what was your "rock bottom"? what made you change?



  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member
    My rock bottom was three things:
    * slow circulation and swelling ankles due to an overworked heart, officially diagnosed as edema.
    * tight fitting Size 24 pants that finally made me sick of myself
    * after losing 45 lbs and getting the above 2 items eliminated failing knees to spur me downwards until I reach my excess loss goal.

  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    My rock bottom is this BEFORE pic at 220 lbs-- just did a post (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/644630-bikini-before-after) with more after pics! I changed when I realized I had given up too much being FAT!

  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    I had previously lost 30ish pounds before. I went from 164lbs to 132lbs (I should add that I'm 5'1"). Then I started gaining it back, and when I hit 154lbs AND my dad found out he was pre-diabetic with high cholesterol (his triglycerides were over 1000!!!!), and his doctor told him he was a ticking time-bomb, I knew that I didn't want that to be me. Now I'm 129.2 (lower than my previous low weight), and working hard to get to 115-120, and watching my dad get healthier as well!
  • johnodriscoll3
    My rock bottom was when I was brushin 280 and started getting too big for my "fat clothes".

    The most beautiful girl in the world wrote me and told me she was concerned about me, and wanted me to lose weight.
    80 lbs later, I don't think I've ever loved anyone more than her.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 426 Member
    For me, it was playing tag in the driveway with my 7 year old while waiting for the bus. I couldn't outrun him. Hit me like a ton of bricks. Finally realized I need to take care of myself for my kids and for my wife.

    260 pounds later, I can run a mile in under 8 minutes, and I'm way faster than he is! :)
  • leanby2013
    leanby2013 Posts: 137
    I was never ''fat'' but i was always chubby, i was in my last year of school 2010 and we were doing a play on a girl who suffered with anorexia, one of the boys in our class shouted out ''paige is DEFINITELY not playing her''.

    Harsh words but it gave me a kick up the *kitten*.

    I had my last takeaway that night and i went all out, i weighed myself after and said id never see that number again. Two years later and ive stuck to my word ;)
  • pdxblonde
    pdxblonde Posts: 2 Member
    A couple of weeks ago. I was driving to work and realized that I just felt like crap.
  • denisebme
    denisebme Posts: 103 Member
    My mom died at 59. On October 9th, 2011 on what would have been my mom's 73rd birthday, her only sister, and my aunt, passed away at age 60.
    I had to look at myself in the mirror and ask myself what the heck I was doing. I was a 17 year cancer survivor, yet I smoked. I quit smoking on December 7th, and within a few months, my BMI shot up to 30, and someone snapped a picture of me at an event, and when I saw it, I realized my weight was as big a problem as the smoking was.
    So, on June 4th I joined MFP.

    Life is such a gift, and I want to be around for a long time. I'm 47 years old, and I just can't accept this dying at 60 stuff!
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    My last appointment while pregnant with my youngest, and I weighed in at 286, just twenty pounds shy of the weight my mother was when she had a gastric bypass. I cried for a bit, and resigned myself to WLS. After the birth, I started looking more and more into it, and realized that I really didn't want to go that route, and I decided to really try losing weight, instead of listening when my family tells me that I'm just built this way and there isn't anything I can do.
    So I tried, and hey, I can do it. I am down 107 pounds, just from eating better and working out.
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    Mine was in March when I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, and uterine cancer within a week of each other. I had been in denial about what the weight was doing to my body and was determined to change it. I was so embarrassed that I let it get so far out of control and I'm still very motivated to not only lose all these excess pounds, but to get healthy and fit.
  • danwood2
    danwood2 Posts: 291 Member
    I was one of those that was always told "You carry the weight so well - we can't tell you are that much", but I was hitting 240lbs. My wife and I kept talking about working out more and eating better, but we never stepped up to the plate to make the change. On our daughter's first birthday (memorial day weekend) - a picture was taken of me standing in front of the grill cooking the burgers and hotdogs. What I saw there was an eye opener and decided that enough is enough. Researching a bunch of different diets and everything else - we decided to downlod MFP in June - and started working out everynight with my Wife. 3 weeks later - 17 lbs lighter - with 30 more to go to reach my goal weight of 195.
    Sam is doing just as good with 15lbs lighter and we are going to be hitting the DDPYoga hard tonight... just like we do everynight.
  • tadpole242
    tadpole242 Posts: 507 Member
    Being rushed in the hospital, I was helpless to comfort my 11 year old daughter who was outside of the emergency room with my wife, knowing that I fully understood what my daughter was going through, as my tenth birthday was spent waiting for an ambulance to take my mother to hospital. My mother died after a very long weight related illness. I did not want that for my daughter, I wanted to live to see her finish school, to see her have a family, and to bounce grandkids on my knee. But most of all I‘m doing it because, unlike most of my family I don’t want to die in my fifties.
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    When I went to the doctor for a check up and found that I weighed the same amount as I had immediately post-partum... 2 years before.
  • yuri43
    yuri43 Posts: 1 Member
    My rock bottom was being told i am "pre diabetic" by my doctor and weighing the heaviest I have ever been.
    I have used everything around me as an excuse but I finally hit bottom. No more reasons to use excuses as an approval to overdue anything anymore.

    I want to be here for my wife, kids, and one day grandchildren
  • violabeatle
    violabeatle Posts: 87 Member
    My boyfriend and I went for a date night and ate about as much for dinner as we should have in the whole day. Onion ring appetizer, bacon cheeseburger and fries for dinner, churros dipped in chocolate for dessert. After that weekend I weighed 228 (height 5'8"). Oy.

    Also, my friends kept telling stories about how they were getting hit on by creepy guys (we live in a major US city). I had none of my own. Not to be rude, but I think my friends and I are all about the same in terms of being pretty - they are just much skinner/healthier... NOT FOR LONG! :)
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    I had lost 30 pounds without exercise (basically starved myself), and then slipped back into drinking. Before I knew it I had ballooned up to 260 pounds (I'm only 5'7"). I had a very serious chat with myself one night about how this lifestyle was going to kill me, and I was never going to see my two little girls grow up. I got some amazing support from my wife and a few friends, and did a complete 180. I've had a couple of small setback here and there, but I just keep moving forward as best I can. :)
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    For me, it was playing tag in the driveway with my 7 year old while waiting for the bus. I couldn't outrun him. Hit me like a ton of bricks. Finally realized I need to take care of myself for my kids and for my wife.

    260 pounds later, I can run a mile in under 8 minutes, and I'm way faster than he is! :)

    .. and you're HUGE (in a good way). 260 is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!