This is Impossible... SO upset.



  • The scale for me is motivation. I know everyone says don't look at it every day but it's the best way I know to make sure I stay focused.
    Sorry but this is clearly not motivating you. If you can't deal with seeing your weight fluctuating, then weighing every day is not for you.

    when I try to only weigh myself once a week, its a struggle during the week, and then when I DO weigh myself, what if it's one of those random bad days? I once waited all week to discover I had gained three lbs, and I had worked my butt off all week. Usually, I'll weigh myself 3 days in a row and take the lowest. Keeps me motivated.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Weigh yourself every day after the bathroom before eating and use this place to graph the weight and even out fluctuations

    Why on earth would you advise someone who is having a minor freak out about a tiny scale fluctuation to weigh themselves every day? :huh:
  • carloc
    carloc Posts: 135 Member
    Regular scales at home can fluctuate. I have a good set of scales, use them once a week and even on the same morning they can change dramatically. I believe that it would be better if you stopped using the scales as motivation and learn to listen to what your body is telling you. It takes time but the way you feel is more important than a daily number.

    It takes time to make these changes become normal daily routines rather than something you are doing to lose weight. The eight will come off and you will feel better about yourself, slow and steady wins the race. Think long term not short term or immediate results.

    Keep. Going everyone here is going to support you..
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    Just keep going, tracking calories and sticking to it. When you look at the average over an extended time period you will see the weightloss. You'll have ups and downs between, but just keep going!
  • MENichols5
    MENichols5 Posts: 176 Member
    It is the worst feeling, I know!! Last Saturday I weighed 146.5 (woohoo!) and on Monday I weighed 150 again (boo!) :grumble: It is just water retention, which not only makes your weigh a little more, but also makes you feel bloated and "fat".

    Just do as everyone has mentioned and drink lots of water to keep your system flowing and watch sodium. Those 3 lbs will be gone soon! I know that bad feeling, but don't give up or stress too much :flowerforyou:
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,182 Member
    The scale for me is motivation

    But if you are going to be that worried, its NOT motivation....its counterproductive. Bodies fluctuate in weight. If you are doing the right things, you will lose. Just hang in there. :)
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Weigh yourself every day after the bathroom before eating and use this place to graph the weight and even out fluctuations

    Why on earth would you advise someone who is having a minor freak out about a tiny scale fluctuation to weigh themselves every day? :huh:

    Because that website is intended to deal with fluctuations and scale phobia

    I don't advice to weight once a month,since if you are in fact gaining weight because of calorie miscount, in a month you will have gained enough to make you give up entirely.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member

    I was sooo about to point her to this! So, I second that motion. Read!

    I weigh myself everyday but I understand the fluctuations so they don't really get to me. The scale can't tell me that my pants fit better than last week or that my face looks slimmer than 2 months ago... But I still step on it multiple times a day to stay motivated and to see the actual fluctuations. I've kind of desensitized myself to it.
  • mtm484
    mtm484 Posts: 3
    You guys are seriously incredible! I have been on other programs before but no one was ever this responsive so thank you very much!

    I've made a few goals - I'm going to make sure I work on my water intake - I realize now how important that really is to my day.
    I'm going to change up my workout a little bit.

    I know that some of you are saying not to weigh but I think that is an impossible situation for me right now. I really use that as motivation and I think my problem is that I'm really looking at the mathematical side of this - I know what I'm taking in, I know what I'm burning, and I feel like that should just be the answer, but I know how body chemistry is so wonky!

    I'm going to try and make sure I'm looking at the quality of what I'm eating. There is also a good chance I'm not eating enough- I'm a little under my calorie goal if I add in exercise but I was hoping that was just going to help burn some lbs faster. I'm wrong here, right?
  • subtractionproject
    subtractionproject Posts: 64 Member
    I'm going to try and make sure I'm looking at the quality of what I'm eating. There is also a good chance I'm not eating enough- I'm a little under my calorie goal if I add in exercise but I was hoping that was just going to help burn some lbs faster. I'm wrong here, right?

    I'd say at 200lbs you should be okay eating 1200 calories a day completely safely. If you are certain of your exercise calories burned, by a HRM and NOT by the machines at the gym or by MFP database, then by all means eat them back. But if you don't have a HRM, only eat back a certain percentage back. Just to be on the safe side, as those things tend to really, really overestimate calorie burn.
  • ngressman
    ngressman Posts: 229 Member
    I agree with everyone who says to only weigh yourself once a week- you'll go crazy watching the ups and downs of the week. Also weigh yourself in similar clothes and at the same time of day. Best time for me is first thing in the morning. It's when you'll weigh the least throughout the day. Worst thing to do is weigh yourself after drinking a glass of water or eating dinner. The scale will be 2 pounds heavier. I trying to get below 200. I have been fluctuating up and down for awhile. The only other thing I can tell you is to look at what you ate. Are you being honest with your calories and exercise? I have realized that although I say I don't know why I can't get below 200, I do. I am sometimes more diligent in some weeks than others. It was easy for me to lose the first 10 pounds I lost, but I am finding it takes more change to continue losing. I wish you luck. It's always great for me to see people who have had success on this site.
  • HannahDiaz25
    HannahDiaz25 Posts: 104
    I have done the same thing...dont worry...all it takes is a little extra sodium and your body holds onto water. It will go away :-) It is not real weight. I stopped weighing myself daily. I now way myself every monday evening for a better idea of how I am doing.
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    Great job on your success! Don't stress, this is normal. Weight will fluctuate from day to day depending on how your body is adjusting to what you've eaten that day.

    Weekly weigh ins are a good idea...
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Good grief, it's just a few pounds, relax ;) Give it another week or two and I bet you'll be back to normal :) Good luck!
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    I was at my lowest weight 3 days ago - 205.5 down from 227! Happy about it - I get on the scale 3 days ago to see 208.5 - I haven't strayed and I have exercised relentlessly this week. How could I have gained 3 pounds?! I took my measurements and they really haven't changed but that number is killing me, mentally, which ends up making me feel worse about the way I look. I still can't figure how you move up 3lbs in one day! Any help or explanation? I'd really, really appreciate it.

    Its like a spring tide...when the sun and moon line up correctly with the earth, the gravitational pull between you and the scale is your the tide is higher. You get it back on the neap tide...just hang on.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    I was at my lowest weight 3 days ago - 205.5 down from 227! Happy about it - I get on the scale 3 days ago to see 208.5 - I haven't strayed and I have exercised relentlessly this week. How could I have gained 3 pounds?! I took my measurements and they really haven't changed but that number is killing me, mentally, which ends up making me feel worse about the way I look. I still can't figure how you move up 3lbs in one day! Any help or explanation? I'd really, really appreciate it.

    Its like a spring tide...when the sun and moon line up correctly with the earth, the gravitational pull between you and the scale is your the tide is higher. You get it back on the neap tide...just hang on.

    Or your constipated..happens all the time.
  • Thanks-
    The scale for me is motivation. I know everyone says don't look at it every day but it's the best way I know to make sure I stay focused. I'm trying to take this lightly but I've been working on this since February and I feel like this is just taking SUCH a long time to see little results. I will try and change the workout - I'm really good about water- Thanks for the tips.

    I weight myself every day, too - same reason. But you have to accept that it's going to bounce around a little bit. Today was a bad day for me: up 1.5lb when I thought I should have been down. It happens, and it's almost always just water weight, when the last time you 'eliminated' something from your system, etc. Just keep at it, and you'll see it drop down again. The human body is too complex for all those internal processes to yield a completely consistent decline, even if you're doing everything right.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I was at my lowest weight 3 days ago - 205.5 down from 227! Happy about it - I get on the scale 3 days ago to see 208.5 - I haven't strayed and I have exercised relentlessly this week. How could I have gained 3 pounds?! I took my measurements and they really haven't changed but that number is killing me, mentally, which ends up making me feel worse about the way I look. I still can't figure how you move up 3lbs in one day! Any help or explanation? I'd really, really appreciate it.

    I know what you mean... over 3 days last week I went from 212.0 to 210.6...then on the 4th day (Friday) I was back up to 211.2....then Monday I was up to 211.8...then yesterday I dropped to 210.2. Just keep doing what you KNOW is right, and things will level off. You might have eaten too much sodium, too many carbs, it could be too close to TOM, or you could be retaining water due to the heat or muscle repair.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Also, muscle weighs more - you could be shrinking in size but replacing fat tissue with muscle tissue. You'll be denser!

    In one day? And eating at a deficit? And possibly not even doing strength training?

    ETA: OP - its water + food weight.
  • your body fluxuates every day. so weigh yourself, once every week on the same day.