Eating out at Olive Garden tonight..HELP



  • chameleon77
    chameleon77 Posts: 124
    This is funny, because my daughter wants to have dinner at Olive Garden for her birthday tonight and I have been contemplating on what to eat as well. Thanks for all the advice. Salad and possibly soup it is!! :)
  • wilmnoca
    wilmnoca Posts: 416 Member
    Apricot chicken is really your only option
  • The menu has the calories printed in it (at least in New York). The best options are always the protein (dishes with fish or chicken). Don't do cream sauces. Don't eat your whole meal if you're not hungry enough, don't indulge on the salad or bread. Drink water.

    Also plan for it, exercise sometime before you go, so that you wont feel guilty and will need to refuel anyway!
  • evajg
    evajg Posts: 38 Member
    Just ate there last week with the family.
    Ordered grilled salmon, steamed broccoli, house salad-no grated breadsticks.
    Plenty full and enjoyed the company. :smile:
  • ladyhawk22
    ladyhawk22 Posts: 4 Member
    I love eating there. When I go, I get the Apricot Ventian Chicken. It is very delicious and low in calories. I only eat one of the chicken breast, all the asparagus and I get a bowl of the chicken gnocci soup. If I have exercised that day, I will eat 1 bread stick. You can eat one chicken breast (200 calories) and still have one bread stick (150 calories) If you get the salad, get it without the dressing. NO CHEESE, NO OLIVES!! Those things add lots of calories. The asparagus is soooo low in calories. Good Luck. IF you add the soup, only ONE bowl. it is 250 calories so you may want to for go the bread stick. One chicken breast, asparagus and soup is 450 calories!!!! Then you have the other chicken breast for lunch the next day. Chop it up and put it on a salad with low fat dressing. YUM