Found This Motivational Pic, Anyone Know Who She Is?



  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Well, I'd like to extend my gratitude to the asshats for being asshats. Being pissed off about your ignorance helped me lift some heavy weights.... And I'm that much closer to my six pack abs! ;)

    You're probably warming up with their work sets.


    You know- I have to apologize. I totally misinterpreted this post. Sorry for my own asshatery in response... I thought you were sayin the feeling was mutual :(


    I was just noticing today that my warm up sets are pretty bad *kitten*. My warm up squat is more than I weigh.

    It's all good, I probably could have been a lot more clear!

    For what it's worth, two months ago I lured my wife to the squat rack and talked her under a barbell. Now she's only 20lbs behind me. Pound for pound, she's stronger than I am in most of the lifts. I think that's sexy as hell.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Those who does not like how she look, don't worry she would never give you a second look anyway.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Those who does not like how she look, don't worry she would never give you a second look anyway.

    That, and the females who don't like how she looks are unlikely to ever have that problem themselves.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member

    She looks perfect for a *man*.

    Statements like this f-ing piss me fight the F%ck off....

    There are women on this site who want to look like this...
    There are women on this site who DO look like this...
    I would LOVE to look like this...

    To say she looks like a man is extremely insulting.
    I hate when people say "ewwwww" or "gross" or "nasty" or " manly" about ANY woman's body...

    Someone is READING those words who looks like that, and it NEVER feels good to be called nasty or gross....

    What would happen if someone posted a progress pic in a bikini and someone said "ewww, you look nasty, fat, and gross" because they still were a little overweight? Would that be wrong? Would that comment get deleted and that person get a warning? Yes.
    So, if you call a fit, strong, muscular woman "nasty and gross", you should be reported and deleted as well.

    I really have nothing to add.

    Muscles FTW!!!!
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Those who does not like how she look, don't worry she would never give you a second look anyway.

    That, and the females who don't like how she looks are unlikely to ever have that problem themselves.
    HAH I was about to post the EXACT same thing. The ones that don't like it have nothing to worry about. It takes work and dedication to be that fit.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    The guy was giving his opinion in response to someone asking "what do the men out there think?". He's entitled to his opinion. He doesn't have to like the way she looks just like you don't have to like the way he looks. I, personally, wouldn't mind looking like her! She's perfect. But that doesn't mean its ok to insult the *kitten* out of someone because their opinion differs.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Having a preference doesn't mean someone is insecure or intmidated. It's just a preference.
    The reason I hate sauerkraut isn't because I'm insecure.

    Sure. But when someone is asking what your favorite sauerkraut recipe is because they aspire to make great sauerkraut, why would people feel they need to post about how sauerkraut is disgusting?

    That's what makes it seem weird.

    Suddenly I'm hungry for a kraut dog.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    The guy was giving his opinion in response to someone asking "what do the men out there think?". He's entitled to his opinion. He doesn't have to like the way she looks just like you don't have to like the way he looks. I, personally, wouldn't mind looking like her! She's perfect. But that doesn't mean its ok to insult the *kitten* out of someone because their opinion differs.

    I would totally lick her abs.