50 shades of gray?



  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 860 Member
    It's a really good series (for the most part) and you won't be able to put it down. Although I think it's the same idea as Twilight in the sense it centers around some plain-jane, vulnerable, innocent girl and the guy has a dark, sadistic side that's appealing and dangerous.

    Is it appropriate? That depends. For younger audiences, no it isn't. It's basically like some BDSM porno for about 1/3 (possibly more) of the book.

    It was a good read, however I found it to be immature and too much of the Twilight factor played into it. If you liked Twilight, you'll probably like the 50 Shades series

    Cherese Sinclair is SOOOOOO very much better...if you like the genre...you need to read Ms. Sinclair's books. Shades was ok, but it was her first..and you could tell.
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    In defense of literature, I enjoyed the sex scenes. I would not have wanted them to be soft and fuzzy. The steamy scenes are what make the book. Not really the rest. The rest made me just feel a little less guilty..This isn't amazing writing. It's BSDM gone PUBLIC. That is what the rage is about. Women actually enjoying reading (possibly even having sex..) about sex? Oh my.

    But wait until you see what Amazon reccomends for you to read after you download 50 Shades...LOL.
  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    It's basically porn in the form of a book.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    my master says it's a good read \m/

    Will you be my master?

    Can I be both of yours master? LOL
  • EmilyTwist1
    EmilyTwist1 Posts: 206 Member
    Appropriate for non-prudish adults: yes, appropriate for teens: no.

    The books are ok, not great but not bad. If' you're read the first Twilight, take out the vampire/werewolf stuff and add in BDSM and you basically have the story. IMO, there are many books that are much better out there but 50 Shades is certainly the fad right now.

    whats BDSM?

    BDSM stands for bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, and sadism and masochism. It covers a variety of sexual practices that involve things like tying each other up, power dynamics, and giving/receiving pain. Some people refer to it as kink. For many people it's a taboo subject, probably because some people view it as abusive. The key difference is BDSM is practiced between consenting adults.
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    Okay, first of all the Sleeping Beauty series was written by Anne Rice under a different name. Much better writing, in terms of how those things go. I read about the first 100 pages of the first Fifty Shades book and hated it, had to put it down. The chick was this sniveling little whiny priss, and there was just too much gasping and "Oh my!"s for my taste. And to be honest, I never read the full Sleeping Beauty series either...I just skipped around and giggled over the naughty bits when I was younger.

    That being said, I have to admit I loved the Twilight series. Really. Hated the movies. The movies make me want to puke. Kristin Stewart makes me want to puke. Wretched, all around. But the books, I really enjoyed. Also read Stephenie Meyer's _The Host_, which was AWESOME (after I finally broke through the first fifty pages, which I had to read about 12 times just to get into).

    My take on the Fifty Shades books are: if I want some 'mommy porn' I'll just hop onto that crazy thing people call 'The Internet' and look at any weird old freaky sexy thing I can think of...for free. And without having to wade through Ana's obnoxious little internal dialogues. (Snoooooooze.)

    There. My $0.02 on porn lit for the day.

    So...let me get this straight...you're saying you don't like the books??? LOL I love your critique!
  • VonRockette
    VonRockette Posts: 159 Member
    There is a webpage with a "speed read the nastiest bits" section. Here you go:

    Personally I think it's more laughable than sexy or erotic. If my man tried any of these moves, I think I'd laugh him right out of the house. Or dungeon.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me this stuff is straight from the book. I am actually laughing so hard I can't read anymore through the tears. I had to stop at the popscicle part.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Everyone at my job was going nuts about this book. So I read it .... The whole time I was going thats it. This is the scandoulisness that everyone is talking about. Please its barely above vanilla lol. Read sleeping beauty or Some meridith gentry or Beatrice smalls if you want something good. This is just a guy who like to tie people up. If you own a pair of handcuffs you've pronbably done most of the stuff in this book
  • HannahDiaz25
    HannahDiaz25 Posts: 104
    I admit I enjoyed the books...it took me a while to get used to the first person, present tense narrative but It wasnt as painful to read as I thought.
    If you like dominationg guys with a troubled past and sweet innocent girls that are a little confused about what they want out of life/love stories then this is great. I thought some of the drama was a little overdone, but all in all an enjoyable quick read. (very light and fluffy in my opinion)
    I didnt think the BDSM aspect of the story was really that interesting...if anything I thought it was avoided and underplayed. There is a lot of sex in it...but mostly vanilla sex. There was certainly not enough BDSM as to call it a BDSM porno! Mostly the story is about him loosing interest in BDSM NOT her gaining interest. Don't read it if you are looking for anything more extreme then a little bondage and feather flogging :laugh: :laugh: Read it if you like romance with a little spice.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    whats it about? is it appropriate? is it good? i have read the first twilight, a sex and the city novel, and such...... O___O do you reccommend 50 shades of gray?

    It is not appropriate, and I like it.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I can't get down with the butt plug pony play, etc in SB Trilogy. :grumble: To each their own, it was just a bit much for me to handle.

    I don't even see how it can be compared to 50 Shades, honestly. One is repetitive lightly graphic mommy porn (and horribly written, even by the authors admission). The other is full out sex slave erotica (and yes, very well written).
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty is 10x worse than 50 Shades of Grey.

    Hmmm.... is it atleast better written? As in not using the same phrases and adjectives multiple times in a row?

    Anything HAS to be better written than 50 Shades. Seriously. And you aren't kidding about the same phrases over and over again..."Oh my poor fifty" and I was REALLY tired of hearing about what her "inner goddess" was doing by the end of the first book. I mean seriously...who has an inner goddess that glares and does back flips? LoL
  • SFbarmaid
    SFbarmaid Posts: 117 Member
    Okay, first of all the Sleeping Beauty series was written by Anne Rice under a different name. Much better writing, in terms of how those things go. I read about the first 100 pages of the first Fifty Shades book and hated it, had to put it down. The chick was this sniveling little whiny priss, and there was just too much gasping and "Oh my!"s for my taste. And to be honest, I never read the full Sleeping Beauty series either...I just skipped around and giggled over the naughty bits when I was younger.

    That being said, I have to admit I loved the Twilight series. Really. Hated the movies. The movies make me want to puke. Kristin Stewart makes me want to puke. Wretched, all around. But the books, I really enjoyed. Also read Stephenie Meyer's _The Host_, which was AWESOME (after I finally broke through the first fifty pages, which I had to read about 12 times just to get into).

    My take on the Fifty Shades books are: if I want some 'mommy porn' I'll just hop onto that crazy thing people call 'The Internet' and look at any weird old freaky sexy thing I can think of...for free. And without having to wade through Ana's obnoxious little internal dialogues. (Snoooooooze.)

    There. My $0.02 on porn lit for the day.

  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 860 Member
    50 Shades has NOTHING to do with Twilight!!!

    It absolutely does. It was fanfiction. Orginally self-published. I have never read Twillight so I only know this based on interviews.

    I saw nothing in the Shades that even made me think of Twilight.
  • DianeG213
    DianeG213 Posts: 253
    Every time I go to the pool I see at least 5 women reading that book. I have no idea what it's about it, but I don't pay attention to the fads. I read books that sound interesting to me. Just because something is super popular does not make it good. Just look at Twilight. My god.

    I put the book jacket from John Grishams Ford County over my Fifty Shades book so I could read it at the pool without embarrassment! :laugh:
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    no need to read because matthew mcconaughey is going to be in a stripper movie with channing tatum!

    And Joe Manganiello

    and Matt Bomer.
  • HannahDiaz25
    HannahDiaz25 Posts: 104
    BEST TRILOGY I HAVE EVER READ.. I could not put the books down... awesome fabulousness.... I wish there were more books just like them...

    Try the Colter's series by Maya Banks! My husband really appreciated me reading that series.

    Oddly enough, the Blaze series that they sell at Wal-mart is usually just about as graphic as 50 Shades. I don't really see what all the hoopla is about when you really compare them!

    ^ Totally Agree
  • christyjoyjr
    By "worse" I ment more explicit... Sleeping Beauty is well writen... I own the series :) I just found a book called The House of Holes that is comically crude and amateurish. I'm reading if just for the laughs.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Every time I go to the pool I see at least 5 women reading that book. I have no idea what it's about it, but I don't pay attention to the fads. I read books that sound interesting to me. Just because something is super popular does not make it good. Just look at Twilight. My god.

    twilight sucked. but hey, it was better than reading nothing:P
    Reading a terribly-written book is worse than not reading anything. Sorry, but it's true.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member

    I have to say, I love the reviews here.

    If you want real BDSM-based novels, check out the Claiming of Beauty series (Anne Rice writing as Anne Rolequare or something similar) and "The Story of O." I haven't read Shades but I tried reading the excerpt from Amazon. I couldn't finish - it read like a Harlequin and I can't imagine it got any better.

    Oh and Secretary was a good movie. I heart Maggie Gyllenhaal.