What are your flaws?



  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I am too hard on myself. I only see things I don't like about me and cannot see through that to the "good".
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    I'm shy, almost introverted in person--believe it or not--which doesn't lend itself to meeting new people.
    My kids take priority over everything and anybody, that can rub some people the wrong way.
    I tend to think people are doing stuff TO me instead of realizing that some people are just @$$holes and do @$$hole things to everybody.
  • RumOne
    RumOne Posts: 266 Member
    I care way too much about what others think
    I get very loud in social situations
    I still refer to myself as a sack of potatoes in most outfits
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I obsess over things. Not creepy obsess, but nerdy pick-apart-every-effing-detail obsessing. Basically, living in my head... or so I've been told many times by people close to me. And then I lose interest.


    Too hard on myself.

    Antisocial tendencies that I have to constantly work on to appear "normal" to friends & family around me.
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    I care too much about what other people thing about me
  • Krizzo87
    Krizzo87 Posts: 14,186 Member
    I have a temper
    Tend to be impatient
    I am overweight
    I have no confidence
    I see nothing good about myself
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Chuck Norris takes it as a personal insult when you say everyone has flaws....
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Diplomatic to a fault
    Impatient with stupid people
  • Alissakelly
    Alissakelly Posts: 119
    I'm generally not a negative person and rather look at the positives, but everyone has flaws and its important to know what they are so you can work to improve them.

    1. I can be really stubborn, which at times causes some friction between my rents' and I

    2. I can be a really big pushover, because I can't stand letting people down or seeing people unhappy (which is not good when it comes to being successful in some parts of life)

    3. I am easily affected and bothered by negative words towards me, (body image, personality, work) ... indicating insecurity (constructive criticism is different :) i'm 100% good with that, anything too harsh is where it becomes an issue)

    4. I laugh at the MOST inappropriate things... whether its vulgar, not funny, just gross, or a time when I should be compassionate (like when someone falls, of course I'll laugh and then help them and then feel bad for laughing hahaha but still laugh about it later if they are okay) ... have laughed hysterically in LARGE lectures at something the prof says, but no ones else finds funny... and then I cant stop laughing throughout which probably gets annoying to people around me.
    .... not sure if its a flaw, but its not always the best trait

    5. I have a very short attention span, often zone out and start thinking about other things which can make me oblivious to things going on around me (I blame the sound byte society hahah :P)

    .... and i ramble too much ^ hahahahahha
  • FTClown
    FTClown Posts: 181
    I'm generally not a negative person and rather look at the positives, but everyone has flaws and its important to know what they are so you can work to improve them.

    1. I can be really stubborn, which at times causes some friction between my rents' and I

    2. I can be a really big pushover, because I can't stand letting people down or seeing people unhappy (which is not good when it comes to being successful in some parts of life)

    3. I am easily affected and bothered by negative words towards me, (body image, personality, work) ... indicating insecurity (constructive criticism is different :) i'm 100% good with that, anything too harsh is where it becomes an issue)

    4. I laugh at the MOST inappropriate things... whether its vulgar, not funny, just gross, or a time when I should be compassionate (like when someone falls, of course I'll laugh and then help them and then feel bad for laughing hahaha but still laugh about it later if they are okay) ... have laughed hysterically in LARGE lectures at something the prof says, but no ones else finds funny... and then I cant stop laughing throughout which probably gets annoying to people around me.
    .... not sure if its a flaw, but its not always the best trait

    5. I have a very short attention span, often zone out and start thinking about other things which can make me oblivious to things going on around me (I blame the sound byte society hahah :P)

    .... and i ramble too much ^ hahahahahha

    I do not doubt these facts are true, but I doubt that they work negatively for you.

    I looked in the dictionary for the word Perfect and right NEAR it was Alissakelly (get it near perfection - I know not to funny but I am sure I will get a laugh out of you).

    You are awesome.
    1. Conflict will always happen with parents, being stubborn is the best way to have it, means you stand up for what you like and believe in.
    2. I understand when it comes to moving forward in life at times you have to be a bit ruthless, but just like me I rather fail and be kind then succeed and be mean, so you are doing great.
    3. Anyone mess with you would have to be a hater or a liar, and if someone gets to you, come to me. Always here to help.
    4. Damn right you laugh at anything... Keep that up, no matter what. Laughter is great, specially when you have such a huge sense of humor.
    5. Yeah... that one just sucks... lol -- Got nothing for attention span.

    My negative side... I am right behind you being near perfect (that's right folks I am one cocky SOB) but my one fault is, I fear hurting others so I keep my mouth shut at times. Even when they deserve to hear the horrible things... Yeah that is right.
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    I am a bit of a control freak with certain things.
    I tend to interrupt when I am excited about a topic or have something I really really want to say.
    I have a loud voice... I actually am working on myself to get this one under control.
    I have a big heart and tend to care too much sometimes about people that DO NOT deserve it!
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    1. I curse alot.
    2. I'm incredibly stubborn
    3. I'm brutally honest
    4. I have a habit of correcting people, not in a silly Sheldon on Big Bang way but really a-holish
    5. Introvert
    6. Conceited

    Still awesome tho lol
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 576 Member
    1. I'm competitive. Not to the point where I laugh in peoples faces or cheat, but I like it when I have a good competition. It's icing on the cake if I win, but if there's another thrower whose score is about 6" past mine, that gets me pumping just to beat that score, much less win.

    2. I'm physically lazy. Before MFP, I didn't have the "gumption" to do a whole lot regarding self improvement, even if it would help with #1. I rely on my own natural ability to do a lot.

    3. I am an information nerd. Wikipedia, Mental Floss, Gizmodo... it's all brain candy to me.

    4. I'm hyperanalytical. It sort of relates to #3. If I don't know it, I'll try to figure it out, and will keep at it, even if it's not relevant. For example, I mentioned something about a 50 lbs marshmallow right before falling asleep, and wouldn't go to sleep until I had mentally figured out how big a 50 lb marshmallow would be (10" x 10" x 5 1/2', btw).
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    Chuck Norris takes it as a personal insult when you say everyone has flaws....

    He has a flaw too, he was beaten by Bruce Lee
  • FTClown
    FTClown Posts: 181
    Chuck Norris takes it as a personal insult when you say everyone has flaws....

    He has a flaw too, he was beaten by Bruce Lee

    That is no flaw, he knew he would out live Lee, so he let him win.
  • sktllmdrhmz
    sktllmdrhmz Posts: 2,073 Member
    My dog eats his poop sometimes.
  • lilrette
    lilrette Posts: 23 Member
    *I hold things in, then I blow up.
    *I act like tiny problems are the end of the world.
    *i have no balance, I'm lucky I can walk.

    So much to work on....
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Say things before thinking at times.
    Like an earlier post my kids come before everything.
    That gets in the way of me doing for me when it shouldn't.
    I need to work on balance in my life.
    My winkie is crooked:drinker:
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,324 Member
    im terribly sarcastic and mean.
    i def have a lazy streak (which is what carried my fat *kitten* up to 242lbs)
    i have a temper
    i cum pretty quick
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I filter very little of what I say. I tend to come across very *****y because of this!
    I am WAY to confident!
    And...I think entirely too much like a man!