chances are REALLY good that it's mostly water weight. Just hop back in the water and grab some arm floaties cuz you're staying for a while!

    What would June Starters be without you?? Everyone is allowed a "bad" day or two (or 3).

    Hope you feel better!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Rica03
    Rica03 Posts: 214 Member
    Hi Everyone ... I have to whine a bit. I haven't been feeling very well at all this past week ... something going on in the digestive track ... ugh!!! It is pretty painful; I'm all puffy, stopped up, and bloated and I feel like there's a volcano in me. Anyway ... I just had an upper GI and will have some follow up testing done next week. So we'll see if anything shows up. My problem is that I'm a big suck when I don't feel well so I not only fell off of the wagon but I dove off head first. I have eaten all whilly nilly this week and had no exercise ... got on the scale this morning to see if I did any damage and I'm up 4 lbs just since Monday. Yowsers!!! I am feeling so angry with myself and I've got the blues now. I'm sure this will pass and I'll get back on track ... I'm just shocked at how easy it is for my body to gain and how difficult it is to lose. Sorry to vent ... but I just had to get it out.
    Maggie-I am very sorry you are not feeling well this week. I do the exact same thing when I don't feel good. Here's a BIG HUG for you!!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Hi Everyone ... I have to whine a bit. I haven't been feeling very well at all this past week ... something going on in the digestive track ... ugh!!! It is pretty painful; I'm all puffy, stopped up, and bloated and I feel like there's a volcano in me. Anyway ... I just had an upper GI and will have some follow up testing done next week. So we'll see if anything shows up. My problem is that I'm a big suck when I don't feel well so I not only fell off of the wagon but I dove off head first. I have eaten all whilly nilly this week and had no exercise ... got on the scale this morning to see if I did any damage and I'm up 4 lbs just since Monday. Yowsers!!! I am feeling so angry with myself and I've got the blues now. I'm sure this will pass and I'll get back on track ... I'm just shocked at how easy it is for my body to gain and how difficult it is to lose. Sorry to vent ... but I just had to get it out.

    Sorry you are having a bad day and not feeling well. I have been really bloated the last few days also...I know how that can make you feel....
    I GAIN so easily too... totally sucks big, hairy toes!!!! :grumble:
    Its alright, lady!!! We are going to get back in the swing and our bodies will catch up... I just hate it when my digestion messes up...I feel yucky for days...:frown:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Hey, just a thought...
    I don't know, but some of you guys may like to connect outside of MFP... I have three friends from MFP that follow me on Twitter and vice versa... Anyway, I also have a facebook
    Don't really know if that link will work... But you can look me up: Kandy Jonker and add me....
    I figured those of you who wanted to do this, we could get to know each other a little better and also offer encouragement and whatnot, throughout the day (:
    I'm KandyJo on Twitter also :happy:
    Have a fantabulous day, June Starters!!!! :drinker:
  • Rica03
    Rica03 Posts: 214 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies!!!:flowerforyou:
    Well I weighed this morning and I am up 1 lbs. Not a great way to end the week!
    I have been running my butt off and you would think with all of that running that I would stay the same or hopefully move down a pound or two.
    I am so frustrated with this.:explode: I have such an issue not falling off the wagon at least once a week I eat something that I know is not good for me but I just can't seem to help myself.
    Oh well, I guess I will dust myself off and have a better week next week.
    School starts Monday so my workouts are going to be more difficult to get in so the first couple of weeks are going to be a little difficult.
    Have a great weekend everyone!
    Fall is just around the corner here...YIKES!!!
    CW 174:cry:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies!!!:flowerforyou:
    Well I weighed this morning and I am up 1 lbs. Not a great way to end the week!
    I have been running my butt off and you would think with all of that running that I would stay the same or hopefully move down a pound or two.
    I am so frustrated with this.:explode: I have such an issue not falling off the wagon at least once a week I eat something that I know is not good for me but I just can't seem to help myself.
    Oh well, I guess I will dust myself off and have a better week next week.
    School starts Monday so my workouts are going to be more difficult to get in so the first couple of weeks are going to be a little difficult.
    Have a great weekend everyone!
    Fall is just around the corner here...YIKES!!!
    CW 174:cry:

    You know, its part of the journey... AND don't feel bad for caving every now and then... I find that I actually do better throughout the week when I give in to a craving or two... I am just really careful when I do.... Also, our bodies are so complicated... you may weigh tomorrow and be down... Hang in there, emosness!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Meags23
    Meags23 Posts: 98

    It's nice getting to know everyone! Meags23: How did you enjoy teaching in Korea? That's really awesome that you both taught abroad!

    Teaching overseas is such a great experience!!! Korea was amazing. I really miss it!!!
  • Meags23
    Meags23 Posts: 98
    Well I have had a strange week!!! I am on my last day of work, and then I head back to Edmonton to go back to School. I have one month there and then I return to Calgary for my teaching practicum. I have been really stressing about going back and leaving my boyfriend and paying for tuition (which went up by $500 this year!!!! eek). But I have been running, training for the Human Race 10k, and eating better than ever before- BUT- I am back up to 138!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! :grumble: Crap! I'm very unhappy about this.... however, I'm encouraged by the fact that my body looks different and I look like I weigh less!!! yay!

    Anyway, that's been my week. I like that we're all sharing. It makes for a more cohesive group! :drinker:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member

    It's nice getting to know everyone! Meags23: How did you enjoy teaching in Korea? That's really awesome that you both taught abroad!

    Teaching overseas is such a great experience!!! Korea was amazing. I really miss it!!!

    Awesome!! I was in Korea for a while, too :happy:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Well I have had a strange week!!! I am on my last day of work, and then I head back to Edmonton to go back to School. I have one month there and then I return to Calgary for my teaching practicum. I have been really stressing about going back and leaving my boyfriend and paying for tuition (which went up by $500 this year!!!! eek). But I have been running, training for the Human Race 10k, and eating better than ever before- BUT- I am back up to 138!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! :grumble: Crap! I'm very unhappy about this.... however, I'm encouraged by the fact that my body looks different and I look like I weigh less!!! yay!

    Anyway, that's been my week. I like that we're all sharing. It makes for a more cohesive group! :drinker:

    The number on the scale could be due to a number of things... WHAT is MOST important is that you feel great!!!! And that you like the way your body is changing for the better!!! Awesome, Meags!! :wink:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000