Trim for Turkey Day starts today! Join if you want!



  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    OK sounds like we will keep this thread so that everyone can find it more easily and then I will post a new thread in about a month. I will make sure and let you all know when I post the new thread. Here to a happy Saturday everyone! I have to get drinking some water.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    When you post the new thread you can include the link in this thread. For some reason other links don't work on this site, but MFP links do. I'm in a cycling group on MFP and on Sundays, I post a new link for everyone to check in and paste the link into the previous thread and everyone justs clicks over to the new week :happy:
  • TheNatKitchen
    TheNatKitchen Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Everyone, I would love to join (a day late I know:blushing: 0 )

    Here are my stats!
    Current Weight: 169
    Thanksgiving goal: 150
    Ultimate Goal: 127
    Oh, and I need to drink 69 oz water/day. I think... Math isn't my strong point. :)
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Since my weight today is 190, I divide it by 2 and get 95 then 20% of 95 is19 and I subtract the 19 from the 95 and get a daily total of water which is 72 oz!

    Wouldn't 95-19=76? I know it's only ounces difference, but if you're being strict with it...
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    hi i want to join too!! good to see some familiar faces :)

    current: 153 (summer's rough)
    goal for TD: 138
    final goal: 130

    i am drinking water as we speak also :)
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good Morning All:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    When my ticker re appears, it will show that I am now down 34 lbs.(If you are a stickler for details, technically it is 33.5, but the TICKER says 34, so it goes)

    8/29/9 CW: 211.5
    Thanksgiving Goal: 187 lbs/ (down 57 lbs.)
    Ultimate Goal 125 by 4th of July 2010/ (down 125 lbs.)

    BTW, in regard to when the thread changes, I am glad that there is positive support for a once a month change. Since this thread started late in August, may I suggest that the first "new thread" change take place on October 1st, and the 1st of ea month thereafter.

    That will make it easy for people to follow and anticipate the change. BTW, anytime you want to post a link in the OLD thread for the NEW one, all you have to do is create the new thread, and after you make your first post, go to the address bar on your browser and copy EVERYTHING in it , including "http/..etc and then go to the OLD thread and post a message about the new address and copy it in.

    Good luck everyone!! That turkey better watch out on Thanksgiving because I am going to be looking foreward to nibbling on him big time!!
  • I'm a little late as well but would still love to join. I really engaged in a healthy lifestyle while I was preparing for my wedding. But one year later, I'm 13lbs heavier and have lost a lot of motivation. Being part of a group will really help get me back on track. I need to get drinking on the water as well!
    Stats below. :)

    By Oct. 15- 120
    By Turkey Day - Maintaining 117 - 120

    Good Luck to All!!!
  • I haven't been doing so well with my water, but I am on track today!! Whoo hoo! Helps to mow the lawn and get thirsty!!

    Created by - Free Diet Plans
  • Good Afternoon!! Im a day late myself! but would love to join :smile:

    My current weight is : 373
    My ultimate Goal: 160
    My Turkey Day goal : 340

    My gosh if i figured it out I need to drink 149 oz! I was never really good at math...but i think its right!! :drinker: better get started!!
  • TheNatKitchen
    TheNatKitchen Posts: 33 Member
    So, I drank all my water and then some... It was almost TOO easy. Would someone mind helping me check my math? I think I either got wrong, or I'm just naturally more thirsty than most people.

    According to my calculations, I need to drink about 69 oz since I weigh 169. Yesterday I drank about 90 oz water plus 2 cups coffee, 2 glasses of Crystal Light, and 2 glasses of wine. AND I woke up 2x in the night PARCHED! What am I doing wrong here?
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    In my experience the more water I drink the more I want and that is why I drink up to 128 oz or more a day, my body craves water.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Good morning, all... I got up at 4:00 this morning to make sushi for my husband to take in to work... :sick: Obviously, I'm not functioning very well right now!:laugh:

    I'm making it my goal to run later today, and get some laughs by doing a cardio video with my daughters... They always make things interesting!
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Haha this looks like a great thread, I'm in!
    I'm usually pretty alright as far as drinking water goes, in fact, I probably drink too much because it's a habit I formed when I started working at a chocolate factory ( Mainly when you're allowed to eat all the chocolate you want, you learn to drink 3-4 litres a day or you wind up with horrific skin lol)

    How many ounces in a liter? 32?

    But anyways, trim for turkey down sounds awesome!

    CW: 155
    GW for turkey day! : under 140, even if its 139.8 haha
    UGW: 107-118 .. I'll know when I get there.

    ps. Miss Resa, I'd absolutely love you if you could share some tips on making sushi, I bought some mats, but mine always turn out a mess, and I'm never sure what :flowerforyou: to put in them.. thanks!
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    ps. natroyster, coffee, alcohol, and some diet beverages act as diuretics, which means they cause your body to eliminate water, so generally speaking for every glass of coffee or wine ( not sure about the crystal light) your body is going to need an extra glass of water :flowerforyou:
  • Hey everyone! I am one day late, but can I join anyways? I would LOVE to do this challenge!

    According to the formula, I need to drink 79.6 oz of water a day, so I'll round that up to an easier-to-remember 80 oz. :)

    Starting Weight: 206lbs
    FP Starting Weight: 199lbs
    Current Weight: 199lbs
    Thanksgiving Goal Weight: 183lbs
    Goal Weight: 125lbs

  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hope everybody is having a great day! Got an awesome work-out in today!! Feeling very good! :smile:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    ps. Miss Resa, I'd absolutely love you if you could share some tips on making sushi, I bought some mats, but mine always turn out a mess, and I'm never sure what :flowerforyou: to put in them.. thanks!

    It really helps if you dip your hands in water before touching the rice; it keeps it from sticking to your fingers when trying to spread the rice out. As for what I put in them... I do not do anything raw! I'm too much of a chicken to try! I make California rolls or Alaska rolls(I live in Alaska). Pretty much for the California rolls I use imitation crab meat, avacado slices, and cream cheese. For Alaska rolls I use smoked salmon(ours is homemade!), cucumber, and cream cheese... Hope it helps!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    hey everyone sorry ive been mia as my old thread regualars know this is not like me at all (please say true lol) it was my bday last week and ive been celebrating. last night was last of it so im back for good so hi....theresa is that u i see r we back yay? and sudzie ok seems like our pants group is now here and hello new people. not only am i drinking my water but i have accomplished something i never thought possible....i havent had soda 9and i only drink diet but still not good) since wed night ive been drinking water and crystal light iced tea and feel so good....craving but i think i will b ok, i have this botle i got from cosco i take on my walks and tom im gonna take it to school (ugh school) with iced tea for the ride back from manhattan. hope u all r good


    totoise (cause slow and steady wins the racea)
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    @ pepamint83 congrats on giving up soda that many days. I have long since stopped drinking reg soda and only have diet. Now, I've stopped drinking it all day long and just have one or two a day - but I find it difficult to make the final break. I actually like water, but sometimes, a girl just wants a little variety. I keep meaning to start making iced tea, but maybe I should try crystal light again - haven't had it in years.

    I'm ALMOST meeting my water goals - I seem to fall about 1 glass short in the evenings and don't want to chug a lot right before bed. I'm starting off with 3 glasses, but I'm falling off mid-day. Going to try another water load after lunch.
  • RaeBella13
    RaeBella13 Posts: 153
    Hi All:

    I hope everyone had an awesome weekend! I know I did :tongue:

    Mondays are my weigh days, and got on holding my breath! I had a wedding over the weekend and probably drank more than I should have!

    BUT! I lost 4lbs this week!

    So, it goes a little something like this:

    Starting weight:324
    Current weight:319
    Goal by Thanksgiving:275
    Ultimate Goal:175

    That means I have 44 more lbs to go!

    Hope everyone is doing well!:wink:
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