What have you done today that you're proud of?



  • findfan4ever
    findfan4ever Posts: 153 Member
    I have felt ravenous all day today and I:

    1. Allowed myself to have two Hershey's nuggets from the candy dish on my boss' desk, tracked it and did not binge
    2. Otherwise ate only the healthy foods I brought with me

    I'm pretty darn proud of that.

    I also realized that my hunger isn't *really* hunger. It is exhaustion from a busy weekend without enough sleep. And I'm going to see my therapist tonight and tell her that last week I decided I finally ready to make a change and my first week was a resounding success!

    AWESOME JOB!!!!! Keep up the good work and keep making moving forward.
  • findfan4ever
    findfan4ever Posts: 153 Member
    Not Andrea Yatesing my children...(don't judge unless you have had at least 4 kids, ranging from 2-13) This is a major victory every single day. j/k only every other day!

    Oh and I guess logging my food, even when I don't eat the greatest!

    I know exactly how you feel. I have five kids (4, 9, 16, 18, and 21). Two are grown and out on their own; however my four year old has ADHD (has been pre screened by child psychologist), my 9 year old has ADD, and my 16 year old who thinks he knows everything, argues (debates) everything, and thinks his poo poo doesn't stink.

    I do love them dearly and am doing my best to adapt and adjust to them.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    Yesterday: Didn't buy new shoes.
    Today: Didn't use my credit card.
  • kickers19
    kickers19 Posts: 63 Member
    I fit into a size 9 pants today! I havent been able to in 6 years!!:wink:
  • ismarie28
    ismarie28 Posts: 2
    me and my 13 yr old daughter road r bikes from sedro to m.v over by the college it took us 1 hr 40 min thats including stopping by the library for a few min it was such a fun time and we burned alot of calories..
  • ismarie28
    ismarie28 Posts: 2
    went out n did step class went on a bike ride n doing zumba tonight and had a healthy lunch !!!
  • FatSlayer1016
    FatSlayer1016 Posts: 127 Member
    Going on 72 hours without a cigarette! Yay me!

    You are awesome! Whats your secret? I've only had half of one today, but right now it is REALLY hard to resist!!!

    So I guess that is what I am proud of, oh and starting a gym membership today, making it all the way through c25k without stopping, and walking buy the expensive chocolate shelf at the store.
  • hbeauvais
    hbeauvais Posts: 11 Member
    A former co-worker stopped by today with my favorite cake donuts from a bakery about 45 miles away. I graciously accepted the donut, as these are my ABSOLUTELY FAVORITE treat, went and got myself a fresh cup of coffee, S-L-O-W-L-Y enjoyed half of the donut, then threw the rest away knowing i didnt want the extra calories.

    By doing this I will easily be able to stay on track today and make my goal, eating the whole donut would have made me sacrifice other things in order to meet my goals.
  • biglew909
    biglew909 Posts: 57 Member
    Ran 6mph today! (For 5 minutes...)

    ...PS: why doesn't my weight loss ticker show up when I post? Any suggestions will be appreciated!
  • findfan4ever
    findfan4ever Posts: 153 Member
    Congrats. Keep up the good work.
  • findfan4ever
    findfan4ever Posts: 153 Member
    Great job brother. You can do it!
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    Made a huge amount of really healthy and filling soup to last me 3 days!
  • findfan4ever
    findfan4ever Posts: 153 Member
    I exceeded my exercise goal for the day, have made healthy meal and snack choices, and most importantly made it through the worst work day of the week. boo to Mondays!

    Keep up the good work. It will pay off for you. I believe in you.
  • akhebert4
    akhebert4 Posts: 9
    I told myself I would walk two miles and then did a third. Also at lunch my grandmother offered to get me ice cream and I turned it down since I really was full. Yay!
  • findfan4ever
    findfan4ever Posts: 153 Member
    I have felt ravenous all day today and I:

    1. Allowed myself to have two Hershey's nuggets from the candy dish on my boss' desk, tracked it and did not binge
    2. Otherwise ate only the healthy foods I brought with me

    I'm pretty darn proud of that.

    I also realized that my hunger isn't *really* hunger. It is exhaustion from a busy weekend without enough sleep. And I'm going to see my therapist tonight and tell her that last week I decided I finally ready to make a change and my first week was a resounding success!

    AWESOME JOB!!!!! Keep up the good work. We are all in your corner.
  • SCVSarah
    SCVSarah Posts: 231 Member
    Not binge eating
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I'm helping to make a pretty ladies bad day better.

    And if it means a plane ticket is necessary in order to do so...so be it.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    Got up at 4:30 this morning to do 30DS, and am going to go and walk with my BFF for a few miles.
  • pooki24
    pooki24 Posts: 31
    1- Finished finals for my PM classes so now I have more time to workout!
    2 - On target for calories consumed & burned
  • victoriousnrltm
    100 burpees in10:26. WOOOO HOOOO