Do you "check in" when your weight goes up?



  • shani251
    shani251 Posts: 145 Member
    I do if I stay up for a few weeks. A one off I don't check in though.

    Yeah, ditto.

    me too :smile:
  • gracieabem
    gracieabem Posts: 211
    No, I don't. I feel that most of my gains are just fluctuations. When I upped my calories I gained a little and then maintained for a couple of weeks and then.... bang, I lost again.

    I didn't record that as I felt is was only temporary. And I was still eating well and mostly with calorie limit. My extra calories during that period would have hardly caused weight gain.

    Edit - I don't even weigh in on a specific day. I just weigh when I feel like it and check-in on mfp when I feel like it.
  • andreamkelly
    andreamkelly Posts: 169
    I weigh every morning, but don't log it into MFP unless it is Tuesday or I've lost more than 2 pounds since my last weight log. My posts here go to my facebook account and my friends and relatives don't need to know every time I lose .2 pounds.

    I do log everyday over at so I know exactly what I weighed every day and can track my progress.
  • SWink06
    SWink06 Posts: 73 Member
    Your water weight will change by the minute let alone daily. If you have to weigh yourself every day, do it in the morning when you wake up. I would suggest logging it weekly. That's what I'm going to do.

  • mistyladidah
    mistyladidah Posts: 210 Member
    Didn't read, but thought I'd throw mine out there. I almost always do, but the last few days things have been so freakin' wonky I've held off. I guess I've been waiting to stop gaining so I can record the high weight and then the loss with it to feel better.

    Usually I weigh and log it every day because I think the patterns are great to see... every month on a certain day I gain 2 pounds and I know that, and that it goes away within a week as water, and I don't feel bad. If I didn't track it daily I might step on the scale during my weekly and think something was off when it was totally normal. However, sometimes it's hard not to let it get to me.
  • dimariec
    dimariec Posts: 1 Member
    I would record it, especially if you use the tracker graph. You might be able to see patterns: time of month, season etc.
  • Jenniferlynn212
    Jenniferlynn212 Posts: 110 Member
    I started logging both bc when I lose I always get to celebrate that...I think its best to just be honest about where you're at :-)
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Both, except during maintenance (which I am in now). I weigh once a week then I only log major changes either way (over 2 lbs).
  • dontwantausername1
    dontwantausername1 Posts: 120 Member
    Just the losses. I don't "check in" when I gain.
  • amykluver
    amykluver Posts: 184 Member
    I did - not every time, but I did on a week that I just got out of control after Memorial Day. But I needed it to be a reality check (was glad to see it doesn't post publicly when you have a gain - only when you lose).
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    i have a set weigh in date that i log my weight regardless of the number, however i weigh myself daily to keep myself in line.
  • Geeky_Girl
    Geeky_Girl Posts: 239 Member
    If I gain, I wait until a second weigh-in. If I'm still higher, then I check in with the upped weight. It is what it is. Maybe seeing it will move my butt into action! :P
  • steffers96
    steffers96 Posts: 24 Member
    Well if I weight in more than once a week and I'm up a little bit, no, but if I weigh in when I'm supposed to (I try to make it only once or twice a week, max), then yes, I'll log my increases - they're not large increases anyway (most the time) but I like to review where I've been, and see my reports online and I can tell when I gained weight and kind of try to figure out what was going on at that particular time that would've made me go up in weight. Case in point: Father's Day. We celebrated two weekends back to back, one weekend we had 2 bbq's (one with my family for Father's Day and one with my husband's company), then the following weekend (actual Father's Day weekend), my in-laws were here all weekend and we bbq'd again, and didn't eat 100% healthy like we usually do. I don't really get depressed from the scale - since I've been doing Insanity I'm trying hard to stay away from the scale EXCEPT every other week when I do my measurements. I'll tell you what - SCALES LIE!!! Just because your numbers aren't going down doesn't mean you aren't succeeding - I've been doing Insanity for 3 weeks, my scale went up a little bit, then down a little bit, and plateau'd - not even one ounce up or down- BUT, I've lost 8.5 inches and all my clothes are substantially looser than they've ever been, so don't just gauge your progress by the scale. Unfortunately I've had to learn that the hard way - but I have a LOT of great support groups and have received a LOT of good information about this - but, I too, was a bit depressed when the scale wasn't moving. Stop weighing - go measure yourself - then measure yourself once a week (I do mine every other Monday because of the workout I'm currently doing).
    You can do it!!!!!! :)
  • steffers96
    steffers96 Posts: 24 Member
    EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    If I gain, I wait until a second weigh-in. If I'm still higher, then I check in with the upped weight. It is what it is. Maybe seeing it will move my butt into action! :P
  • kinsellae
    kinsellae Posts: 167 Member
    Just loses.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Have you tried weighing once a month?

    I check in once a month... gain or loss I mark it. ): Sometimes it's VERY depressing but I keep pressing on!
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    I don't. There are various reasons why I could gain weight, but if I lose it's just that I've lost some mass (if I know I've been eating right and exercising). I don't wanna record it and if it's just water weight or what not...And in the end I work harder to get back to my regular weight
  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    If it's only like .2 lbs or whatever, no I don't check in, but if it's more than that, I check in. It keeps me honest to myself.
  • jennylea16
    jennylea16 Posts: 97 Member
    Yes, I would record gains as well to keep myself honest and grounded. And so I can see any patterns that might emerge the weeks that I gain weight. I weigh in weekly, I do peek during the week, but I record my official weight gain on Mondays. And I don't think you should worry about anybody seeing that you gained weight. We are all going through the same thing, we will all gain and lose so we should all be understanding and supportive of that.
  • NittanyLion95
    Yes! I weigh in on Wednesdays... And if it goes up I log it. And If it goes down, I log it. It's not about de-motivation or depressing myself... it's about being Honest with myself. Maybe once a week is too often, maybe I should do once every two weeks, but whatever that weight is on Wednesday, I log it. If I don't, I'm just lying to myself.

    This! I weigh in every week on Thursday (use to be Wed but work schedule changed for WW). I record the weight regardless if I'm up, down or the same. I HATE it when people only log losses. Especially if they log a log every day for a week and get all excited and then don't enter their weight for a month beacuse they gained. This is a marathon and there will be peaks and valleys. It's all part of the journey...isn't the point of being on MFP to get support? Don't try and hide is that helping your journey?