Vegetarians - why?



  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    It grosses me out and I don't like the taste of it. I have been this way my whole life. My Mom would try in vain to get me to eat meat and I just couldn't stomach it - literally! I don't mind if others do it. Let me eat my way and I'll let you eat your way. (My husband is a HUGE meat eater and we manage to make it work). :smile:

    This is exactly like me!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Red meat makes me sick as a dog and is absolutely LOADED with fat.
    This statement has me miffed.
    300g Lean Beef Steak; 0 carbs, 12 fat, 63 protein.

    Hardly 'loaded' with fat.
  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    I am not a vegetarian, but I've considered it. Mostly it's because I don't like meat, and since I don't actively (consciously, thoughtfully, etc) eat a vegetarian diet, there are nutrients missing from my just-don't-like-meat diet.
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    Please do not get offended anybody, but i think it is very unnatural for someone to not eat meat. think about cavemen, they ate meat all their lives, they needed it to survive. they did not eat any grains either. Sure it saves you from the fat, and maybe a heart attack being a vegetarian, but if you eat lean cuts of meat, its even better for your health. Sure they are adorable, but you need meat to survive, or at least be as healthy as can be. I was a vegetarian for a VERY short time, because i joined PETA. sure it kills animals, but you are never 100% vegetarian, because think of all the flies a year that you eat in your sleep... I think its really cool when people are vegetarians, its just not for me, because i love meat too much.

    please nobody get offended, this is just my opinion.

    *edited to fix a spell error*

    Eh, my thought is that we don't do anything natural anymore anyway, so I don't particularly mind bucking that one evolutionary trend. As it is, we stay up way too late using artificial lights, we sit down far more than is good for us, we eat and drink stuff with no nutritional value, we wear clothing made of plastics and petroleum. If we want to go down the "it isn't natural" road, we would be walking it for a loooong time.

    But think of the calories we'd burn on that walk! :bigsmile:
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    Red meat makes me sick as a dog and is absolutely LOADED with fat.

    Loaded in fat compared to what?
  • SusuAtta
    SusuAtta Posts: 56
    Hi! I was vegetarian for three years, and the reason was that I had heart problems at a young age (because of bad genetics and an unhealthy diet), and I wanted a way to lower the amount of saturated fat and salt in my diet. After some research, I decided to do some meatless days, and found out I felt really good and slowly started to add in more and more meatless days until meat was fully out of my diet. After a year of that, my doctor was really proud of how improved my blood pressure was (from prehypertension to 110/69 average) , and I was so happy to have more energy and to feel cleaner :smile:

    Recently, I added fish back into my diet (pescatarian) to see how that goes because, beside some mercury issues, I've only heard positive things about fish. So I'll see how that goes! Either way, I plan on sticking to a diet heavily plant based the rest of my life. It's what makes me feel good, and I encourage everybody to eat whatever makes THEM feel good!!
  • stargazer008
    stargazer008 Posts: 531
    Why do you eat meat?
    Probably cause you like it well we're vegetarian because we like it
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    I've had tummy troubles all my life. At various times doctors have thought I had ulcers, IBS, crohns, even cancer. After I was seriously injured and got an almost fatal staph infection my sister talked me into a homeopathic doctor. Among the lifestyle & diet changes we made were to reduce meat intake.No, it didn't cure my staph but I noticed I was having a lot less tummy trouble! 20+ years later, I still don't eat meat and I still don't have tummy trouble.
    That is MY "why".
  • meowmows
    meowmows Posts: 9
    If you really want to know why people are vegetarian/vegan you should watch Forks Over Knives or Vegucated or Food Matters.
    I am a vegan myself, I don't care if you eat meat and cheese... whatever. To each his own.
    But to say you "don't get it" is probably because you don't want to get it. You like your meat, you like your cheese, go ahead and eat it. That's fine. Don't act like you don't even understand or grasp the concept behind vegetarianism. It's pretty clear why people do it.
    And your body is not made to sustain a meat based diet, plant based has been and will always be a more sustainable diet. It is better for your body, the animals, as well as the earth.
    Your teeth are also not sharp like that of a lion or tiger, they're actually pretty flat (and don't try to tell me about canines, those are nothing compared to all your other teeth), your teeth are not made to rip flesh/muscle. Also your body isn't done as much good by meat as it is vegetables. Less risk of heart related diseases, strokes, high blood pressure and obesity
    End rant.
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    Many vegetarians choose this lifestyle because they dont want to have to kill any animals or have others do so for them.-for moral and ethical reasons.

    Other peple do it because it saves the environment alot of harm. It takes a lot of resources like water and food to feed cows who add to the greenhouse effect via their gas emissions.

    And some people do it because of health reasons, as ideally and usually it is a healthier diet, if done right.There are many, many healthy benefits.

    I was one for 25 years. I quit when i ran into some thyroid problems as i was eating alot of soy which is a goitergen.
    And when i quit soy i craved meat , for the first time in 25 yrs- But alot of the thyroid problems also robably came fromboth genetics and the fact for 9 yrs i ate at the healthfood store i owned and my cooks always used non iodized salt.

    By the way sir, most of the worlds population are vegetarians- so whats your beef?
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Many vegetarians choose this lifestyle because they dont want to have to kill any animals or have others do so for them.-for moral and ethical reasons.

    Other peple do it because it saves the environment alot of harm. It takes a lot of resources like water and food to feed cows who add to the greenhouse effect via their gas emissions.

    And some people do it because of health reasons, as ideally and usually it is a healthier diet, if done right.There are many, many healthy benefits.

    I was one for 25 years. I quit when i ran into some thyroid problems as i was eating alot of soy which is a goitergen.
    And when i quit soy i craved meat , for the first time in 25 yrs- But alot of the thyroid problems also robably came fromboth genetics and the fact for 9 yrs i ate at the healthfood store i owned and my cooks always used non iodized salt.

    By the way sir, most of the worlds population are vegetarians- so whats your beef?

    Interesting connection between the thyroid problems and the non-iodized salt. Normally, I eat a low-salt diet, so I think I'll look into iodine supplements or something like nori. Did you try anything like that?
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    If you really want to know why people are vegetarian/vegan you should watch Forks Over Knives or Vegucated or Food Matters.
    I am a vegan myself, I don't care if you eat meat and cheese... whatever. To each his own.
    But to say you "don't get it" is probably because you don't want to get it. You like your meat, you like your cheese, go ahead and eat it. That's fine. Don't act like you don't even understand or grasp the concept behind vegetarianism. It's pretty clear why people do it.
    And your body is not made to sustain a meat based diet, plant based has been and will always be a more sustainable diet. It is better for your body, the animals, as well as the earth.
    Your teeth are also not sharp like that of a lion or tiger, they're actually pretty flat (and don't try to tell me about canines, those are nothing compared to all your other teeth), your teeth are not made to rip flesh/muscle. Also your body isn't done as much good by meat as it is vegetables. Less risk of heart related diseases, strokes, high blood pressure and obesity
    End rant.

    I've watched all those movies on Netflix, there's nothing in them to turn someone into a vegetarian. Also, no it's not clear why most people choose vegetarianism, seems like half the time it's because people can't stand the thought of animals being killed so they think somehow by them being vegetarian it's going to change anything. For people with medical reasons it's understandable, if you don't like the taste of meat then it's understandable, but simply not eating meat for no reason seems ridiculous. If you have no medical reason to not eat meat and you actually like the taste of meat but choose not to eat it, then that person is probably someone who doesn't eat meat because they can't handle thinking about a cow being killed or any other animal. Which in that case, it's a ridiculous reason to not eat meat.

    Let's not make an argument of teeth either, humans are more than capable obviously of eating and digesting meat, we don't need tiger fangs to be able to eat meat. There have been several cases of cannibalism where the person did his/her deed without the assistance of modern silverware, their teeth were more than enough.
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
    I will give the same answer i gave in the Meat eater thread cause it works both ways

    Circle of life. :)

    Cabbage shall before me! Mwhahahaha
  • determined2lose89
    determined2lose89 Posts: 342 Member
    I'm allergic to beef and pork and dislike the way chicken and turkey taste. Reason enough?
  • yogamom16
    yogamom16 Posts: 114
    I was a vegetarian for many years. I just simply dont like meat. No big explanation. You might not like a certain food, I dont like meat. I have had to force myself to eat it because pregnancy and breast feeding made me very anemic. So I suck it up and eat it sometimes but I still dont like it.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    If you really want to know why people are vegetarian/vegan you should watch Forks Over Knives or Vegucated or Food Matters.
    I am a vegan myself, I don't care if you eat meat and cheese... whatever. To each his own.
    But to say you "don't get it" is probably because you don't want to get it. You like your meat, you like your cheese, go ahead and eat it. That's fine. Don't act like you don't even understand or grasp the concept behind vegetarianism. It's pretty clear why people do it.
    And your body is not made to sustain a meat based diet, plant based has been and will always be a more sustainable diet. It is better for your body, the animals, as well as the earth.
    Your teeth are also not sharp like that of a lion or tiger, they're actually pretty flat (and don't try to tell me about canines, those are nothing compared to all your other teeth), your teeth are not made to rip flesh/muscle. Also your body isn't done as much good by meat as it is vegetables. Less risk of heart related diseases, strokes, high blood pressure and obesity
    End rant.

    I've watched all those movies on Netflix, there's nothing in them to turn someone into a vegetarian. Also, no it's not clear why most people choose vegetarianism, seems like half the time it's because people can't stand the thought of animals being killed so they think somehow by them being vegetarian it's going to change anything. For people with medical reasons it's understandable, if you don't like the taste of meat then it's understandable, but simply not eating meat for no reason seems ridiculous. If you have no medical reason to not eat meat and you actually like the taste of meat but choose not to eat it, then that person is probably someone who doesn't eat meat because they can't handle thinking about a cow being killed or any other animal. Which in that case, it's a ridiculous reason to not eat meat.

    Let's not make an argument of teeth either, humans are more than capable obviously of eating and digesting meat, we don't need tiger fangs to be able to eat meat. There have been several cases of cannibalism where the person did his/her deed without the assistance of modern silverware, their teeth were more than enough.

    My REASON is because I don't wantto contribute to animal slaughter. That IS reason enough. Give me a reason why you DO eat meat please. And I can cone back at you with any number of arguments that meat is HORRIBLE for human consumption, especially the way we feed cattle and fowl to get it all ready to murder for your consumption. Tell me WHY you need that steak, because I just don't see it as reason enough no matter what you say. You thinking my reason is not reason enough is arrogant.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    If you really want to know why people are vegetarian/vegan you should watch Forks Over Knives or Vegucated or Food Matters.
    I am a vegan myself, I don't care if you eat meat and cheese... whatever. To each his own.
    But to say you "don't get it" is probably because you don't want to get it. You like your meat, you like your cheese, go ahead and eat it. That's fine. Don't act like you don't even understand or grasp the concept behind vegetarianism. It's pretty clear why people do it.
    And your body is not made to sustain a meat based diet, plant based has been and will always be a more sustainable diet. It is better for your body, the animals, as well as the earth.
    Your teeth are also not sharp like that of a lion or tiger, they're actually pretty flat (and don't try to tell me about canines, those are nothing compared to all your other teeth), your teeth are not made to rip flesh/muscle. Also your body isn't done as much good by meat as it is vegetables. Less risk of heart related diseases, strokes, high blood pressure and obesity
    End rant.

    I've watched all those movies on Netflix, there's nothing in them to turn someone into a vegetarian. Also, no it's not clear why most people choose vegetarianism, seems like half the time it's because people can't stand the thought of animals being killed so they think somehow by them being vegetarian it's going to change anything. For people with medical reasons it's understandable, if you don't like the taste of meat then it's understandable, but simply not eating meat for no reason seems ridiculous. If you have no medical reason to not eat meat and you actually like the taste of meat but choose not to eat it, then that person is probably someone who doesn't eat meat because they can't handle thinking about a cow being killed or any other animal. Which in that case, it's a ridiculous reason to not eat meat.

    Let's not make an argument of teeth either, humans are more than capable obviously of eating and digesting meat, we don't need tiger fangs to be able to eat meat. There have been several cases of cannibalism where the person did his/her deed without the assistance of modern silverware, their teeth were more than enough.

    My REASON is because I don't wantto contribute to animal slaughter. That IS reason enough. Give me a reason why you DO eat meat please. And I can cone back at you with any number of arguments that meat is HORRIBLE for human consumption, especially the way we feed cattle and fowl to get it all ready to murder for your consumption. Tell me WHY you need that steak, because I just don't see it as reason enough no matter what you say. You thinking my reason is not reason enough is arrogant.

    Arrogant and superior.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    And if you go to a slaughter house and can still eat meat, you are heartless.
  • Heather_RT
    Heather_RT Posts: 24 Member
    I have a few reasons.

    First, I'll give you a bit of background: For the majority of my life, until I was 25, I ate anything and everything, and that meant a LOT of McD's, Dairy Queen, Taco Bell, Wendy's, etc. etc., and yes a lot of cheeseburgers. Then, I became vegan, actually, first raw-foodist, then a vegan, and with this diet change, I lost around 40-50 pounds. (I never weighed myself, but I got down to about 115-120 and I can guess now how much I must have lost.) Anyway, suffice it to say: I got very slender. People thought I was perhaps becoming too skinny. I knew I was just shedding the pounds from many years of fast food- and fats-eating.

    But after a few years, I started eating dairy - cheese on salads, is how it began. Then one year, I started eating eggs. Then, while on vacation 2 years ago, in Hawaii, I began eating fish. But that is where I will stop.

    I don't have what everyone would consider a "logical" reason for this decision, but I do know when I look at my cats (my pets) and my friends' dogs (their pets) and see the same kind of 'being' that I see when I look at a cow, or a chicken, or even a pig (some people's pets) I couldn't eat those mammals. Not unless I was seriously starving, and it was either me - or that animal. Then I may consider it.

    Since you asked, here are my 'reasons':

    Reason #1: As I described above, for me, being a mostly-vegetarian is more about having a sensitivity about other living things. Yes, I still eat a little fish, seafood, here and there but I feel like the way seafood is 'caught' is quite different than the way poultry, beef, pork, etc. is 'raised and processed.' (Many of us have seen the very inhumane ways this food is raised.) When I watch a documentary on how cows are slaughtered, for instance, it's very hard for me to think of EVER eating a cow, especially if I don't have to.

    Reason #2: There are so many other sources of protein that I can eat - I really don't NEED to eat the mass-produced, over-grown, mistreated cows, chickens, pigs.

    Sub-Reason #2.2: Humans do not NEED as much meat as they typically consume. The amount of meat and meat by-products that are produced and sold to the public , and which are consumed by the average person in the U.S., is likely way out of proportion to the need. Here is a quote from

    "Typical Protein Requirements: Average men who are sedentary or who get little exercise need approximately 0.36 g of protein for every pound of body weight, according to the University of Arizona. If you're a 200-lb. man who doesn't work out frequently or vigorously, those guidelines mean you should consume about 72 g of protein each day. If you consume one chicken breast and 5 oz. of lean beef in a day, you've eaten enough protein." - Read more:

    Reason #3: The total impact 'meat' has on our environment. This is something many do not fully consider. Just think of all the water used, and possibly chemicals, and all the other land-use practices that are applied to grow the feed for the cattle and livestock (all that grain, corn, etc) to provide what is really an OVERABUNDANCE of the meat we eat far too much of. Then think of how much methane all that livestock put into our air, gassing up our planet. It makes a real impact.

    Thanks for letting me share my thoughts. :) - Heather
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    If you really want to know why people are vegetarian/vegan you should watch Forks Over Knives or Vegucated or Food Matters.
    I am a vegan myself, I don't care if you eat meat and cheese... whatever. To each his own.
    But to say you "don't get it" is probably because you don't want to get it. You like your meat, you like your cheese, go ahead and eat it. That's fine. Don't act like you don't even understand or grasp the concept behind vegetarianism. It's pretty clear why people do it.
    And your body is not made to sustain a meat based diet, plant based has been and will always be a more sustainable diet. It is better for your body, the animals, as well as the earth.
    Your teeth are also not sharp like that of a lion or tiger, they're actually pretty flat (and don't try to tell me about canines, those are nothing compared to all your other teeth), your teeth are not made to rip flesh/muscle. Also your body isn't done as much good by meat as it is vegetables. Less risk of heart related diseases, strokes, high blood pressure and obesity
    End rant.

    I've watched all those movies on Netflix, there's nothing in them to turn someone into a vegetarian. Also, no it's not clear why most people choose vegetarianism, seems like half the time it's because people can't stand the thought of animals being killed so they think somehow by them being vegetarian it's going to change anything. For people with medical reasons it's understandable, if you don't like the taste of meat then it's understandable, but simply not eating meat for no reason seems ridiculous. If you have no medical reason to not eat meat and you actually like the taste of meat but choose not to eat it, then that person is probably someone who doesn't eat meat because they can't handle thinking about a cow being killed or any other animal. Which in that case, it's a ridiculous reason to not eat meat.

    Let's not make an argument of teeth either, humans are more than capable obviously of eating and digesting meat, we don't need tiger fangs to be able to eat meat. There have been several cases of cannibalism where the person did his/her deed without the assistance of modern silverware, their teeth were more than enough.

    My REASON is because I don't wantto contribute to animal slaughter. That IS reason enough. Give me a reason why you DO eat meat please. And I can cone back at you with any number of arguments that meat is HORRIBLE for human consumption, especially the way we feed cattle and fowl to get it all ready to murder for your consumption. Tell me WHY you need that steak, because I just don't see it as reason enough no matter what you say. You thinking my reason is not reason enough is arrogant.

    Arrogant and superior.

    And in my neck of the woods...redneck. LoL!
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