This is Impossible... SO upset.

I was at my lowest weight 3 days ago - 205.5 down from 227! Happy about it - I get on the scale 3 days ago to see 208.5 - I haven't strayed and I have exercised relentlessly this week. How could I have gained 3 pounds?! I took my measurements and they really haven't changed but that number is killing me, mentally, which ends up making me feel worse about the way I look. I still can't figure how you move up 3lbs in one day! Any help or explanation? I'd really, really appreciate it.


  • jcamby
    jcamby Posts: 200 Member
    OK first of all, step off the scale. Only weigh yourself once a week as during the week your weight will fluctuate. You cannot gain 3lbs overnight; you must be retaining water. Drink your water; limit your sodium. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll see it on the scale! :):):)

    p.s. Great job on your losses so far! :)
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    WATER! Check your sodium intake.Drink water not diet drinks.It's normal to fluctuate. Don't worry about it'
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    I routinely fluctuate up to 8 pounds per day, depending on what I eat, how much I drink, how long between craps, whether I worked out the day before, etc... I weigh once every 3-4 weeks usually for logging.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    This LOL You can fluctuate too much day by day. I suggest weighing once a week or every 2 weeks. Your muscles are probably retaining water, too. Try to mix up your workout routine, maybe? I was at a stand still for a month and switching things up and got it moving again. However, I don't think this is the case with you. Just keep at it. It eventually will come off. Good luck!:smile:
    depending on what I eat, how much I drink, how long between craps, whether I worked out the day before, etc...
  • mtm484
    mtm484 Posts: 3
    The scale for me is motivation. I know everyone says don't look at it every day but it's the best way I know to make sure I stay focused. I'm trying to take this lightly but I've been working on this since February and I feel like this is just taking SUCH a long time to see little results. I will try and change the workout - I'm really good about water- Thanks for the tips.
  • Nikkei24
    Nikkei24 Posts: 282 Member
    Don't give up don't give up don't give up. Keep going. The scale will always fluctuate. Just keep eating right and exercising. Don't eat too little or too much and push yourself in the actvities you do. (Push not injure)
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 638 Member
    I'd have to look at your diary and see what you ate.
  • kionig
    kionig Posts: 77 Member
    I routinely fluctuate up to 8 pounds per day, depending on what I eat, how much I drink, how long between craps, whether I worked out the day before, etc... I weigh once every 3-4 weeks usually for logging.

    Love this, very true.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i wouldn't worry unless you stop losing for 2 months straight.
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
    dont worry you just gained muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat so you gained weight.
  • subtractionproject
    subtractionproject Posts: 64 Member
    It's probably because you hadn't had a bowel movement or something similar. It is entirely possible, you're doing so well - I know you feel you need the scale to motivate you, but it's just shown you that it's unreliable and UN-motivational. Don't cling to it so much and keep doing what you're doing. Pick a weigh day, stick to it and then hide the damn thing away until the week is gone.
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    I had the same complaint not even 2 months ago! I was at my lowest (at that time) of 224, then the next day was 228. I was being so faithful, I just didn't understand how you can gain weight that much. Like everyone has said, it is water retention and it will pass. Give it a few days, and limit your salt intake and things will be back to normal. You're doing great so far, so don't get discouraged!!!

    Edited to add this. Yesterday I weighed in at 215.3 and today I was 212.8. I exercised pretty decent yesterday, and was under calorie goal, so you can see that it can go either way.
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I routinely fluctuate up to 8 pounds per day, depending on what I eat, how much I drink, how long between craps, whether I worked out the day before, etc... I weigh once every 3-4 weeks usually for logging.

    Love this - this is totally me especially since I have IBS - it can really mess with the scale if I weigh myself daily...
  • squidlebees
    squidlebees Posts: 2 Member
    Also, muscle weighs more - you could be shrinking in size but replacing fat tissue with muscle tissue. You'll be denser!
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Probably water weight!! Try measuring instead of weighing!
  • HollywoodDJ
    HollywoodDJ Posts: 296
    QUIT BEATING YOURSELF UP!!!! Awe are gonna have to learn to be your own best friend instead of your own worst enemy! You wouldn't say these things to a friend would you? Then come on....

    Everyone here is right...WATER and only weigh yourself ONCE PER WEEK....And only measure yourself once a month or every two weeks! It takes a while for the numbers to go down sometimes. Be good to yourself~!

  • kay_gee7
    kay_gee7 Posts: 3
    Don't give up don't give up don't give up. Keep going. The scale will always fluctuate. Just keep eating right and exercising. Don't eat too little or too much and push yourself in the actvities you do. (Push not injure)

    I like this!! I needed to read this quote, too. It's hard to keep going when the scale doesn't budge. :|
  • umer76
    umer76 Posts: 1,272 Member
    I have the same situation as mentioned in the start of the thread. I didnt gain any weight but for 2 weeks now it is not moving down. Can I expect in next week I will see some downward movement? Atleast 1 pound a week should be going down, thats not too much to ask, come onnn!!
  • amysuespears
    amysuespears Posts: 127
    I gain 5-7lbs each month during that "time" of the month. Also, I retain water if I overwork myself or if I have too much sodium. This is why I don't weigh myself very often (once a month AFTER that time of the month so the water weight is gone). Don't sweat it... bodies naturally fluctuate weight and can actually fluctuate several lbs within one day. It'll come right back off. :)
  • Sometimes near the time of your menstral cycle womens weight tends to elevate a little, which may be the case. Or it could be if you drank liquids a little faster than normal, and they didn't go through your intestines as quickly