Vegetarians - why?



  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    The only reason for these threads is to get the veggies fighting the omnis...and then getting locked

    Excellent point. And on that note, I'm going for my walk.
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    I've tried to cut down my consumption of meat/meat products due to the fact that livestock maintenance and production causes a lot of CO2 emissions (particularly beef).

    Decreasing CO2 means less food for all those yummy plants.....just saying....

    This is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. There is no shortage of carbon dioxide in the world. There will probably never be a shortage of carbon dioxide in the world. Even if there were, if people ate less meat, then animals would eat less plants, and there'd be more plants for the rest of us.

    This is kind of silly. Not trying to be mean, but the world was around way before humans and way before factory farming... plants survived then, I see no reason why decreasing co2 emissions would have a negative effect on the earth or on the food plants need. Factory farming is a relatively new phenomenon if you consider the lengthy history that the world has.
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    Ok, I am probably going to offend some, but its not my intention.

    However, I just don't get it, and never will. There has never been a good argument presented to me. I figure because whenever I ask why, they almost always get offended. For the life of me, I don't understand why I can't ask for a reason?

    So why?

    And please remove all of the tofu answers. That stuff is just nasty.

    ya want a reason ? I've got it... health. :)

    my husband just was diagnosed with high blood pressure, and super high cholesterol. Because we already ate pretty decently, lean chicken, little red meats, his DR suggested a STRICT vegan diet. I couldn't cut it,( my cholesterol and BP are fine so It was more of a supportive gesture for me) last week I broke down and went back to being an omnivore, but hubby stayed on it. Today after just 7 weeks of this diet, he got his tests back and the dr said they usually don't even see results this great with medication. My husband dropped over 100 points on his cholesterol.

    some people have health reasons for doing it! :flowerforyou:
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    :-D I really really really REALLY love that gif. <3

    I just had to steal it from you, I couldn't resist! lol

    It's just too funny.
  • sshook990
    sshook990 Posts: 284
    well i am really against cruelty to animals but i couldnt imagine not eating some sort of meat, i always do the free range or hunt for my own meat (my husband does) that way there is less cruelty i think everyone has a right to choose what they want to eat if you dont like a food dont eat it, i dont like fruit on the bottom of my yogurt but i will eat it with granola in it (non fruit yogurt) i like raw veggies but i dont like them cooked, i like raw fruit dont like them cooked in any way! sometimes it just comes down to a prefrence and a lifestyle maybe some vegetarians were raised that way maybe they had a bad experience that scarred them, i wont eat squid i tried it once and choked...see bad experience equals advoidance. maybe they just like veggies and fruit better than meat! or maybe they dont want to fall into the pit trap of eating an animal that could have potentionally been abused. if someone chooses to be a vegetarian Thats it, That is their choice!! i like to be an omnivore and thats ok too! variety is the spice of life and if we were all the same life would be bland and boring!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    And on that note, neither vegeterians or omnivores are superior. Just ask this guy;
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    I've tried to cut down my consumption of meat/meat products due to the fact that livestock maintenance and production causes a lot of CO2 emissions (particularly beef).

    Decreasing CO2 means less food for all those yummy plants.....just saying....

    This is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. There is no shortage of carbon dioxide in the world. There will probably never be a shortage of carbon dioxide in the world. Even if there were, if people ate less meat, then animals would eat less plants, and there'd be more plants for the rest of us.


    I win!
  • sshook990
    sshook990 Posts: 284
    I am a vegetarian, but I have no quips about sucking less... I think my boyfriend enjoys my suckage. :-P

    I'm sorry, I keep trying to diffuse this whole topic with sex.

    No one is angry when its sexy time, unless its angry sex, which is still sex and still fun.

    MI GUSTA :blushing:
  • today6212
    today6212 Posts: 86 Member
    gerd/acid reflux and an ulcer, red meat hurts my stomach nothing else
  • VeggieRockstar
    When I first went vegan, it was for my health. I read that book Skinny ***** which is so embarrassing to admit, but it basically said, 'meat is bad for your body, you don't need it.'

    Now, obviously that's a ridiculous blanket statement. Meat itself is not very bad for your body, it can be very good for your body. But are we usually sitting around eating Alaskan-caught salmon and free-range chicken? Heck no, we're eating fast-food burgers and ground beef and hot dogs. We all know it's laden with all sorts of gross chemicals and hormones that wears down our system over time, but it tastes good and hey, we don't eat it all the time.

    Which brings me to fake meat alternatives. I eat them. on OCCASION. We (most of us, sorry) all do because it's fast and cheap and easy and we are hungry and tired and today was a long day so give us a break already. I have a packet of boca spicy chik'n burgers in my fridge right now just in case I need one dearly. I know the processed food isn't good for me and yet I am not stringent; I eat french fries and drink beer because hey I'm young and they taste good and you only live once. So why don't I just go back to being a straight-up omnivore if my health reasons are clearly only part-time?

    That's where it comes down to ethics for me. For me, I have it in my head now that beef = a cow, bacon = a pig, huevos rancheros = a chicken. It's completely needless animal suffering because I know I don't need meat to survive. Maybe once upon a time in caveman days we did (debated, I know), but today it's easier than ever. Sometimes I want to eat meat because it still looks good to me sometimes, unlike how most vegetarians seem to feel. I have to exercise some self-control, and just say no, because I don't need it. And when I think about it, if it's easy to be vegan today, I can only imagine how much easier it's going to get.

    Some people will say, what difference does it make to the multibillion dollar meat industry? Well, I know I'm just one person. But if you think we should bother voting for president, then think about how much more you can vote everyday in the super market or a restaurant. They'll clamor for my dollar.

    My family gives me a hard time about my veganism, yet they can tell it's helped me keep my weight down and increased my self-control, and I think I am a much happier person because of it. My friends will occasionally ask me about my choice sometimes, and I can get very timid about it because, as others have said, you have to pick your words carefully. I'm not here to offend anyone, I'm just here to speak for myself. Hope that helps.
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    I just want to clear up one little point. I grew up on a ranch in eastern Colorado. My father still runs the ranch. It is a small family farm, and he has always treated his cattle well. I can remember cold nights when I was a kid, my dad bringing baby calves in the house because they were just born and it was too cold for them to be outside. We bottle fed calves that their mama's rejected, and I had many "pets" because of that. But that is how my family made a living. Ranching is one of the most labor intensive occupations out there, and I for one have much respect for those who work that hard.

    That being said, I don't have any problem with anyone wanting to eat differently than I do. It is 100% their choice. Just like it is 100% my choice to eat meat.
  • Prettylittlelotus
    Prettylittlelotus Posts: 239 Member
    I simply don't like to eat things that are cute.

    I bet you eat a lot of opossum then.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    I just don't like red meat, never did,even as a child. I eat fish, chicken etc.

    It doesn't bother me what anyone else chooses to eat or not.
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    I've tried to cut down my consumption of meat/meat products due to the fact that livestock maintenance and production causes a lot of CO2 emissions (particularly beef).

    Decreasing CO2 means less food for all those yummy plants.....just saying....

    This is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. There is no shortage of carbon dioxide in the world. There will probably never be a shortage of carbon dioxide in the world. Even if there were, if people ate less meat, then animals would eat less plants, and there'd be more plants for the rest of us.


    I win!

    You can't read sarcasm, so without voice fluctuations and tone, no one can tell that you aren't just stupid.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    I haven't read the whole post. Following are some reasons why I have been vegetarian in the past, I have a son who is vegan - currently I am a meat eater but could happily be vegetarian again

    Something doesn't have to die
    Environmental - better for the planet

    PS I don't like tofu :laugh: but there are lots of other options
  • solrak1969
    solrak1969 Posts: 92 Member
    On the quest to loose weight i found that meat carried the most weight, as far as calories. I found myself eating tons of veggies. One day I said **** it lets go straight vegetarian. No master plan no political reasons. I just did it. Now I love it.. I have so much more energy than i ever had. But I don't care if someone eats meat. Thats your deal and this is mine. By the way i don't like Tofu either.
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    I've tried to cut down my consumption of meat/meat products due to the fact that livestock maintenance and production causes a lot of CO2 emissions (particularly beef).

    Decreasing CO2 means less food for all those yummy plants.....just saying....

    This is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. There is no shortage of carbon dioxide in the world. There will probably never be a shortage of carbon dioxide in the world. Even if there were, if people ate less meat, then animals would eat less plants, and there'd be more plants for the rest of us.


    I win!

    You can't read sarcasm, so without voice fluctuations and tone, no one can tell that you aren't just stupid.

    YIKES!!! This is getting viscous! Lets all take a deep breath now!!
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    I've tried to cut down my consumption of meat/meat products due to the fact that livestock maintenance and production causes a lot of CO2 emissions (particularly beef).

    Decreasing CO2 means less food for all those yummy plants.....just saying....

    This is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. There is no shortage of carbon dioxide in the world. There will probably never be a shortage of carbon dioxide in the world. Even if there were, if people ate less meat, then animals would eat less plants, and there'd be more plants for the rest of us.


    I win!

    You can't read sarcasm, so without voice fluctuations and tone, no one can tell that you aren't just stupid.

    YIKES!!! This is getting viscous! Lets all take a deep breath now!!

    lol, I am not being viscous. I am just letting him know that you can't read sarcasm, his image said the word stupid, so I just used that as a point of reference. I am actually grinning really huge right now. I am in ridiculously good spirits today. :-D
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I almost went veg. The only meat I ate was chicken nuggets and I think I just ate them so often the thought of eating more meat turned me. Turns out I hate most vegetarian food too (getting better). I'm also concerned for those who do not research what is lacking in the vegetarian's diet and how to get it in a healthy matter that doesn't consist of eating the same thing over and over like tofu (that's a different thread rant). I can understand why peoples stomach turn over meat. It doesn't do that to me anymore. A animal dies for me every day. I'm like Jesus.

    I also didn't want to be associated with the attitude problem most people assume vegetarians have. I bet some people got offended by my jesus comment for example. Don't get me wrong the 'meat eaters' can be just as bad to the other extreme making a point to tick the vegetarians off. I think we all need to be a little more acceptable and not assume that because someone has curiosity (not necessarily a bad thing in life) like the OP, or a sense of humor, you need to fight with them (non-constructively).

    I think it's all rather silly. If someone is saying something and it's not to be intentionally mean about it, why would you flip it to be?

    If you're like Jesus, I have lots of water I need turned into more suitable adult drinks...

    I can totally turn things into adult drinks lol
  • rcthale
    rcthale Posts: 141
    For some vegetarians, it's about animal rights. For others, it might be heart health, and for a few it's trendy. For me, it became too much work to find good recipes, quality produce, and also keep my nutrition in check. But, I do think vegetarian is the healthful way to live and will do it again when my career is more stable.
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