Ladies; what are you looking for in a Man?



  • FatStoatLondon
    FatStoatLondon Posts: 197 Member
    It's a hard question to answer because all women are different, just like all men are. I could tell you what I look for in a man, but that would just be my preferences. There was an EXCELLENT podcast by Dan Savage once on this subject and he summarised it on his online column at The Stranger but it's a bit explicit so Google "Dan Savage Advice for Young Men" at your peril. The only bit I would change is that I would put the hot body Dan mentions a bit further down on the list. Personally, I like guys of all shapes, from Edward Norton to Jack Black.

    Bushy nostril hair is always a turnoff. Dunno if that helps.
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ He should have a positive outlook on life, even when things aren’t always perfect ... he can accept and deal with the bumps along the way. He would always make me laugh with his great sense of humor. And most of the time, he is someone who is very fun and enjoyable to be with. There needs to be a sense of commitment ... He has to be someone who is reliable and trustworthy. I would know deep down in my heart that I can always count on him for support, understanding, and comfort. Most importantly, I can trust him that he won’t deliberately do things or make decisions that would hurt me or our relationship.

    His communication skills would be incredible ... He would listen empathetically and patiently to the things I say without being judgmental ... He would entertain my point of view before providing solutions or advice. He is able to get his message across and conveys his thoughts effectively with a pure sense of caring and understanding. He would respect me and treat me as an equal partner by valuing my opinions and genuinely wants to understand my thoughts. He discusses things with me before making important decisions. He respects me, my family, my friends, my choices, my career, and my space ... privacy.

    And the now best part ... he would be affectionate, sensitive, and extremely romantic ... He would know how to express his love and care for myself through simple, affectionate gestures like hugs, kisses, holding hands, calls, text messaging, saying “ I love you ” and never feeling less of a man because he is completely in touch with who he is ... inside and out. He would be attentive and sensitive to my needs, and would cheerfully do little things to make me happy, loved and cared for. He would be appreciative and forgiving ... He wouldn't take me or the relationship for granted ... He appreciates me and the things I do for him on a daily basis. He doesn’t hold grudges when I unintentionally hurt his feelings or make mistakes. He forgives and moves on.

    He deeply believes and feels that life is wonderful and worth living and he’s committed to life long learning and self development. He has other passions in life other than myself, for example his work, hobbies, interests, friends, kids, family, sports, and fitness. He takes good care of himself and doesn’t rely on me entirely for his happiness.

    He is confident, but not arrogant ... Men are born leaders, protectors, and providers. However, in order for a woman to genuinely and deeply admire, adore, and respect a man, he has to be competent to begin with ... and that comes with the desire to be the best version of himself he can possibly be.

    One last thing ... He would have to be fitness oriented and put his health first. To have a lot in common is the only way a relationship is worth having ... cause without it, you just have another acquaintance in life.

    If I had to sum it up in just a few words ... He would be a great lover ! :wink:
  • scorpiogirl100
    got to be hilarious and be able to laugh at himself, hardworking, a "manly" man (not these little metros WTF???), non smoker, no drugs, knows how to be romantic (but I wouldn't expect it all the time) puts the toilet seat back down (lol), taller than me, When he holds me...I want to feel safe in his arms, and wouldn't mind watching a "chick flick" every now and then.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    - honesty
    - confidence
    - attraction
    - attractiveness
    - friendly
    - caring
    - clean/hygienic
    - funny
    - optimistic/positive
    - non judgmental
    - healthy
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    In the past: cocky, arrogant, tall, black hair, dark eyes, nice body, party animal (I was attracted to this.)

    Now: my boyfriend....wonderful, loving, care, sweet, handsome, brown hair, hazel eyes, passive, doesn't like to drink, would rather take care of me....

    And it's perfect. Want and deserve are very different things.
  • ShareeMorty
    ShareeMorty Posts: 324 Member
    Can't find a good man with a shopping list
  • twl900
    twl900 Posts: 122 Member
    First and foremost, honesty.

    And he has to be able to laugh my bad jokes and indulge me whenever I start yapping on about random topics that interest me.

    I also wouldn't mind a guy who's a bit innocent when it comes to romance =)
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I don't know...

    I figure once I know what I'm looking for, I'll probably start looking for it.

    But right now? Haven't a clue.
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    You know what....I've come to the conclusion that if we (male or female) stuck to their "lists" of what they were looking for in the opposite sex, then the majority of us would be single anyway. No-ones perfect.

    I once had what I thought made me happy, but there were issues on both sides. Love's still there, just not enough. And you know what...I've found that the only person who can make me happy Would just be nice to share it with someone who shares the same philosphy on life.

    I'm not gonna list what I'd prefer in a man, because I know in reality, no-one can tick ALL the boxes.

    When you think you've found that someone, life has a way of sending you on a roller coaster ride after which it steers you in the opposite direction, which sucks!
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    Honesty, humor, intelligence, and compassion. A desire to enjoy life and be of service to others. A willingness to go with the flow and the ability to stand his ground. Hard worker. A sense of adventure. A team player. A love and respect for nature. Someone who knows what he wants and has the motivation to go after it. Kindness. Trust worthy. Quiet confidence. That last quality I find super sexy!

    My friend said it perfectly here!!!

    that describes me perfectly
  • Easywider
    Easywider Posts: 434 Member
  • Papalov100
    Papalov100 Posts: 1,593 Member
    1 he should love God more than anything else
    2 caring
    3 loving
    4 hold me tight through the night
    more etc.
  • Alluring72
    Alluring72 Posts: 50 Member
    Sexy - in my eyes, physically active (no couch potatoes), open to new adventures, dominant in bed (but equals everywhere else), intelligent, compassionate, accepting, relationship built on truth - including the fact that one of us may stray for meaningless sex and that is ok! No lies, no games, open honesty, and above all the freedom to be myself enitrely with him and have it all accepted as a part of a fabulous package with some human flaws that we can laugh at together.
  • Alluring72
    Alluring72 Posts: 50 Member
    Can't find a good man with a shopping list

    Excellent point! Met my man when I wasn't even looking.... :-)
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    1 - He should love God more than anything else
    2 - Maturity

    Sums it up.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    The things I won't bend on are honesty, good hygiene, being faithful, respecting others (human and animal), and being confident in himself. If I was looking for a vagina, I'd bat for the other team!
  • nicescent
    nicescent Posts: 44
    A freaking mind reader!

    I know what you want....
  • jimmyjjohn
    So, When you are looking for a guy to marry its no longer just about how hot he is. When you are a young teenager of course you dont care about his inner qualitys that much you just care if hes cute. Well Marrige takes alot of group work. Its all about working together with your partner.

    1.Honesty-marrige is oath basickly saying i am yours you are mine. You need to trust him 100 % of the time. If your always worrying where he is or what he is doing than you will add lots of stress to both of you.
    2-loyality-He needs to never put you second and always put you first. The wife should come before anything in his life including his guy freinds! also to check if you would always come first ask him to dinner, would he rather go out with you or his guy freinds.
    3-sweet- you dont want a unresponble looser for a hubby! you want somone who always remebers your anversy. And gets you major roses and chocaltes when ur sick or on valintines day
    4-Hottness- i wouldn never marry a guy who was shorter than me or was ugly becuz rember- ur supossed to spend ur lives together
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    loyal, funny, soulful
  • ravegee
    ravegee Posts: 999 Member
    1. Nice
    2. Truthful
    3. My best friend
    4. Respectful
    5. Faithful
    6. Kind
    In other words a good person and somebody who I am attracted too.