Is there a goat farm nearby or did you just workout?



  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    This might sound silly, but when I know I'm going to REALLY sweat, like prior to a 90 minute+ workout, particularly outside(I'm in Florida), I wear Mens deodorant, the kind that's heat-activated and fairly heavily scented, like Degree.

    I haven't found a Womens deodorant that works quite as well so far. I can wear a little of that and not even have to use a body spray, I'll smell just fine even after my workout and not slimey/wet.

    I've had friends come over while I was still sweat-soaked and they thought I'd been in the sprinkler system instead of working out. :D

    My favorite for years has been Mitchum Power Gel, and I don't care that it's men's, it works.
  • Prilla04
    Prilla04 Posts: 174 Member
    Stinky and proud here too!

    I am usually alone when I work out anyway - I run outdoors (usually alone) and I do fitness dvds in the privacy of my home.

    I like to gross out my husband when I get in from a long run though :)

    An underarm deodorant is n't going to stop the rest of the body sweating anyway is it??

    "I like to gross out my husband when I get in from a long run though :) " LOL. I do quite enjoy doing the same myself.

    I am certainly a dues paying member of the stinky and proud club. However, there are some folks that I work out with occasionally who don't seem to appreciate the ole "OH MY GOSH you gotta sniffs my pits! Whoooo!" joke.

    Thanks to all for the info and laughter. :)
  • amandab1669
    amandab1669 Posts: 86 Member
    I think I fall into the "stinky & proud" category after a workout.

    I'm going to have to agree with you. I workout at home so I really dont' care how funky I get when I workout. Plus you should be showering afterwards anyway so what does it matter. And I use Dove Clinical Strenght deo which I love
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    I think I fall into the "stinky & proud" category after a workout.

    I'm going to have to agrre with you. I workout at home so I really dont' care how funky I get when I workout. Plus you should be showering afterwards anyway so what does it matter

    I third that. Funktastic and proud.
  • Nelliebird1430
    Lady Speed Stick!