June Starters-August 24 Weigh in!



  • glandis
    glandis Posts: 89
    I was really hoping to see at least 2 pounds down this week but only got 1.25. Just going to keep at it and hope for a better result next week.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Calculator

    Oh, and I am Lara - I am a stay at home mom. I live in the pacific northwest with my husband, 2 year old, 6 year old and 2 old golden retrievers (12 and 14).

    HI there I'm Gretchen and I also have an old golden retriever, he is 13. I never had dogs growing up and I keep asking people how much longer this dog has??? My hubby and kids don't even want to discuss the fact that he is old and will probably not be here within the next couple years. He is doing fine besides the normal old age stuff like can't hear good, trouble getting up and down the stairs, etc. Well just wondering what you think and nice to meet you.
    Aside from the dog.. I am married with two kids 18 and 14. I live near Hershey PA.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    I was really hoping to see at least 2 pounds down this week but only got 1.25. Just going to keep at it and hope for a better result next week.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Calculator

    Oh, and I am Lara - I am a stay at home mom. I live in the pacific northwest with my husband, 2 year old, 6 year old and 2 old golden retrievers (12 and 14).

    Hi Lara - Where in the Pacific Northwest?

    I'm Kathy, 32, mom of two adorable children 4 & 3. I live in the Inland Northwest but was born & raised in Northern CA and lived there until I was 24. I love the Inland Northwest and we plan on styaing here with out kids and our two yellow labs 6 & 2...Yes between kids and dogs we have a 6, 4, 3 & 2....we got either a kid or a dog every year!
  • yellowhouse
    I was really hoping to see at least 2 pounds down this week but only got 1.25. Just going to keep at it and hope for a better result next week.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Calculator

    Oh, and I am Lara - I am a stay at home mom. I live in the pacific northwest with my husband, 2 year old, 6 year old and 2 old golden retrievers (12 and 14).

    HI there I'm Gretchen and I also have an old golden retriever, he is 13. I never had dogs growing up and I keep asking people how much longer this dog has??? My hubby and kids don't even want to discuss the fact that he is old and will probably not be here within the next couple years. He is doing fine besides the normal old age stuff like can't hear good, trouble getting up and down the stairs, etc. Well just wondering what you think and nice to meet you.
    Aside from the dog.. I am married with two kids 18 and 14. I live near Hershey PA.

    Gretchen- I have heard of goldens living 18 years but I think 12-16 is the norm. Out of a little of 10 I believe our 14 year old is the only one still living. Both of our dogs are pretty healthy aside from some dental issues and slowness on the stairs. They go to work with my husband every day (4 mile walk round trip) and do really well unless it's super hot out.
  • yellowhouse
    I was really hoping to see at least 2 pounds down this week but only got 1.25. Just going to keep at it and hope for a better result next week.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Calculator

    Oh, and I am Lara - I am a stay at home mom. I live in the pacific northwest with my husband, 2 year old, 6 year old and 2 old golden retrievers (12 and 14).

    Hi Lara - Where in the Pacific Northwest?

    I'm Kathy, 32, mom of two adorable children 4 & 3. I live in the Inland Northwest but was born & raised in Northern CA and lived there until I was 24. I love the Inland Northwest and we plan on styaing here with out kids and our two yellow labs 6 & 2...Yes between kids and dogs we have a 6, 4, 3 & 2....we got either a kid or a dog every year!

    Hi Kathy, I live in Seattle.
  • Rica03
    Rica03 Posts: 214 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I don't weigh in until Thursday but I would love to share today!
    My name is Erica and I am a mother of two. Boy-14 going into 8th grade next week and a girl-6 starting 1st grade. My husband is also a cop and we live just outside of Vail, CO.
    I work for a design/build firm as a project manager. We are starting to slow down quite a bit since the economy is not doing so hot right now. Hopefully we can make it through the winter and the spring will be better.
    I am currently training for two half marathons, one in October and the other in November as long as it doesn't start snowing before then. I love to ride my Mtn Bike also.

    I will post my weight on Thursday, hoping for another 1.5-2 lbs!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    AWesome idea about sharing more about ourselves!! (:
    I weigh Wednesday, so I will go ahead and share just a tad (:
    I'm 32 years old. Married to a wonderful man. We have two kiddos. Our boy is 5 years old...started Kindergarten this year...I'm not really taking that all that well...so hard to let your kiddos grow up.
    Our girl is 2 years old. She is the boss LOL I teach two days a week at a local preschool. My 2 yr old goes there also. We love it!!! I am also a Mary Kay lady (:
    We live in Texas... I'm from TX, my hubby is from NY (: Anyway, that's about it.....
    Great weigh-in's so far, JUNE STARTERS!!!!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    AWesome idea about sharing more about ourselves!! (:
    I weigh Wednesday, so I will go ahead and share just a tad (:
    I'm 32 years old. Married to a wonderful man. We have two kiddos. Our boy is 5 years old...started Kindergarten this year...I'm not really taking that all that well...so hard to let your kiddos grow up.
    Our girl is 2 years old. She is the boss LOL I teach two days a week at a local preschool. My 2 yr old goes there also. We love it!!! I am also a Mary Kay lady (:
    We live in Texas... I'm from TX, my hubby is from NY (: Anyway, that's about it.....
    Great weigh-in's so far, JUNE STARTERS!!!!
    Kandyjo - Great to get to know more about you! My son is 4 1/2 (won't start school till next year and mya daughter is three...ALSO the boss of the house! I'm 32 also and used to teach pre-school when I was in my twenties...now I work in an office. Just thought it was funny we had so much in common.
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Well I am surprised with my results considering the week I had last week. It is nice to be back at it again...

    LW (2 weeks ago) 172
    CW 168.2

    Well I hit my 10%. :smile: Now I am aiming for my next 10% (17 lbs this time). I am aiming for around the end of October for that one. The good thing about 10% goals is they get smaller every time!! :wink:
    I may have to revisit my longer term goals. It is my goal right now to be 135 by New Years, but I know I will slow down towards the end, and I don't want to be disappointed in myself later. Now that BBQ/ party season is coming to a close perhaps weight loss will come faster. We will see.

    Congrats to those who lost, those who stayed the same and those who are sticking through it even though you may be frustrated. GO JUNE STARTERS!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Ok..jumping on here really quickly because we are all about to head out to school this morning...
    Weighed in and FINALLY that blasted scale had moved :laugh:
    Here's my stats...

    SW 230
    LW 219
    TW 217
    GW 140

    So, YAY!!!! 2 lbs... I have never been more excited about 2 lbs in all my life!! :happy: I was at 219 for over three weeks! :noway:

    Have a great rest of the week, my JUNE STARTER friends!!!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    AWesome idea about sharing more about ourselves!! (:
    I weigh Wednesday, so I will go ahead and share just a tad (:
    I'm 32 years old. Married to a wonderful man. We have two kiddos. Our boy is 5 years old...started Kindergarten this year...I'm not really taking that all that well...so hard to let your kiddos grow up.
    Our girl is 2 years old. She is the boss LOL I teach two days a week at a local preschool. My 2 yr old goes there also. We love it!!! I am also a Mary Kay lady (:
    We live in Texas... I'm from TX, my hubby is from NY (: Anyway, that's about it.....
    Great weigh-in's so far, JUNE STARTERS!!!!
    Kandyjo - Great to get to know more about you! My son is 4 1/2 (won't start school till next year and mya daughter is three...ALSO the boss of the house! I'm 32 also and used to teach pre-school when I was in my twenties...now I work in an office. Just thought it was funny we had so much in common.

    That is really awesome!!! We'll have to chat more (:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    Ok..jumping on here really quickly because we are all about to head out to school this morning...
    Weighed in and FINALLY that blasted scale had moved :laugh:
    Here's my stats...

    SW 230
    LW 219
    TW 217
    GW 140

    So, YAY!!!! 2 lbs... I have never been more excited about 2 lbs in all my life!! :happy: I was at 219 for over three weeks! :noway:

    Have a great rest of the week, my JUNE STARTER friends!!!!
    Congrats. :flowerforyou:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member

    LW- 176.8
    CW- 175.7

    I'm like 1/2 a measly lb away from my 10%! I'm so excited I'm going to the gym after work to celebrate. :tongue:

    Congrats everyone!!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Lost 2 pounds. For real! I checked it 3 times, lol!

    SW 172
    LW 164
    CW 162
    GW 135
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    SW 176.5
    LW 163.5
    CW 160.2 -3.3lbs!!! It finally showed up!

    Hit my mini goal of 160 by Sept 1st (I'm ok with the .2 I'm sure I can Officially lose it by the 1st)
    And even though my ticker had been saying 15lbs I was at 14.5...so I hit 16.3 this week officially OVER 15lbs lost!:happy:
  • schlieffen
    schlieffen Posts: 269
    SW 176.5
    LW 163.5
    CW 160.2 -3.3lbs!!! It finally showed up!

    Hit my mini goal of 160 by Sept 1st (I'm ok with the .2 I'm sure I can Officially lose it by the 1st)
    And even though my ticker had been saying 15lbs I was at 14.5...so I hit 16.3 this week officially OVER 15lbs lost!:happy:

    Congrats!! AND, you're only a little over a pound away from your 10% loss!!! :bigsmile:

    I also hope to meet my mini goal of 160 soon. I'm at 161.0 as of this morning, so I'm almost there and almost into the "normal" BMI catagory!

    Congrats again!! :flowerforyou:
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    SW 176.5
    LW 163.5
    CW 160.2 -3.3lbs!!! It finally showed up!

    Hit my mini goal of 160 by Sept 1st (I'm ok with the .2 I'm sure I can Officially lose it by the 1st)
    And even though my ticker had been saying 15lbs I was at 14.5...so I hit 16.3 this week officially OVER 15lbs lost!:happy:

    Congrats!! AND, you're only a little over a pound away from your 10% loss!!! :bigsmile:

    I also hope to meet my mini goal of 160 soon. I'm at 161.0 as of this morning, so I'm almost there and almost into the "normal" BMI catagory!

    Congrats again!! :flowerforyou:

    Congrats to YOU! The normal BMI catagory is still a VERY long way away for me so awesome job on being so close! We'll be in the 150's in Sept! YEAH!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Hey guys! I was happy when I weighed in this morning with another 2 lb. loss. I am amazed everyday at my progress. And I am proud to report that my mom has been inspired by my weight loss and went on a lifestyle change as well. She has started eating better (she had high cholesterol) and she walks 2.5 miles a day now. She has lost 3 lbs. so far!

    SW: 191
    LW: 169
    TW: 167
    GW: 150....considering 140 now

    Anywho, my name is Courtney, as you could have guessed. I am 23 and have lived in Kentucky my whole life. I am currently a 2nd year medical student at the University of Kentucky, and it sucks :) Studying to be a surgeon some day....not sure what kind just yet. I am not allowed to have a job now; they actually make us sign a contract saying we will not have a job while in med school :ohwell:

    I am single (Prince Charming, are you out there??) and live with my pup Marley, a Boston Terrier. I am a homebody yet I love to go out. I think of myself as kind of lazy, and for sure a procrastinator :blushing: Trying to break it but I dunno....hehe! I love my family and I can't wait to visit them--they're 4 hours away! Well....enough about me...let's hear about some of you others and I'm glad I got to know a few of you a little more!
  • jeanns
    jeanns Posts: 58
    All right, let's here it for share time! This is fun and a great way to connect as well as keep the inspiration coming!

    SW: 164
    LW: 156ish
    CW: 153
    GW: 144

    Yay! I made it past the ten pound mark! Let's see if I can keep this up! So I am a soon to be nursing student (i start school 9/23) and I'm 25. I graduated from UW in 2006. I live in a house on Capitol Hill in Seattle with my bf and my english bulldog Koopa. It's great to hear about everyone and get a glimpse into people's lives! I'm so glad I joined this group! YAY June Starters! We rock!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Ok..jumping on here really quickly because we are all about to head out to school this morning...
    Weighed in and FINALLY that blasted scale had moved :laugh:
    Here's my stats...

    SW 230
    LW 219
    TW 217
    GW 140

    So, YAY!!!! 2 lbs... I have never been more excited about 2 lbs in all my life!! :happy: I was at 219 for over three weeks! :noway:

    Have a great rest of the week, my JUNE STARTER friends!!!!

    Thank you!!! :drinker:
    Congrats. :flowerforyou:
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hi All,

    Just thought I would take a break from work to say hi and I hope you are all having a good week so far.

    Tonight I take my measurements and see if I've lost some more inches with the lbs I have lost this month. I only plan to measure once a month and last month I was quite pleased.

    This weekend I am going to FanExpo which is like the Canadian version of ComiCon so hopefully I will have some great pictures and buy some really cool stuff.

    Take care and be good to yourselves,