Terrified to ask this...



  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Well, I recently ate Chinese food and gained 4lbs of water in one day. lol. It went away 3 days later, but still. I don't know about having to avoid soda entirely. It is expensive though, so maybe it if you cut it out for a while, you could better your diet and eat more calories. Personally? My diet is dreadful, but I still lose weight, so I am a terrible role model, however, whatever I do is obviously working for me. I also am studying to be a registered dietician. I eat 1500 calories, sometimes more, and I am 5'4" and I still lose...I weigh about 170. I think you need to talk to your dr or a nutritionist. Truly, it sounds like you hit a plateau because your calories are too low for your activity level and height/weight, but that is just my opinion. You could also try not adding a lot of salt to your food, if you use a lot of it. Try to avoid extra sugar as well because if you have too much sugar your body has trouble breaking the carbs down and it can be converted and stored as fat in your system. That is sort of what happens with diabetes. Some of the weight could also be an increase in your muscle mass, since you work out. I pray it works out for you and you lose a little quicker soon. <3
  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
    I think you're going to have to tune up your diet a little to see some more weight loss. I also think the pizza here and there and the root beer here and there without planning are killing any progress you might make. I used to allow myself a "cheat day" where I pigged out every week, but I had to scale that back to a cheat meal a week, and now maybe every 10 days.
    I used to drink as much soda and beer as I wanted, but I just stopped that stuff because I realized I wanted to lose weight more than I wanted to enjoy that beer or soda. Getting rid of soda and beer made a big, immediate difference.
    Tracking your meals, every single thing you put in your mouth, right here on MFP is a real eye opener as to where you are going wrong in your diet.
    As far as drinks, I pretty much just drink coffee, OJ in the morning, and sparkling water with lime.

    i have a completely different opinion here. first, i went through her diary and i think it's pretty squeaky clean, with a few indulgences here and there. i am all about indulging (in MODERATION!) as a means to prevent binging, burnout, or going crazy! girlfriend, i think you are on the right path and i encourage you to keep on keepin' on. maybe try to vary your workouts, try some classes at the gym or pump some heavy iron. best of luck to you!
  • briebear77
    briebear77 Posts: 253 Member
    to change your macros click MY HOME...click GOALS...scroll down...click CHANGE GOALS..choose custom, click CONTINUE...you will be able to change the percentages.

    upping your protein will be a great thing.
    and watch the sodium!!!

    and i love weight training...you can pick up your kids and squat...i used to do that with mine.

    Thank you! I've been trying to figure out how to do this forever!!
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    And if you like pizza... how about homemade? It can be cheaper, healthier, and kids love getting to help make it by putting stuff on their own mini pizzas.

    :laugh: They wanted pizza this weekend. I came up with a mini pizza on the english mffins I had in the back of the fridge. PERFECT use for them since they were a little on the "stale" side and they wouldn't eat them toasted. I didn't have any sauce though. Ended up just putting on some oregano flakes I found in the back of the cupboard and some pepperoni slices the neighbor gave us a couple weeks ago.

    Creative! Great! If you cook, a simple pizza crust is pretty easy, and if you make it yourself, you might even be able to use some whole wheat. Depending on what you have available and like, you can make a few crusts and then add what you have (or let the kids pick from what you have). A few more options... sliced tomatoes instead of sauce, broccoli, pineapple, left over meat cut up, cheese, olives, mushrooms, peppers, if you don't have sauce or cheese, a small amount of butter or olive oil.

    And I loved the idea of a garden. I have some cherry tomatoes growing inside... the plant has been producing the occasional tomato for close to two years now! And it's a great way to involve children in fun and healthy eating. Some kids who wouldn't go near vegetables normally are so proud and willing to eat something they grew themselves.
  • nikkishai
    nikkishai Posts: 407 Member
    I've experienced plateaus... and with my personality, I needed a clean slate to get on track. I did the Fat Smash Diet 9-Day detox and it got me back on track. I highly recommend it. It's mainly fruits, veggies, yogurt, brown rice, oatmeal... (no meat, candy, cheese, alcohol). Maybe this will work for you too?
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    And if you like pizza... how about homemade? It can be cheaper, healthier, and kids love getting to help make it by putting stuff on their own mini pizzas.

    :laugh: They wanted pizza this weekend. I came up with a mini pizza on the english mffins I had in the back of the fridge. PERFECT use for them since they were a little on the "stale" side and they wouldn't eat them toasted. I didn't have any sauce though. Ended up just putting on some oregano flakes I found in the back of the cupboard and some pepperoni slices the neighbor gave us a couple weeks ago.

    Creative! Great! If you cook, a simple pizza crust is pretty easy, and if you make it yourself, you might even be able to use some whole wheat. Depending on what you have available and like, you can make a few crusts and then add what you have (or let the kids pick from what you have). A few more options... sliced tomatoes instead of sauce, broccoli, pineapple, left over meat cut up, cheese, olives, mushrooms, peppers, if you don't have sauce or cheese, a small amount of butter or olive oil.

    And I loved the idea of a garden. I have some cherry tomatoes growing inside... the plant has been producing the occasional tomato for close to two years now! And it's a great way to involve children in fun and healthy eating. Some kids who wouldn't go near vegetables normally are so proud and willing to eat something they grew themselves.

    I'm working on getting a garden started. I've only got seeds for now, but since we're moving shortly (in September) I see no point in trying to start them now only to be forced to leave them behind. Hopefully our new place will have enough of an area that I can grow some of my own vegetables! :drinker:
    For now I have seeds for green peppers, cucumbers, and some garlic. Not much, but we LOVE those things, so....maybe I won't have to BUY any soon.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    This is a complete guess, and I didn't read through all 4 pages, so forgive me if this has been suggested. You eat a lot of dairy which has a lot of fat, if you cut out some of the dairy you may notice a loss. Try eating less fat, more protein to keep you full. Personally I don't believe you have to cut out everything that's "bad", just cut down, or cut things out but let yourself have a little of the things you like every once in awhile.
  • dhoddy
    dhoddy Posts: 35
    I also haven't read through all 4 pages, but I've taken a look at the last few days of your diary and have a couple suggestions:

    -You eat a lot of breads (pastries, pretzels, muffins), try to restrict that to just having bread to hold a sandwhich together
    -Cut out any liquid but water. Sucks for the first couple weeks, but after you get used to it pop won't even taste that good anymore (if you struggle at first, try that water bottle sweeteners that only have about 15 calores in a serving, they make a tasty drink!)
    -In one of the days I looked at I noticed you didn't eat breakfast! Nooo! Some people feel the complete reverse of hunger in the morning, but I swear it will help jumpstart the rest of the day. Even an apple will help.
    -Since I've mentioned apples, I'll go on my fruit rant. You need way more fruits and vegetables in your diet, I'd go so far as to say take all the money you spend on breads and dairy, and spend it on fruits and veggies. They are better for you and you can eat a lot more cause they're such low calories! Apples are the easiest, they last for a while in the fridge, always under 100 calories, and pretty cheap! For summer I also like to get seedless watermelons. They're great for a snack with the kids and are a great way to get hydrated!
    -I'd also say ditch the gym for now. My remedy has been running around the neighborhood and Insanity in the living room. I would also think it'd be a better investment to buy a couple freewights for yourself and just do strength training at home instead of dumping money into a gym membership every month.

    Hope I helped a little bit, good luck on your journey. And no matter how many trial & error issues you go through, don't give up! We can see the process already :)
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    If you're BMI is in the healthy range, what is the issue? Your pics seem fine. Why do you want to lose more weight? Not everyone needs to be a skinny supermodel, after all. As women age, a fuller body is more sexy, anyway.

    Having said that, I do think you need to eat more fruits and veggies. Agree that soda is not the best choice. Although it's hard with a family, I get it...


    Her doctor has told her to lose weight...
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    I'm working on getting a garden started. I've only got seeds for now, but since we're moving shortly (in September) I see no point in trying to start them now only to be forced to leave them behind. Hopefully our new place will have enough of an area that I can grow some of my own vegetables! :drinker:
    For now I have seeds for green peppers, cucumbers, and some garlic. Not much, but we LOVE those things, so....maybe I won't have to BUY any soon.

    Oh, so one more stressor and activity... getting ready to move. You've got enough to keep you busy! :wink:
    With all that, I can understand waiting to plant, but if you want to get a head-start, try a container garden. You can take that with you.

    Hope you're not terrified anymore. :smile:
  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member
    Add in things like brown rice, quinoa, lentils, beans (pinto, black, kidney, etc). Get good fiber, whole grains, protein, etc. They are filling and don't taste too bad. Can make soups, one pot meals, etc.
  • To me the problem is obvious. You are 5' 8.5" and156 lbs. you don't need to lose any more weight. Your body is trying to tell you that.

    This is frustrating to hear, imo. I'm also 5' 8" and 154. I'd like to see that change to 145. It's still considered healthy to weigh in that range, so if you want it, I think you should get it.
  • alli_baba
    alli_baba Posts: 232 Member
    Oh, so one more stressor and activity... getting ready to move. You've got enough to keep you busy! :wink:
    With all that, I can understand waiting to plant, but if you want to get a head-start, try a container garden. You can take that with you.

    Definitely do this for produce until you can plant your garden. We have a backyard garden and I rarely buy produce at the stores (and the stuff from my garden always tastes so much better!)

    Also, as to your doctor's recommendation to your goal weight -- have you ever been at that weight? If so, was it a weight that you were comfortable with? I know people who try to diet down to weights that they never were at (even in their teen years) and really can't sustain it. You look great from your pix, so maybe you are at a healthy weight now.

    Best wishes!
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    It appears that almost every day you are going over on your sodium intake. Perhaps you are retaining a lot of water? Try to cut back on the salt a bit. Good luck and great job so far!


    All the processed foods & soda is putting your sodium and sugar through the roof on most days. That alone could be slowing your progress down.
  • nlhill79
    nlhill79 Posts: 60 Member
    It might also be worth going to see a naturopath or doctor to find out if there are any underlying issues

    I agree with this. Long ago, I tried to lose weight. I was 225 and I started working out. I was 2 hours at the gym for 7 days for 3 YEARS. I had a personal trainer. I was working 50+ hours at a busy restaurant, and I was eating a very tiny amount of food + NO SUGAR. Total = I lost ONE SIZE. I went from a 18 to a 16 and I went down to 200. At one point I was at 190, but that was when I cut out the sugar and I gained 10 lbs back without gaining back inches. I was training really hard, so I do realize that I was gaining lots of muscle. I was taking master's classes and I was running 20+ miles every week. My personal trainer was STUMPED. She told me that my fat wouldn't budge despite all that she had done (she kicked my butt) and that I probably needed plastic surgery. :( Devastating.

    I am now 235 down 10lbs in FIVE DAYS!! And it's a real loss. My pants are loose. I didn't do any training or exercise. Just watching my calories on MFP. The difference from then to now is that back then, I was on the Depo shot. And I have since realized that I had an iodine def. checked by the dr. and now I include some sea vegetables in my diet. My eyebrows are actually growing in ( I had very little eyebrows my whole life) which is a symptom of hypothyroid. So I would say, def. go see a natreopath for some advice.

    I had a hormone problem, that is now resolved.
  • starla5881
    starla5881 Posts: 190 Member
    I don't have anything to add in regard to weight loss, but I just wanted to chime in to commend you for your grace and good humor. You've obviously got a lot on your plate, stress-wise, which can certainly get in the way of losing weight, but it seems like you're handling it well. I just wanted to say hang in there! It'll all get better in time!
  • Linda,

    How did you arrive at your goal weight? 136lbs seems like a challenge at 5' 8.5" Especially if you are a mother and are already involved in a lot of activities. By no means am I suggesting that you discontinue your journey, but perhaps determining a healthy weight that is also easy for you to maintain would be a better goal. I am 5'6" and I would LOVE to be 130lbs again, but I know that I just don't have the time & energy to work that hard anymore. If you keep working out, eating healthy, and toning up, the weight will come off. The closer you get to your goal weight, the more slowly you will lose & the harder it will be. Best of luck to you in your journey!
  • seamaiden1000
    seamaiden1000 Posts: 76 Member
    I find a tin of sardines in olive oil, raw baby spinach, a tomato and a sprinkling of curry is an inexpensive, filling and nutritious meal that takes no time to make. The curry adds extra herbal goodness (turmeric, fenugreek etc) and helps with added flavour.

    Also legumes are an inexpensive and nutritious food group. Always have tins on hand for emergencies - rinse beans, add fresh tomato, some greens, squeeze of lemon or apple cider vinegar (with mother), and herbs (basil, oregano...)