What are your flaws?



  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    loll judging by alot of posters i think there a abnormal amount of people here with unusually large anusis
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    I focus on the negative too much
    I have an extremely short fuse
    I expect others to give as much effort as I do and feel they are lazy when they don't
    I judge people easily
    I freakin LOVE to eat!
    I think the world would be better off with quite a few less people (and I have been known to point out a few)
    I guess simply put I am a B***H. :mad:
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I only have two modes for anything and everything.

    1. Obsessed

    2. Couldn't care less
  • nickiog
    nickiog Posts: 187 Member
    i think i come off as a lot more of an *kitten* than i try to be.

    i dont have a filter.

    i lack motivation.

    i hate cilantro...no matter how hard i try to like it , it just makes me want to die.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    I don't kiss *kitten* to my bosses.

    I don't trust too many people. It takes a while to earn my trust in you.

    Many others but those 2 have killed me in my past.
  • xxempress
    xxempress Posts: 122
    Filthy mouth
    Short fuse
    Power trips/Dominance
    Will stop at nothing to get what I want -fckn brat!

    &there's your lessons on how to attract a man... No wonder I've been single for so long.
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    I worry WAY too much.
    I have less patience than I should.
    I try to please everyone, and it usually ends up hurting me.
    I don't value myself as much as I should (according to my husband).
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    Road rage. So much road rage.
    I curse. A lot.
    Obsessing about things that I can't change.
    Low self-esteem.
    Not putting myself first when I should.
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    My biggest flaw is that people don't see how awesome I am.
    It often causes them to hate me. A lot.
  • brandon0523
    brandon0523 Posts: 516
    i hate people... and im an *kitten*..
  • NatashaAlexandra
    NatashaAlexandra Posts: 70 Member
    I will stress over the tiniest things - such as there not being any seats left on the bus when I get on. I have to remind myself to chill constantly!!

    I am really self conscious and I take AGES getting ready until I feel okay to step outside - I even have to wear make up and do my hair to go to the corner shop!!

    I have too high standards in guys - in a good way I suppose I think I deserve nothing but the best (not being big headed), but this has resulted in me being constantly single and I find hardly anyone attractive!! The only people I find attractive are unattainable, famous, or way out of my league. Driving me insane.

    My weight obsession is a serious flaw too... all my friends get annoyed with me counting calories - even though I am completely healthy and do it properly they seem to think I'm silly and mock me for doing this because they dont fully understand the concept!!
  • LisaBeateith2012
    LisaBeateith2012 Posts: 346 Member
    I am too hard on myself. I only see things I don't like about me and cannot see through that to the "good".
    I am the one in the black t-shirt! :happy: This is me!:grumble: It really sucks being like this!:huh:
  • leanby2013
    leanby2013 Posts: 137
    1) I cant touch my toes even though im 5ft
    2) I sing my sentences
    3) Im fussy when choosing friends
    4) I find it impossible not to be sarcastic in bad arguments
    5) I interview myself when im on my own lmao
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    -The words "patience" and "no" are not familiar to me
    -I like everything MY way... I'm a total control freak
    -I have a terrible temper
    -I care too much for people
    -I am really bad at giving people the benefit of the doubt
    -I tend to overract when my feelings are hurt
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    super impatient
    Bad temper
    I can be overly emotional sometimes
    I worry too much about things that are beyond my control

    Wow. My twin.
  • brandon0523
    brandon0523 Posts: 516
    1) I cant touch my toes even though im 5ft
    2) I sing my sentences
    3) Im fussy when choosing friends
    4) I find it impossible not to be sarcastic in bad arguments
    5) I interview myself when im on my own lmao
    fnking hilarious,. alll of em..
  • Neecy_Pooh
    Neecy_Pooh Posts: 122
    1.) I have a very short, short fuse
    2.) I am very impatient
    3.) I am very critical of myself
    4.) I am a perfectionist
    5.) I hold things in until I boil over
    6.) I have a really hard time loving a person AND their faults
    7.) Little things get to me.....badly
    8.) I worry waaaaay too much

    Oh, there are more but you'll be reading for a good hour!
  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member
    I'm blunt and stubborn =). I don't really have a sense of timing and if you don't want an honest answer don't ask me a questions lol.
  • stacierusk
    stacierusk Posts: 13
    Socially inept
    harshly judgemental of myself
    Don't trust ANYONE on the planet save one soul (husband)
    potty mouth
    can be whiny at times
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    I don't have patience with arrogant people.