Really obese



  • kajpen
    kajpen Posts: 120 Member
    I just want to say, you need a few thin friends. They either have been where you are, or have always done it right. Either way, they can help you.

    What you don't need is a bunch of people who will excuse your bad decisions and tell you "tomorrow's another day."

    You're out of tomorrows.

    Good luck. Everyone has something to offer. Don't limit your success by choosing friends who will help you think it's okay to do nothing.

    ^^^^^^^^^ Totally agree with this!
  • Rylansmommy12
    I Have to losse 60 Lbs not as much as you.
    But before joining this site i would never knew how many calories i ate.
    I Was also Really Lazy.
    Im still new to this site, Feel free to add me.
  • sissie2955
    sissie2955 Posts: 47
    I just joined this last week, although I have been on my Weight Loss Journey for over 4 rs now with a baby in between. I have lost 160+lbs and still have 75-80 to loose. PLease feel free to add me. Anyone that is looking for encouragement or accountability. I am looking for some positive and encouraging people as well. We all have ups and downs and those on the morbid obese side know, like me, all to well that there is ups and downs in this journey it is the fact that you keep plugging in,.
  • sissie2955
    sissie2955 Posts: 47

    P.S. To the people whining about her "coat hangar" comment ... if the OP wants to surround herself with people who are sharing her journey, that is her right and she doesn't need anyone's approval to do so. Moreover, she doesn't need to hear anyone griping about it either. Yes, it helps to have "been there, done that" friends, but she'll get there in her own time. You can't tell by looking at someone's photo if they are a weight-loss success story, or one of those people who doles out weight loss and eating advice but has never been more than a couple pounds overweight in their life, so let her do her thing, make friends she has something in common with, learn and grow and expand her circle over time like everyone else did. And y'all need to just shut your yaps about it. My 2 cents, for what it's worth.

    I TOTALLY AGREE!!! When i was 389lbs I wanted people who were clos eto me on my struggle within a certain amount. They did not have to be as big as me or have as much to loose but we all find comfort in different people and different friends.

    And let me just say it does not matter where you are at in life - SOMEONE will always complain and there will always be "one or more in the crowd" Choose to Ignore those and move on and be positive, those are not the type of people that help you succeed anyways.
  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    hey everyone.. i have anywhere from 120-150 to lose! my doctor told me that I am clinicially morbidly obese.. I weigh (to date) 311.6lbs at 5'5", and almost 27 years old.

    Anybody is welcome to add me :)

    Just know that you're not alone, and you can totally do this!
  • theweightisover
    theweightisover Posts: 79 Member

    P.S. To the people whining about her "coat hangar" comment ... if the OP wants to surround herself with people who are sharing her journey, that is her right and she doesn't need anyone's approval to do so. Moreover, she doesn't need to hear anyone griping about it either. Yes, it helps to have "been there, done that" friends, but she'll get there in her own time. You can't tell by looking at someone's photo if they are a weight-loss success story, or one of those people who doles out weight loss and eating advice but has never been more than a couple pounds overweight in their life, so let her do her thing, make friends she has something in common with, learn and grow and expand her circle over time like everyone else did. And y'all need to just shut your yaps about it. My 2 cents, for what it's worth.

    <clapping loudly>