Oh, It's TOM so You Can't Exercise? BS!



  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    I HATE exercising during my period, especially the first few days because my periods are ridiculously heavy!!! I have always had to wear pads my whole life because of the heaviness, so it makes it even more awkward and yucky to workout, especially for Zumba...BUT, I workout every day anyway. I also usually have bad cramps, although exercise helps that. I can understand if you have horrible periods that you may want to take a break for a few days, especially if you exercise regularly when you don't have your period.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    So all women don't work out when they're on their cycle. okay i didn't know that

    Are you serious right now?
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member

    I workout during my cycle. I don't *want* to, but I know I feel better when I do than when I don't. But those workouts are kind of half-a**ed because my body is ***tired*** and feels gross (and I suffer from nausea as well, aside from cramping and one day of heavy flow). However, I also know some women *cannot* exercise during their cycle for various reasons, and some simply don't want to, and I don't really care what activities other women choose to do or not to do while on their cycle - it has no bearing on me whatsoever. And when I'm done exercising, I go home and lay about feeling miserable. I get migraines right before my cycle, and if I have a migraine on a day I usually workout, I make it up a different day because that, for me, is something that prevents me from exercising. (And *especially* if a woman is on top of things every other day of the month, why shouldn't she be allowed to not be so on top of things for a few days? That's hardly a pattern of excuse-making in day-to-day life.)

    As an aside, is no one else concerned when they read things like this? I have not done any research, but I wish I had the time to. Effects like these simply can't be normal, or at least really seem like they shouldn't be (I'm talking about the really extreme ones). I wonder if it's that historically women have spent so much time being pregnant or nursing that cycles weren't as much of an issue or if it's modern living that causes a lot of these effects? Anyone have any scientific research to share?
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Some people are just RUDE. You have no idea what other people experience. I know someone who has migrains so severe while on her period she was hospitilized. I know other people who throw up uncontrollably as if they have a stomach flu for a week...I know other people who faint. I personally used to have cramps as bad as child birth where I would have to roll around on my bed holding my stomach and have my husband rub my back to distract myself from the pain so I wouldn't pass out from the severity of it. & TMI If I am very active on my period it is a disaster because my family has very heavy cycles. That said, I have tried a few times, but the aftermath is incredibly difficult to deal with and I don't see why I should or how it is anyone else's business. When they do my laundry they can talk to me about it. Now, after my kids, my symptoms have changed a lot and are not as severe, but before my children the pain I had was just like being in active labor. I'd love to see a woman push out a baby while working out, so let me know how that goes for you.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    As an aside, is no one else concerned when they read things like this? I have not done any research, but I wish I had the time to. Effects like these simply can't be normal, or at least really seem like they shouldn't be (I'm talking about the really extreme ones). I wonder if it's that historically women have spent so much time being pregnant or nursing that cycles weren't as much of an issue or if it's modern living that causes a lot of these effects? Anyone have any scientific research to share?

    There have been lots of theories as to the cause of endometriosis, for instance, but nothing concrete. There's the retrograde bleeding theory (uterine blood that is unable to escape decides to create a new home outside of the uterus and respond as the uterus does cyclically, so creating internal bleeding in areas where that blood cannot escape, and cramping on other organs. I get "uterine" cramping on my bowels and bladder...fun), there are various toxicity theories, as well as autoimmune disorder. That one makes the most sense for me, as I also have asthma and allergies, which are both autoimmune disease. Women with endo very frequently also deal with respiratory autoimmune garbage.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Actually its a choice for women if they want to workout during their period or not. Personally I don't give in to those myths about not taking a shower or not lift anything during TOM. In fact I love doing heavy weight lifting whenever I have cramps & believe it or not but I feel better after doing it. I once posted a thread if its safe to lift heavy during a period & I get responses from women saying that its safe so I tried doing it & well they're right.

    Exercise actually helps regulating blood flow & helps cure those cramps. I used to spend the whole day in bed on those rare moments that I have a period (I have PCOS) & had sleepless nights because of those cramps but since I start working out, I can now handle it even without taking a pain killer.

    One thing though, we need to take iron supplements since TOM cause us to shed some blood & therefore makes us anemic.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Actually its a choice for women if they want to workout during their period or not. Personally I don't give in to those myths about not taking a shower or not lift anything during TOM. In fact I love doing heavy weight lifting whenever I have cramps & believe it or not but I feel better after doing it. I once posted a thread if its safe to lift heavy during a period & I get responses from women saying that its safe so I tried doing it & well they're right.

    Yes it's a choice. And some women choose not to. And that's ok. It doesn't make them lazy, it doesn't mean they are making excuses it means that they don't feel well and don't want to.

    Also who doesn't shower when having a period? That is nasty.
  • YoshiZelda
    YoshiZelda Posts: 340 Member
    I Don't exercise during my TOM, Know why? Because I have a very heavy period. It's not that I'm making a excuse. I just chose not to work out during it because it's hell. Each women is different, If you can work out during your TOM, Great ! But if someone else can't from pain, they can take a few days off and get back on track when it's over. It's not that big of a deal, And you should be worrying about your own workouts instead of others. Like the true fact that has been said a million times before. EVERYONE is different.
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    After reading this, I must say...Thank you Menopause!
  • scrappingchick72
    After reading this, I must say...Thank you Menopause!

    ROFL :laugh:
  • manda1002
    manda1002 Posts: 178 Member
    I used to not exercise during my TOM. Before kids, my periods were very irregular, very heavy, lots of clots, cramps, diarrhea to the point that I couldn't leave my house. All of these combined made for unhappiness. I tried varying forms of BC. The pills gave me charlie horses, so my doc took me off of those. Went on Depo, then after 3 years they said "OOPS! anything longer than 2 years and it's depleting too much calcium from your bones" so no more depo. Then got a mirena, was great until it shifted and caused me excruciating pain so they took that out too. Had my 2 kids, then my new doc suggested implanon. Sure! Lets try it! For a year, my periods were 40 DAYS LONG, with 24 days between periods. 29 of those days were heavy, clotty, crampy, with diarrhea, the chills, the sweats, and holy mood swings! I did NOT work out during my TOM on implanon. I tried, but when you walk for 5 minutes away from your house, and you're pretty sure you're leaking already, doesn't make for a good walk.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Also who doesn't shower when having a period? That is nasty.

    Yes I agree & that's gross. At least that's what some people here thinks so. Some people from the country where I live especially from the provinces tell me not to take a shower during TOM because according to them it causes ovarian cancer or a heavier period which isn't true at all & in fact there are no scientific studies that back those myths.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    I really don't know who the heck TOM is but he does tend to see ALOT of women!! rofl :noway:
  • rosewatershay
    rosewatershay Posts: 39 Member

    Also TMI...I'm on blood thinners so when I have my heavy flow days and I work out - I gush. Not worth it. I just do moderate workouts if I can leave the house!

    ^^^^ Agree with this - blood thinners & Periods:sad: I have pushed myself and did some walking during this time but any jumping, running, etc.... those first 2 days :noway: The walking did help with my cramps but its more so the flow (as some people previously stated) :bigsmile:
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    :bigsmile: and yes i exersice 7 days aweek with or without tom!
  • Zvyezda
    Zvyezda Posts: 90 Member
    This post has made me really angry. And from what I can see, the lucky OP who's strong enough to "suck it up" hasn't replied....

    I workout 10+ times a week, every week but when it's my TOM I suddenly lose every bit of energy and if I did anything high impact I would simply faint and pass out. Obviously I am not going to put my body through that. I understand exercise helps with cramps but if that's not the worst symptom that everybody gets and even if it is, so bloody what?!? These kind of comments could be expected from a man, who obviously haven't got a clue, but from a fellow woman?? How dare you be so judgmental!
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Actually its a choice for women if they want to workout during their period or not. Personally I don't give in to those myths about not taking a shower or not lift anything during TOM. In fact I love doing heavy weight lifting whenever I have cramps & believe it or not but I feel better after doing it. I once posted a thread if its safe to lift heavy during a period & I get responses from women saying that its safe so I tried doing it & well they're right.

    Yes it's a choice. And some women choose not to. And that's ok. It doesn't make them lazy, it doesn't mean they are making excuses it means that they don't feel well and don't want to.

    Also who doesn't shower when having a period? That is nasty.

    I concur.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    This post has made me really angry. And from what I can see, the lucky OP who's strong enough to "suck it up" hasn't replied....

    I workout 10+ times a week, every week but when it's my TOM I suddenly lose every bit of energy and if I did anything high impact I would simply faint and pass out. Obviously I am not going to put my body through that. I understand exercise helps with cramps but if that's not the worst symptom that everybody gets and even if it is, so bloody what?!? These kind of comments could be expected from a man, who obviously haven't got a clue, but from a fellow woman?? How dare you be so judgmental!
  • Assassins_Angel
    if im quite honest sometimes doing certain workouts can be uncomfortable when its TOM i do Zumba fitness and it can be uncomfortable moving your pelvis that way when you have cramps!! and plus i feel if im going to workout i want to give it my all and not be held back by cramps but ive been pretty ok the last 2 months so ive been able to workout
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    When I had a gym membership, I used to go to Spin classes - and yep, I didnt go when it was my time of the month, mainly because I didnt like the idea of sitting on an already uncomfortable bike saddle, having a pad riding up my bits and making me feel even more uncomfortable - not very flattering to have to keep pulling pants and other bits out of your bits when your bum is almost in someones face!!
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