How do I track standing?



  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member

    For me at 188 pounds 305 cals for 3 hours standing. I would only log 2 hours though personally as they probably over estimate.

    Hope this helps.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Would you log a trip to the mall?
    If you normally have your activity level at sedentary, why wouldn't you log walking around the mall as *some* exercise? What's the difference if she's walking leisurely in a classroom, at the mall, or on a treadmill?

    Because you're walking at a faster pace (or you should be for exercise) on a treadmill. General walking around the mall, no, come on. If that's the case, why not count taking out the trash. Oh wait, people do. :/
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I think the amount of calories you burn while standing is so small it's not worth logging (especially if you activity level is already set at lightly active). It's all part of your TDEE. If anything...just figure it as a little wiggle room if you were to go over a bit for the day. If you are that concerned invest in a HRM to insure accuracy of your calorie output.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Standing and moving around at a leisurely pace probably doesn't burn a lot more calories that sitting at a desk (especially when you consider the "net" difference). Would you log a trip to the mall?

    Apparently the person above you would.

    How sad :/

    Sad? Really? Someone logging something makes you sad? Are you going to cry? Geez man, grow a pair!
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    How long are your showers? Just log it as you do for showering, but for three hours.

  • Jynus
    Jynus Posts: 519 Member
    Try this link:

    Standing burns about 107 calories and hour, give or take, depending on your weight.
    inaccurate. That site overestimates exercise calories and underestimates BMR.

    As I and couple others have said, standing burns 1cal/min over sitting. this has been measured in a metabolic chamber, which is 100% accurate. Unlike heartrate monitors or guestimates based on MET surveys. There will be some varience based on bodysize. But the rule is you can expect ~30% increase to your metabolism when you stand up over sit.

    Well, this site must really go overboard on the over estimates:

    The woman wanted some information so I gave her a link. What she does with the information is up to her. I'm not here to judge, criticize, or offer my inexperienced opinion on the subject.

    Actually that one is much more accurate. Sitting 2cal/min, standing 3cal/min and slow walk 4cal/min is about correct. And their top running speed correlates to a measurement of 16cal/min metabolic chamber number i've seen posted by a marathon runner. I can't say for sure on their other activities. But it does seem they include BMR in their numbers, so pretty much you can take any of those numbers, subtract 120-180 from it, and get the calories burned from the exercise only as a good rough guideline.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Because you're walking at a faster pace (or you should be for exercise) on a treadmill.
    You're assuming that I walk at a faster pace on a treadmill than I do at the mall? Do you really think that I burn the same amount of calories sitting at my desk than when I'm proctoring an exam, walking up and down ailses for 3 hours? And it's "sad" that I think I do? Wow.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member

    For me at 188 pounds 305 cals for 3 hours standing. I would only log 2 hours though personally as they probably over estimate.

    Hope this helps.

    But when you really think about many calories would you have burned anyway in that 3 hours...if you were sitting or sleeping or just going about whatever we do. A percentage of that 305 calories is already built into your TDEE. Which means by logging the full 305 calories you have now over estimated.
  • Jynus
    Jynus Posts: 519 Member

    For me at 188 pounds 305 cals for 3 hours standing. I would only log 2 hours though personally as they probably over estimate.

    Hope this helps.
    you need to understand that of that 305, 200 of it is burned just from being alive. you only burned 100 from the actual act of standing over sitting. Hope you realize that.
  • KMSForLife
    KMSForLife Posts: 605
    It's amazing - it's always the same old jerks. How can anyone be so damn mean and still find a way to feel good about themselves at the end of the day. I'll never understand people's total lack of compassion for another human being.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Sad? Really? Someone logging something makes you sad? Are you going to cry? Geez man, grow a pair!
    He's taking it so personally that the OP wants to log something he wouldn't. Poor guy.
  • rachelthefinn
    Holy Hannah! Someone comes on here to ask an honest question, and gets insulted and talked to like an idiot for it. Why do we even have these forums if that's what people are going to use them for? Man alive. Obviously everyone is different in how they approach their weight loss or fitness, so why attack someone with your point of view for asking an honest question?

    If you can't be at least polite in what you say to someone, keep your mouth (keyboard?) shut!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member

    For me at 188 pounds 305 cals for 3 hours standing. I would only log 2 hours though personally as they probably over estimate.

    Hope this helps.
    you need to understand that of that 305, 200 of it is burned just from being alive. you only burned 100 from the actual act of standing over sitting. Hope you realize that.

    ^^^^ Yay this exactly! I just posted something similar. Hehe just glad my train of thought was on the right track!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Wow, the jerks are out in full force today.

    I am not trying to cheat myself, I'm trying to be honest about what I did today, as I am every day. I track every time I walk to and from campus, even though it's only 20 minutes each way. I track every time I walk to and from the grocery store, even though it's only 15 mins each way. I TRACK EVERYTHING which is a departure from my normal daily routine, I don't believe that is "cheating." Standing and strolling around for three hours is a departure from my normal routine of sitting at a computer for eight hours straight; as such, I am trying to track it. Maybe this isn't how you'd do your tracking, but I'm looking for help not snarky comments.

    If you actually have evidence that standing is the same number of calories as sitting or lying down then SHOW ME THAT and I'll reconsider.

    If all you have is a mean attitude, then take it elsewhere. Nobody cares for it here and I'm pretty sure that snark doesn't burn calories.

    Walking is not the same as standing. If you walk to class every day, you shouldn't log that as exercise. It's your daily routine, your body is used to it so it's not making you any fitter.

    Now if you told me that sometimes you at least power walked or ran a few miles a week, that's exercise. But what you do day in and day out, that's not.

    Whatever you want to do is up to you, but you can't call me a jerk for telling you how it is. Even if you don't like the answer.

    Standing is not something you should count. If it is, maybe you should count watching tv too.

    $100 says she counts Cooking, too.

    And so what if she does? Why does that matter? Why does it matter at all who logs what and why? Who is it going to hurt? Except possibly the person that's doing the logging? I really don't understand people's elitist thoughts and opinions around here on why people log certain things. Let them log it and move on. No one is going to die because someone logs standing or cooking or sleeping or sex or whatever.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member

    For me at 188 pounds 305 cals for 3 hours standing. I would only log 2 hours though personally as they probably over estimate.

    Hope this helps.

    But when you really think about many calories would you have burned anyway in that 3 hours...if you were sitting or sleeping or just going about whatever we do. A percentage of that 305 calories is already built into your TDEE. Which means by logging the full 305 calories you have now over estimated.

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    How long are your showers? Just log it as you do for showering, but for three hours.


    I don't know the exact rules, but it seems logical that "sedentary" would include showering and other daily activities such as light housework and cooking. But it likely would not include 3 hours of standing/walking during the work day. See the difference?
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    to the OP - hope you found some useful information on how to track your walking at a leisurely pace. I do agree with others - get a fitbit and get a better idea of the number of calories you burn daily with the other walking you do around campus.

    just my 2 cents: i feel that the main goal of excercise is to increase your heart rate so you can burn calories/fat/etc and build, so I peronsally do not log that type of activity, as I feel it won't benefit me in the end.

    However, if you feel it is benefitting you then go for it.

    We all use this tool differently, so if people can be less judgemental and more helpful and supportive we would all be better off :)
  • medicinemantoo
    wow, this thread is like being at work. yikes!
  • tizzie_14
    tizzie_14 Posts: 72
    I wouldn't track it. I also wouldn't track cleaning or walking the mall like another poster pointed out. If you walked a couple miles outside of your normal daily routine, log it. If not, don't. We burn calories all day long. I only log my work out calories. Walking back and forth to the copier is normal everyday stuff for me. Won't make or break my daily calories or anything.
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