Strength training burns more calories than cardio.



  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    I have never seen any fat marathon runners mind you.
  • BabyGrl726
    BabyGrl726 Posts: 102 Member
    Well the more muscle you have the more calories are burned, so I agree if you stregth train and are building muscle...then over time you will definitely be burning more calories.

    This is why men typically burn more calories than females in any single workout session because they typically have more muscle as compared to females.
    A 45-minute strength training session followed by a 10-15 minute cardio workout (65%-75% of MHR) will burn more calories than a 60-minute cardio workout!

    Eh. I disagree. And when I was wearing my body fit media thingy, it disagreed too. Running/fast walking and/or hiking burned a lot more for me than weight lifting did.

    That said... I LOVE weight lifting, I think it's the better choice if you can only choose one type of exercise, and I do think there might be something to the idea that you keep burning even after you lift.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    So, in other words, the answer to my question is, you don't. You are welcome to your opinions.


    Case in point.

    Oh dear. Did the clever man baffle you with logic?

  • schneidersas
    i really hope those who read this realize that hrms are only accurate for cardio burns, not strength training. Look it up.

    ACK and RTFM of your HRMs:)

    HRMs measurement are not as accurate as some people mean, too
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    Interesting article. According to what I just read, I over taxing my body. I lift 5 days each week. On 3 of those days I do HIIT cardio. On 2 of those days I do steady state cardio. And on the 6th day, I do a super long cardio only session.

    The only beef I had with the article is the part where the author try's to imply that weight training plus cardio means you can spot remove fat from your legs and butt.

    I also have a hard time with the "facts" about after-burn. It's very difficult to monitor calories burned by after-burn. I recently read an article that suggested the HIIT was the only proven form of exercise that produced and real after-burn affects ... which goes back to one of the authors first comments, "The results, which certainly aren’t unanimous, will surprise you…"