At what size is it okay to start working in a gym?



  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    I applied in a gym in March for a receptionist position, whilst studying my Fitness course. I got an email back, a month after the interview saying I was not successful. I talked to a friend of mine who also works there and she was told by her manager they would have hired me, I seemed like a smart, intelligent, young girl but they didn't like that I was "too big" and would "not be a good advertisement for the gym."

    Yeah, I understand that you need to be visibly fit but at a size 12 it's not like I'm humongous either.

    What size is it okay to start working in a gym?

    I ask because I have just gained my cert 3 in Fitness but I am scared if I go apply to work on a gym floor somewhere they are all gonna turn me down cos of my size.

    the amount of discrimination in the world that still exists today astounds me. I mean, simply ASTOUNDS me. At a size 12, you probably have a few to lose (Im a size 12 currently and I know I have 45 to lose), but I can tell you this, there's an overweight gal working the receptionist desk (so the first person you see) at our gym. I never once gave a second thought to her weight and her working there. Never once.

    ETA: And you have certifications? yeah, I'd rather have a slightly overweight knowledgeable person to talk to, than a skinny gym rat.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    To the OP, is that actually legal where you live? If you can perform all the job duties I would look into the legality of discriminating you solely based on your size.
    First of all, they discriminated against you. I think they think all fitness instructors must be a size 6-8, but that's not what real woman weigh. At my gym, there is a fitness instructor that has to be a size 16 or so, and she teaches, there is also a Zumba fitness instructor that used to be probably a size 20 or 22, and she teaches. However, she has lost a considerable amount of weight while teaching Zumba.....what better advertisement then that!! I personally would not work for that company and go elsewhere. Most companies want you to "look" the part, especially in the fitness industry, but that's wrong. Hope you find a job that values your education and abilities, and not your weight. Good luck!

    I'm sorry, but your post is discriminative as well. "real women aren't a 6-8"??? Excuse me, but I am a 2-4 and I feel pretty real. That's just dumb.

    I think, what she meant, was "the average woman size". And that is really not a 2 -4.

    Maybe because the "average" woman is obese? After all the vanity sizing, size 0-4 is an ideal and realistic range for someone of average height (which is around 5'3-5'4 in the US). There's no need to put people down to convince yourself that normal is overweight or obese. Just try to eat better to look better.
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    At my gym in the US, there are no overweight people it front desk, trainers or mangers.. every last one of them is fit and attractive.. as it should be.

    yes, as it should be. Because the world revolves around perfection and instead of embracing our differences and diversity as being beautiful and unique, and bringing to the table, more than a pretty face, we should definitely continue to perpetuate the myth that only the fit and very attractive are worthy.

  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    At my gym in the US, there are no overweight people it front desk, trainers or mangers.. every last one of them is fit and attractive.. as it should be.

    yes, as it should be. Because the world revolves around perfection and instead of embracing our differences and diversity as being beautiful and unique, and bringing to the table, more than a pretty face, we should definitely continue to perpetuate the myth that only the fit and very attractive are worthy.


    ugh, the people in this thread are being insufferable.

    it is a business that is out there to make money. you wouldn't staff a hair salon with people with horrible hair, would you? yes, discrimination sucks, but this is not discrimination. this is a business.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    ETA : I'm in Australia so our size 12 is a UK size 10. I think?

    You are much smaller than me, and people always guess my size/weight much less than it actually is. The secret is to learn to dress your figure to it greatest advantage---really!! You have no idea how much a more flattering outfit can influence others' perception of you. This sounds very superficial, I know, but first impressions are very important...if you can get your foot in the door, then you will have a chance to prove what a FANTASTIC person you are. How do I know you are fantastic? Well you're on this site, aren't you?:bigsmile:

    Check out the show on TLC called "What Not to Wear". There are truly some helpful things to be learned.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Let's all not pretend that this doesn't go on. I mean, are people really shocked by this??? Weight discrimination is so easy to do and happens all the time.
    And sometimes it's not a bad thing but just reality.
    We should not think of every job as an entitlement.
    Should I expect the ChipenDale dancers to hire me? I dance poorly and am 48 years old with bulges, bald spots, bunions and boils. Not bad for a guy pushing 50 but a JOKE as a male dancer.
    That's an extreme example, but you are right, it goes on everywhere and always shall. Again, our bodies are our billboard. If we master that, it shows that we have the strength and discipline to be successful. And we are more attractive, and the more attractive a person is, the more doors open. That's just the way life is.
    Let's all get fit together and let out accomplishment speak for itself.
    That's why we are all here.
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    At my gym in the US, there are no overweight people it front desk, trainers or mangers.. every last one of them is fit and attractive.. as it should be.

    yes, as it should be. Because the world revolves around perfection and instead of embracing our differences and diversity as being beautiful and unique, and bringing to the table, more than a pretty face, we should definitely continue to perpetuate the myth that only the fit and very attractive are worthy.


    ugh, the people in this thread are being insufferable.

    it is a business that is out there to make money. you wouldn't staff a hair salon with people with horrible hair, would you? yes, discrimination sucks, but this is not discrimination. this is a business.

    No, actually it is discrimination. i didn't say it was a protected status law wise, but the definition of discrimination is just what the OP is experiencing.

    And yes it is a business, but personally I wouldn't spend my dollars at a gym that treated people like that . Being fit and healthy is important. It really is, and I get that, but it's not worth treating those not fit and healthy as less than. Getting a job somewhere, anywhere shouldn't be determined on your looks. And yes, I would go to a salon with someone I thought had bad hair. Know why? Perhaps it's the latest style and I just hate it. Or perhaps they're having a bad hair day, which happens to us all. Besides, I assume that anyone that works in a gym is probably using the facilities too, and if I did come across someone overweight working at one, I would assume they were simply in the process of losing weight. I would never say "well she's just fat, so this treadmill doesn't work, but I bet the gym down the street that has the exact same treadmill but a skinny person behind the counter, now THAT one works."

    Because that's stupid and asinine.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    At my gym in the US, there are no overweight people it front desk, trainers or mangers.. every last one of them is fit and attractive.. as it should be.

    yes, as it should be. Because the world revolves around perfection and instead of embracing our differences and diversity as being beautiful and unique, and bringing to the table, more than a pretty face, we should definitely continue to perpetuate the myth that only the fit and very attractive are worthy.


    ugh, the people in this thread are being insufferable.

    it is a business that is out there to make money. you wouldn't staff a hair salon with people with horrible hair, would you? yes, discrimination sucks, but this is not discrimination. this is a business.

    Do most hair stylists cut their own hair? Probably not. Yes its a business but its not like the only people going to the gym are going to be skinny anyway.

    No, I wouldn't hire an overweight trainer because I'm already in good shape and know my way around the gym. I also wouldn't hire a female trainer as well because I think they'll work me out "like a girl".

    Someone obese might be more comfortable with an overweight trainer though. They might see it as being a more realistic goal for them. If I was 50lbs overweight I would be very intimidated by a super model for a trainer. I would never be able to see myself getting there.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    At my gym in the US, there are no overweight people it front desk, trainers or mangers.. every last one of them is fit and attractive.. as it should be.

    yes, as it should be. Because the world revolves around perfection and instead of embracing our differences and diversity as being beautiful and unique, and bringing to the table, more than a pretty face, we should definitely continue to perpetuate the myth that only the fit and very attractive are worthy.


    ugh, the people in this thread are being insufferable.

    it is a business that is out there to make money. you wouldn't staff a hair salon with people with horrible hair, would you? yes, discrimination sucks, but this is not discrimination. this is a business.

    Do most hair stylists cut their own hair? Probably not. Yes its a business but its not like the only people going to the gym are going to be skinny anyway.

    Yes I wouldn't hire an overweight trainer because I'm already in good shape and know my way around the gym. I also wouldn't hire a female trainer as well because I think they'll work me out "like a girl".

    Someone obese might be more comfortable with an overweight trainer though. They might see it as being a more realistic goal for them. If I was 50lbs overweight I would be very intimidated by a super model for a trainer. I would never be able to see myself getting there.

    No, but if their receptionist had horrible hair they'd want to show that they could fix it and get results, just like a gym.

    Honestly I'd suggest the OP apply to be a trainer and not a receptionist. I agree with what you said about having a diverse range of people training, but for a position like a receptionist that is basically advertising what the gym can do, I can totally understand why the gym would want to hire someone in ultra good shape.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    At my gym in the US, there are no overweight people it front desk, trainers or mangers.. every last one of them is fit and attractive.. as it should be.

    yes, as it should be. Because the world revolves around perfection and instead of embracing our differences and diversity as being beautiful and unique, and bringing to the table, more than a pretty face, we should definitely continue to perpetuate the myth that only the fit and very attractive are worthy.


    ugh, the people in this thread are being insufferable.

    it is a business that is out there to make money. you wouldn't staff a hair salon with people with horrible hair, would you? yes, discrimination sucks, but this is not discrimination. this is a business.

    Thank you.

    Gyms, like any other business, need to make money. In order to make money, you need to have an image.. and people to support that image... which fit, thin, attractive people do.

    Sorry that people are getting all butt hurt over this and don't want to face reality, but it's the truth.

    You want diversity and uniqueness, then don't work at a gym.. that simple.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    A little off topic, but this makes me wonder how many people actually work out at a gym because of what the people look like...Does anyone actually check out the equipment and weight room? :huh:
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    At my gym in the US, there are no overweight people it front desk, trainers or mangers.. every last one of them is fit and attractive.. as it should be.

    yes, as it should be. Because the world revolves around perfection and instead of embracing our differences and diversity as being beautiful and unique, and bringing to the table, more than a pretty face, we should definitely continue to perpetuate the myth that only the fit and very attractive are worthy.


    ugh, the people in this thread are being insufferable.

    it is a business that is out there to make money. you wouldn't staff a hair salon with people with horrible hair, would you? yes, discrimination sucks, but this is not discrimination. this is a business.

    Do most hair stylists cut their own hair? Probably not. Yes its a business but its not like the only people going to the gym are going to be skinny anyway.

    No, I wouldn't hire an overweight trainer because I'm already in good shape and know my way around the gym. I also wouldn't hire a female trainer as well because I think they'll work me out "like a girl".

    Someone obese might be more comfortable with an overweight trainer though. They might see it as being a more realistic goal for them. If I was 50lbs overweight I would be very intimidated by a super model for a trainer. I would never be able to see myself getting there.
    when I hire anybody for anything, I hire the best.
    And for fitness training I only hire those who have results themselves. Why hire a failure to teach me how to succeed?
    Makes no sense...
  • sweetgeek793
    Wow, so a uk ten would be considered unhealthy Im 5'2 and currently a 14 I want to get fitter and leaner but don't want to go back under size 10 as my friends and family would worry about me. As a uk size 8 I start to look a bit unhealthy and gaunt. I would much prefer to look like a woman with real curves in the right places.

    If a healthy uk size 10 does not have a good enough body to work at a reception desk then what hope is there!

    I enjoy going to the gym just mines seems to welcome all shapes and sizes.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    I am so tired of having to be PC all the time. Some people have genuine disabilities and need exceptions made for them. But too many people think that just because they aren't making an effort to improve themselves( I am NOT referring to the OP)they have a right whatever they want. If they don't get it, it's discrimination of some sort. Business is business, people! Attractiveness SELLS! Brush your hair, put some lipgloss on, check it all out in your full-length mirror, and make people believe that you are GREAT!!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    A little off topic, but this makes me wonder how many people actually work out at a gym because of what the people look like...Does anyone actually check out the equipment and weight room? :huh:
    I saw fellow cavemen grunting and slamming about and was sold.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    At my gym in the US, there are no overweight people it front desk, trainers or mangers.. every last one of them is fit and attractive.. as it should be.

    yes, as it should be. Because the world revolves around perfection and instead of embracing our differences and diversity as being beautiful and unique, and bringing to the table, more than a pretty face, we should definitely continue to perpetuate the myth that only the fit and very attractive are worthy.


    ugh, the people in this thread are being insufferable.

    it is a business that is out there to make money. you wouldn't staff a hair salon with people with horrible hair, would you? yes, discrimination sucks, but this is not discrimination. this is a business.

    Do most hair stylists cut their own hair? Probably not. Yes its a business but its not like the only people going to the gym are going to be skinny anyway.

    No, I wouldn't hire an overweight trainer because I'm already in good shape and know my way around the gym. I also wouldn't hire a female trainer as well because I think they'll work me out "like a girl".

    Someone obese might be more comfortable with an overweight trainer though. They might see it as being a more realistic goal for them. If I was 50lbs overweight I would be very intimidated by a super model for a trainer. I would never be able to see myself getting there.
    when I hire anybody for anything, I hire the best.
    And for fitness training I only hire those who have results themselves. Why hire a failure to teach me how to succeed?
    Makes no sense...

    Failure in what way? Someone who's been thin their whole life has no experience at weight loss really. They can't relate to their overweight clientele so they don't even know what its like to have failing as a possible outcome.

    Isn't a skinny fat trainer a failure too?
  • da1128
    da1128 Posts: 212 Member
    Years ago, I applied for a job at a gym. I was literally told that if I lost ten pounds, the job was mine. I weighed 108 pounds at the time at 5 ' 3" tall. Those gym *kitten* wanted me to weigh 98 pounds!

    I was devastated and my self esteem plunged south. I ran to my doctor and asked him for diet pills, which were all the rage back then. He said, "Absolutely NOT!" and asked me straight out, "Why the hell do you want to lose ten pounds?" When I told him that I was too fat to work at that gym and explained what they said, he was furious. He picked up the phone and called the gym, demanding to speak to the manager. Let me tell you, he ripped that woman a new one and told her that she needed to be educated about health issues.

    The gym called me the next day and offered me the job. I turned them down flat. No way was I going to work in a place that hired only skeletons to represent their brand. A month later, that gym closed its doors...word was they were shut down.

    I weigh 124 pounds today....I guess I would be considered obese by those people. Oddly enough, in my size 4 skinny jeans, I don't look overweight at all.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I applied in a gym in March for a receptionist position, whilst studying my Fitness course. I got an email back, a month after the interview saying I was not successful. I talked to a friend of mine who also works there and she was told by her manager they would have hired me, I seemed like a smart, intelligent, young girl but they didn't like that I was "too big" and would "not be a good advertisement for the gym."

    Yeah, I understand that you need to be visibly fit but at a size 12 it's not like I'm humongous either.

    What size is it okay to start working in a gym?

    I ask because I have just gained my cert 3 in Fitness but I am scared if I go apply to work on a gym floor somewhere they are all gonna turn me down cos of my size.

    A size 12 is certainly appropriate. Some people are looking for practical fitness..not be body builders. Some people are encouraged to see a trainer that looks like themselves and is working toward fitness. Some people have been coached by people in their life time that were incredibly knowledgeable coaches but terribly out of shape themselves. Some people have had young, attractive, very fit trainers that were flat out STUPID and didn't listen to the goals and challenges of the client they were working with and were horribly ineffective.

    Take this list with you to your next interview and sell yourself like this...make them see why you would actually be an asset. You can do it.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    At my gym in the US, there are no overweight people it front desk, trainers or mangers.. every last one of them is fit and attractive.. as it should be.

    yes, as it should be. Because the world revolves around perfection and instead of embracing our differences and diversity as being beautiful and unique, and bringing to the table, more than a pretty face, we should definitely continue to perpetuate the myth that only the fit and very attractive are worthy.


    ugh, the people in this thread are being insufferable.

    it is a business that is out there to make money. you wouldn't staff a hair salon with people with horrible hair, would you? yes, discrimination sucks, but this is not discrimination. this is a business.

    Do most hair stylists cut their own hair? Probably not. Yes its a business but its not like the only people going to the gym are going to be skinny anyway.

    No, I wouldn't hire an overweight trainer because I'm already in good shape and know my way around the gym. I also wouldn't hire a female trainer as well because I think they'll work me out "like a girl".

    Someone obese might be more comfortable with an overweight trainer though. They might see it as being a more realistic goal for them. If I was 50lbs overweight I would be very intimidated by a super model for a trainer. I would never be able to see myself getting there.
    when I hire anybody for anything, I hire the best.
    And for fitness training I only hire those who have results themselves. Why hire a failure to teach me how to succeed?
    Makes no sense...

    Failure in what way? Someone who's been thin their whole life has no experience at weight loss really. They can't relate to their overweight clientele so they don't even know what its like to have failing as a possible outcome.

    Isn't a skinny fat trainer a failure too?
    Of course he is.
    Why would you even ask? Again, if I hire a trainer, he must have achieved results himself.
    Same for financial planning. I won't be running to a crash course in banking taught by the
    Or how about entrepreneurship taught by Hulk Hogan?
    Hulk Hogan just can't stop churning out the junk. From his own George Foreman Grill rip-off to disgusting energy drinks, the fake wrestler jumps from one failure to another.
    Back to our's not wrong to expect a personal trainer to be in peak physical condition.
    You don't go to a failure to learn success.
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    Any size...I don't think anyone should feel uncomfortable to go to a place to get healthier...