So you exercise to eat?



  • theblackbirdtree
    "Oh, and yeah, you can go running without a HRM. You'll survive if you don't know exactly how long or how far we ran. It was only about 20 mins, it wasn't a half marathon in which you actually burned significant calories that make you need to eat more. Also, please stop talking about the donut shop at the end of the 5K (especially since you took so many freaking walk breaks) can't complain you're not losing weight when you get a donut every freaking time we're done with a run. "

    I've definitely caught myself saying this same thing to myself about someone else.
    At the same time, did I do it because I was unhappy with something about myself? What good did it get me to perceive someone else, with their own life and troubles and triumphs, as lesser than me?

    I just allowed myself to feel it, and move on. Holding standards like these never get me to lose weight successfully.. it becomes more of an angry motivation. *shivers* :embarassed:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I barely have any *kitten* left after getting it chewed off for posting in that other thread.
    Well, when you tell people that to log a 150-180 calorie burn is "only asking for trouble", I would think so!

    That's not what I said!

    \checks post in other thread

    Oops! That IS what I said. But you guys took it out of context. Logging THAT particular, one-off activity could be troublesome, not *every* 150 calorie burn. I would totally log 30 min treadmill sessions, no matter what the calories.

    \ups calories burned for Internet Trolling to 65.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    "I barely have any *kitten* left after getting it chewed off for posting in that other thread."

    HEY! That should be *my* line!

    They're following me! I'm totally upping my *kitten* Chewed burn to at LEAST 100.

    I'm sorry! And I'm over myself, I swear!!! Totally. Over. Myself.
  • piesbd
    piesbd Posts: 196 Member
    I've never run a 5K race where donuts were handed out at the finish......where do sign up for one??

    YEAH! screw oranges and bananas I want a freaking donut!

    Sign me up.... donut run, I'm in! :laugh:
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    It's all about motivation. I see your point, and agree with a lot of it. That being said, I am a foodie. I LOVE FOOD. And when I started this thing out, the only thing that got me to that gym every day was the thought that I could eat those calories. It is still a large motivating factor for me, I'm not going to lie!

    Why lie? Using eating as an incentive to exercise is one of the core design tenets of this site. Some days, the knowledge that I can have a larger portion of supper is the ONLY reason I get off my tush and get to the gym, or go for a daily walk, or stand at my sit/stand workstation all day when sitting would be so very much easier.

    It's changed my outlook about exercise. I feel better, I feel better about myself, I can do more things, and all that. Great stuff. Really. The long term benefits of exercise are something I'm very familiar with.

    But in addition, the short-term part of my psychology knows exercising means I can eat more glorious, delicious, beautiful food.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I've never run a 5K race where donuts were handed out at the finish......where do sign up for one??

    YEAH! screw oranges and bananas I want a freaking donut!

    Sign me up.... donut run, I'm in! :laugh:

    Reminded me of this......,7120,s6-239-582--13836-0,00.html

    The Krispy Kreme 2 miles, eat a dozen & run 2 more miles :huh:
  • kimberlygo
    kimberlygo Posts: 74
    I've never run a 5K race where donuts were handed out at the finish......where do sign up for one??

    Me too!! Sounds great.
  • carray250
    carray250 Posts: 43
    I've never run a 5K race where donuts were handed out at the finish......where do sign up for one??

  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    My 5k in June was called the muffin run and I ate lots and lots of muffins. Yummy muffins. They were awesome!

    I do exercise so I can eat. All those yummy calories. And the beer. And the spanish coffees. I need to run half marathons just so I can keep up with my alcohol addiction.

    I don't judge people though. No point. I don't burn any calories doing that.

  • leahartmann
    leahartmann Posts: 415
    Donuts? I ran my first 5k this past Saturday (and yes i got laughed at by quite a few people because i am fat and i run) but instead of diving into the muffins like a lot of people (i did have one), i chose to get a banana and a nature valley bar and walk the extra 1/2 mile that i parked my car instead of taking a golf cart. :)

    You´re so awesome! Be proud off yourself- I am.
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    I eat. I log. I exercise. I look good.
  • northernbeaver
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    This sort of topic seems to be posted often - general ranting about what different people count as exercise. I wonder why anyone cares what other people post as exercise? I figure everyone should be able to figure out for themselves if something is worth counting or not. If it really is, they'll see the benefit. If it isn't, the results will let them know. Let's all take a chill pill (no calories!) and be supportive instead of critical.

    I think this post is funny. It's because many people can't figure out why they aren't losing weight. But, yet they are counting walking across a parking lot so they can have 6 more cheetos.

  • txbutterfly69
    txbutterfly69 Posts: 115 Member
    I'm starting to find all these domineering//passive aggressive posts really irritating. It seems like there are more and more of them on lately. MFP is becoming a high school.

    So true! I say to each their own. If you want to eat a doughnut, so be it. There should be a balance on life (my opinion only) and I don't like extreme either way.

    Life is meant to be enjoyed, lived, and not stress so much about every little dam calorie one puts in their mouth or how many calories you burn. I log in my actual exercise (gym or videos done at home). If I garden for hours, sweep, mop for hours or even walk at the mall, I usually don't log it and count it in my head as something productive vs just sitting at home watching tv.

    I used to do the livestrong daily plate and was amused of how some people counted driving, sex, cooking, etc as calories burned.

    I feel that if you are here logging, you have taken a step towards a healthier you. For the most part, I just sign in to log my meals, exercises an that's it. Some of these threads are extremely childish and plainly stupid. Nothing but people bashing on each other. Like high school, you put others down to feel better. I tell my daughter, bullies never go away, they just grow up and become adult bullies. :-p
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    Why do you care what others do to their body. Seems like you have a complex. :)
  • cateyjo
    cateyjo Posts: 108
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I'm confused why this upsets you. To me, the WHOLE POINT of tracking calories eaten and burned is to learn to see the relationship between them and figure out a healthy amount to be eating. When I was starting, it became clear to me in a way it never was before what that run or walk or hike or whatever meant in terms of fueling my body properly. Let people use it like they want to in a way that feels right for them without making them feel bad or lazy. Geez.

  • Weaz66
    Weaz66 Posts: 1,846 Member
    Here's my personal rant. And NO it's not about you! But if you feel like it's about you then someone has probably thought it about you ;)

    If you are tracking EVERYTHING you do (shopping, walking the 4 houses down to visit your neighbor, etc) then you are exercising to eat. You are trying to gain that extra calorie not so you can be "correct" or "accurate" but so you can sqeeze that hersey's kiss out of the day! Let it go!

    Oh, and yeah, you can go running without a HRM. You'll survive if you don't know exactly how long or how far we ran. It was only about 20 mins, it wasn't a half marathon in which you actually burned significant calories that make you need to eat more. Also, please stop talking about the donut shop at the end of the 5K (especially since you took so many freaking walk breaks) can't complain you're not losing weight when you get a donut every freaking time we're done with a run.

    It's one thing to know you are going to your brother's B-day party and are probably going to eat more so you do an extra workout that morning...but when you live every day of your life based on whether or not you can track the calories for your workout or what you are eating then you're not living.

    And lastly...please stop getting mad at me when I tell you I've lost more weight when you ask me how I'm doing. I've told you how I do it and you refuse to believe that eating to fuel your body will help you lose weight. Oh, FYI...I haven't worked out in 3 days and the scale is down another pound...but I'll wait to tell you when you ask me Friday and tell I can tell you its down 2 pounds!

    Just curious how many people get jealous of the 2 pounds you have lost? Must be enough to make you angry enough to write this garbage.

    Well, when she goes off on me saying I lied because she saw "the crap" I eat (Yeah, I eat fast food and crap) and she's logging how many times she went up the stairs at work it does get to me. She also has a "business" relationship to me so I can't exactly tell her how I feel.
    I haven't read the mulitple pages of replies because honestly after reading the first several I was irritated. I've never seen such immaturity since Junior High School. You've lost 2 pounds, thats it....and you state its because this person feels you're lying. Grow up! And to some of those that replied negetively you need to grow up also. People on here are trying to change their life for the better........with some of the comments I've seen posted I am happy to say I'm glad that your not on my list of friends! I'm here for the long haul, changing my life for the better. I depend on the motivation and support from friends on here, not for this crap! As far as I'm concerned this Post should have been listed under Chit Chat.
  • Teachinjen
    Teachinjen Posts: 88 Member
    As I didn't walk for 3 years, I log my 5 minute walks. It's a big freakin deal to me to be able to walk at all. I personally don't eat back exercise calories, and I certainly don't log for anyone else. WHEN I get strong enough to clean my house again, you bet your *kitten* I'm going to log it. I really don't care what the calories burned say, I care that I'm actually moving on my own. It must be nice to have such a perfect log, and brag about your weight loss. I wish I was losing weight....

    You go girl!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I've never run a 5K race where donuts were handed out at the finish......where do sign up for one??

    Hell yeah, I must be going to the wrong races. I got a powerade zero after the last race .... I'd just run 14km and the give me a drink with 9 calories??

    PS. sometimes I exercise to eat, sometimes I eat to exercise. You do it your way, I'll do it mine and we're all happy!