Little Kids Telling You That You Are Fat



  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    Yeah so i don't like children least of all those who've not been taught manners so i'd tell the lil sot it was ugly and keep it pushing.
    (im aware this is not an approved of viewpoint but as i stated i do not generally like the ovarian parasites anyway)
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Parents should be more responsible and teach their kids that they only way to be accepted in society is to lie to people and tell them only what they want to hear.

    No, parents should teach their kids to keep their mouth shut if they don't have something nice to say.
  • jollycathy
    jollycathy Posts: 15
    My only child just turned four and I'm seriously scared of this! I dread her friends telling her how fat her mommy is or making fun of me in front of her. I'm trying to get healthy and she doesn't quite understand that yet because she doesn't see anything wrong with me (bless her heart) but I know that will change when she starts school and it worries me.
  • winninga
    winninga Posts: 77 Member
    Yeah so i don't like children least of all those who've not been taught manners so i'd tell the lil sot it was ugly and keep it pushing.
    (im aware this is not an approved of viewpoint but as i stated i do not generally like the ovarian parasites anyway)

    Just remember that even you started out an an "ovarian parasite." Children are necessary in order to keep the human race from extinction.
  • mommamorris
    mommamorris Posts: 34 Member
    im sorry but she is 7 years old and is definitely old enough to not be saying stuff like that! Kids these days!!! WOW i am so sorry!!! That little girl needs to be told that saying stuff like that is not nice and she wouldnt like it if you said her nose was big or she was fat, etc! my neice did that once. she called this guy fat and i yelled at her and told her- you dont ever say that again! then i went on to tell her- you wouldnt like it if i called you fat, or called you disease girl bc you have bug bites, or that ur dirty bc you dont brush your hair well enough! it made her think! bc she needed put in her place! she needed to learn that everyone has feelings! I know once i flipped it around and said well would u like it if i said that about u? she replied NO. so i said then why would you say that about someone else! dont ever let me catch you saying something like that again!!! kids these days need to be taught manners! what happened to the yes sir no sir!!!
  • brentdaniels
    brentdaniels Posts: 127
    I'm sorry but this is hilarious. I can't stop laughing at everybodies stories! Kids that young aren't mean, they are honest. They haven't learned yet that our society has shame built into the word "fat". My daughter has said lots of embarassing things at people in public, like calling a guy in a wheelchair a "robot". In her defense, we had watched the robot episode of Yo Gabba Gabba and one of the characters had been in a wheelchair, so she associated them. They have no understanding that "fat" is a bad word, its just a word, like cold, soft, fuzzy, etc.

    When my son was 3 or so he referred to people by the color of their shirts....the blue man, the purple lady day in the grocery store he pointed at the man standing behind us and said look dad the black man! Of course it was a black man wearing a black shirt...I explained and he cracked up about it...
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    kids call it like they see it. i love that they don't lie.
    it's a nice wakeup call to kickstart weight loss!
    Parents should be more responsible and teach their kids that they only way to be accepted in society is to lie to people and tell them only what they want to hear.

    I understand that kids are honest, but that is just making me feel worse. If that's the case, I look like a whale, with fat man legs, and am very ugly (according to my niece). I'm not asking for them to tell me things I only want to hear. I just don't need to hear that I'm ugly and then be told on MFP that it's true.

    EDIT: Blah, whatever. I shouldn't let this thread get me down. :P

    Not are also full of *kitten* rather often. The trick is to take anything a kid spouts off with as being said by a freaking kid who really has a very limited view of the world. That's why I love my 4 month old baby waaaaaay more than my 4 year old twins....he can't talk!
  • mommamorris
    mommamorris Posts: 34 Member
    Parents should be more responsible and teach their kids that they only way to be accepted in society is to lie to people and tell them only what they want to hear.

    No, parents should teach their kids to keep their mouth shut if they don't have something nice to say.

    I completely agree with you! if you dont have something nice to say then keep ur mouth shut!!! and what happened to respect and manners! seriously!!!
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    My 7-year-old niece grabbed my thighs, and said "These are bigger than my mom's and dad's combined. Your so fat." I've also had kids run up to me and grab my belly, with their parents looking horrified. Seriously, it's humiliating. Just wanted to get that off my chest.

    Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention when my niece said, "You have the body of a fat man." Nice.

    Look em dead in the eye and tell them they were adopted

    This made me LOL!
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    I'm sorry but this is hilarious. I can't stop laughing at everybodies stories! Kids that young aren't mean, they are honest. They haven't learned yet that our society has shame built into the word "fat". My daughter has said lots of embarassing things at people in public, like calling a guy in a wheelchair a "robot". In her defense, we had watched the robot episode of Yo Gabba Gabba and one of the characters had been in a wheelchair, so she associated them. They have no understanding that "fat" is a bad word, its just a word, like cold, soft, fuzzy, etc.

    When my son was 3 or so he referred to people by the color of their shirts....the blue man, the purple lady day in the grocery store he pointed at the man standing behind us and said look dad the black man! Of course it was a black man wearing a black shirt...I explained and he cracked up about it...

    My kids have seen all of the Star Wars movies now, and when Ani gets all burnt up he gets turned into Darth Vader. For a while after this my kids walked around talking about how he was all black after being on fire. My wife and I didn't know exactly how to handle it because they were talking about something that had nothing to do with race or skin or anything, but when blurted out in public by a 4 year old it can be taken way the wrong way. The perils of parenting.
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    Christian (my son) : "I don't like your big tummy Mummy"

    ETA: He's 6
  • StrawberryMochi7
    my dad's gf's daughter (middle child) tells me all the time that i'm fat and thqt my thighs are chubby. -_-
  • skinnedknee101
    skinnedknee101 Posts: 92 Member
    When I was 5, I yelled at a female "small person" who I thought was a little boy for smoking a cigarette. I had an argument with her, and she was pretty mean back to me. Actually pretty funny now as I remember it as an adult.
  • chelseyjoan
    chelseyjoan Posts: 79 Member
    Children do not have filters! They just say exactly what is on their mind. My little brother, we were on a plane and there was a very large woman sitting beside him struggling to get her seatbelt on when all of a sudden, he blurted out "wow you have quite a large belly hey lady?!"
    - my mother was horrified, the lady actually got up and moved seats.. he was only 4 at the time.
  • ezelko
    ezelko Posts: 3
    Kids are mean. Hang in there lady. Stay focused.
  • tancovat
    tancovat Posts: 2
    My seven-year-old cousin said I was fat and then shared an apple with me, looking very concerned. She was talking about making me exercise as well. Not one of my better days.
  • RainxPain
    RainxPain Posts: 152
    Kids in school told me I looked like I weighed 200 pounds while only at 150-155. My current profile picture is me at that weight. I weigh 139 now... I'll show them.
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    Yep kids can be brutally honest, and sometimes it's refreshing not to have all the fake politeness, other times, not so amusing.

    Another group that can be brutally honest: The elderly. My grandfather, who is in his 90s, last time I saw him asked "How's life been treating you?" I said "Great! No complaints really." He grabbed my love handles and said "I can see that, seems like it's been treating you a bit TOO well." and then he walked off.

    Granted that was about 65lbs ago, but he had a very valid point!

    Oh I can definitely relate. Once during a dinner party, my grandmother apologized to everyone on how fat I've gotten. In her own words, "I'm sorry that you have to see her like this. She's a blimp. She used to be so much prettier."

    I've also gotten "At least, you have a cute face." from other relatives.

    Wow that is some rude and mean stuff to say. They shouldn't be saying that stuff in any case, but for what it's worth you don't look all that big.
  • NamibianRose
    NamibianRose Posts: 151 Member
    kids call it like they see it. i love that they don't lie.
    it's a nice wakeup call to kickstart weight loss!
    Parents should be more responsible and teach their kids that they only way to be accepted in society is to lie to people and tell them only what they want to hear.

    I understand that kids are honest, but that is just making me feel worse. If that's the case, I look like a whale, with fat man legs, and am very ugly (according to my niece). I'm not asking for them to tell me things I only want to hear. I just don't need to hear that I'm ugly and then be told on MFP that it's true.

    EDIT: Blah, whatever. I shouldn't let this thread get me down. :P

    And their parents? They are ok with their daughter's behavior?

    Definitely don't let it get you down, if anything, let it help motivate you! That's what I try to do anyway. You are not ugly, and do not look like a whale with fat man legs (ok I can't see your legs in your pic, but I find it very unlikely)! You don't even look like you have much to lose! Take all the negative feelings and emotions and burn it all out in a good, tough workout! You will feel better physically and emotionally and the next thing you know, you'll have a rockin' bod!

    I'm not sure how to say this without it unintentionally come out sounding awful, but I'm going to try. You have very pretty facial features, if you lost the little bit of weight you need to lose, those features will really come out and you'll be even prettier. I've said this before and I'll say it again, I've never seen a before and after pic where I didn't think the person looked better, and some people look beautiful to begin with. Gah, I hope this is coming across correctly.
  • Jay_Jay_
    Jay_Jay_ Posts: 194 Member
    As someone who could never hide his weight from kids (hello, 469 lbs), eventually you just have to respect them. Kids tell the truth, no holding back, no motives or agendas. They don't do it to make you feel bad, and they don't do it to encourage you. They say it, because its probably true. I think the world would be better if more people acted like children once in a while.