Facebook Status Updates



  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    I have a cousin that I want to stay in touch with, but she posts about 10x an hour the social causes/thought of the day/etc things, too... so many, that any real messages get lost in the clutter. I turned on the setting "only show me important posts" and so far I haven't seen anything. :|
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    hey I post food photos sometimes!

    i agree with everything else!

    Ah but food photos are different! That usually means it's something that is pretty darn special and you need to show the world... not, 'Just had some jam on toast, yum' lol Boring people!!

    And... I think my mother... (who used to FREAK when people took photos of JUST food... the cake at parties, etc. without PEOPLE in them, because "that's not a real photo - a real photo tells a story, take a picture of who is going to EAT it/blow candles, etc.) just rolled over in her grave...

    Maybe because she raised me... I also think photos of food with no people in them are ridiculous!
  • ChefSuzzieQ
    ChefSuzzieQ Posts: 119
    When I had my facebook (deactivated it recently) I did update about my kids because DH's family lives in California and they enjoy reading all these things. His Mom and Grandma are the type of people that they want to know EVERYTHING that my kids do, lol. It just makes them happy.

    The children updates is big for us two. We live across the ocean from all of our family. The grandparents. aunts and uncles have not even been around the kids for a quarter of their lives; only 30 days for the youngest.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    The ones I hate are when people air their relationship drama all over Facebook. Maybe if you actually had a grown-up conversation with your significan other instead of taking out your passive aggression on your Facebook page, you wouldn't have any relationship drama to write about.
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    If I hadn't had Facebook for the past 8 years, I don't think I would have it now. I use it to keep in touch with friends and family that I don't get to see on a regular basis. I hate the high school drama it brings with it. It's like a trainwreck- you can't keep from watching it. But, I do love the e-card that has been floating around, "I hope your life is as good as you portray it on Facebook"...lol
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    Oh! Did get one status update from a friend once.

    "Woke up this morning, & it started out great. Went to pee... & passed a kidney stone." Yeah... TMI buddy. TMI.
  • fitpilatesqueen
    If I were you I would just close Facebook.
    This is a free place to say what is on your mind so expect anything really.
    The only thing that bothers me is all those game request, then I just asked my friends kindly to stop sending me request because I don´t play games there and they keep that in mind.
    If you don´t like something just scroll past it, hide it or hide the person or something instead of complaining about it.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Everyone complains about all those things, but so many people post them. Who's posting them if everyone is annoyed by them??? lol

    I'm annoyed by the same ones, though I've learned to spot them before I read too much. The passive-aggressive and vaguebooking statuses bother me more than all the others combined. If you don't want to tell anyone what's wrong, DON'T POST ABOUT IT ON FACEBOOK!!!!
  • beernpizza
    beernpizza Posts: 431 Member
    My father in law and his wife SHARE a fb acct, and then write to each other on status updates. Most of the time they do it when they are in the same room with each other.
    So annoying.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    People who continually moan about life is unfair and everyone is against them
    The wife of a cousin of mine has posted these (top 3) statuses just in the last week.

    1. "UGHHHH"
    2. "UGH. Frustrated"
    3. "GRRR"

    These were peppered in between whining ranting updates about her kids being bad, their trailer park neighbors being 'rude', the lack of a/c in their trailer, and how she's sick and feels like crap.

    Its a great source of entertainment to my husband and I though...gives us something to laugh about almost daily, and its even funnier that everyone on her friends list has stopped responding with "oh, what's wrong". (I guess we're not the only ones sick of reading her complaints).
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The " I'm so miserable I want you back" post.

    Or the "I'm pregnant with my 6th child from another man, but you left me to be with someone else so I'm getting over you but I wan't my family back"

    "XXX went from being in a relationship to single." One week later..." XXX went from being single to a relationship with XYZ" 2 weeks later " XXX went from being in a relationship to single" 4 days later " XXX went from being single to in a relationship with ABC" ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!

    Those are just a few.

    Worse than that:

    XXX went from being in a relationship to being single (after posting nonstop lovey-dovey, smoochy-woochy, make-me-want-to-throw-up crap just the day before)
    XXX went from being single to being engaged (the next day)
  • mando456
    mando456 Posts: 6
    you can unsubscribe to their posts, so you are still friends with them, but don't have to read their ranting. its under the friends tab :)
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    The " I'm so miserable I want you back" post.

    Or the "I'm pregnant with my 6th child from another man, but you left me to be with someone else so I'm getting over you but I wan't my family back"

    "XXX went from being in a relationship to single." One week later..." XXX went from being single to a relationship with XYZ" 2 weeks later " XXX went from being in a relationship to single" 4 days later " XXX went from being single to in a relationship with ABC" ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!

    Those are just a few.

    I think these people should be made to keep their relationship status as "It's complicated"!

    Worse than that:

    XXX went from being in a relationship to being single (after posting nonstop lovey-dovey, smoochy-woochy, make-me-want-to-throw-up crap just the day before)
    XXX went from being single to being engaged (the next day)
  • Flamenquero
    Flamenquero Posts: 132
    I like facebook. Everyone on my friends list is actually someone I know in real life. My friends from Catholic elementary school dragged me into this and we have a blast. It's great since most of my friends over life have scattered all over the US. This is an over 50 crowd for the most part, other than my son and some of his childhood friends. I don't see stupid stuff posted by friends. Some like to post the latest restaurant they have been to along with a picture of the meal and themselves, but I kinda like this because they are my friends and I know they are enjoying themselves somewhere. I've never seen any trashing of anybody or any gossip on my news feeds. For the most part, we avoid politics.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    The ones I hate are when people air their relationship drama all over Facebook. Maybe if you actually had a grown-up conversation with your significan other instead of taking out your passive aggression on your Facebook page, you wouldn't have any relationship drama to write about.

    Although for everyone else, these passive aggressive comments can be entertaining on an otherwise dull day! LOL!

    The way I see it though, is my face book is just that -- MY face book. The settings make it very easy now to block someone or limit what you view of theirs. You can change the settings to ONLY see statuses, or photos, you control it.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The " I'm so miserable I want you back" post.

    Or the "I'm pregnant with my 6th child from another man, but you left me to be with someone else so I'm getting over you but I wan't my family back"

    "XXX went from being in a relationship to single." One week later..." XXX went from being single to a relationship with XYZ" 2 weeks later " XXX went from being in a relationship to single" 4 days later " XXX went from being single to in a relationship with ABC" ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!

    Those are just a few.

    Worse than that:

    XXX went from being in a relationship to being single (after posting nonstop lovey-dovey, smoochy-woochy, make-me-want-to-throw-up crap just the day before)
    XXX went from being single to being engaged (the next day)

    I think these people should be made to keep their relationship status as "It's complicated"!

    No kidding! It's usually really young people I see doing this or adults whose mental state is about 12 years old.

    It can be entertaining, though.
  • blazeybug87
    blazeybug87 Posts: 226 Member
    The " I'm so miserable I want you back" post.

    Or the "I'm pregnant with my 6th child from another man, but you left me to be with someone else so I'm getting over you but I wan't my family back"

    "XXX went from being in a relationship to single." One week later..." XXX went from being single to a relationship with XYZ" 2 weeks later " XXX went from being in a relationship to single" 4 days later " XXX went from being single to in a relationship with ABC" ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!

    Those are just a few.

    Worse than that:

    XXX went from being in a relationship to being single (after posting nonstop lovey-dovey, smoochy-woochy, make-me-want-to-throw-up crap just the day before)
    XXX went from being single to being engaged (the next day)

    I think these people should be made to keep their relationship status as "It's complicated"!

    No kidding! It's usually really young people I see doing this or adults whose mental state is about 12 years old.

    It can be entertaining, though.

    Haha I did see a couple having a public argument on there the other day...he put some snarky comment about people needing to grow up and yadda yadda yadda and his girlfriend just commented and said ' why don't you just tag me in this Honey'... I did have a little chuckle.
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    What I can't stand about facebook is the people that have to post every little detail about their life and then can't understand why everyone is in their business. If you don't want people in your business, don't post it on Facebook or any other public site.
    ^^^^^ This.

    I had someone who posted that they needed prayers because something they so didn't expect to happen to them did and they were in shock and saddened. Then she posted later complaining about people asking if her marriage was ok and why would people be so nosy. Hmmmm... Go figure!
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    Aside from MFP and e-mail I've left the internet. Facebook and Twitter closed. Boy, it feels good.

    One day I shall be as brave as you.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Hilarious, I agree... I wouldn't mind leaving Facebook forever but it's my only form of contact with many people.

    If you're constantly posting about how you "hate drama", then guess what, it's because you actually love drama