Little Kids Telling You That You Are Fat



  • Acliff510
    Acliff510 Posts: 122 Member
    My son has autism, and if you think that "normal" kids are honest, you should be around a kid on the spectrum. He's 9, and all we can do is try to teach him the right way, He has a twin sister who is so polite and tactful, but I have a red face a lot of the time we're out in public. I try to explain to folks about his disability. Some understand, and some tell me I'm just using that as an excuse for lazy parenting. It goes with the territory.

    I would much rather be judged by my weight then my parenting. I'm so sorry that people would think that towards you!
  • slepygrl
    slepygrl Posts: 249 Member
    My 7 y/o old son said to me "Mom don't you want to be straight (moving his hand down his chest and tummy) like the rest of us?" That made me want to cry.

    Recently he said. "Mom you don't look fat anymore." That's almost a compliment.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    My now 5-year-old likes to ask overweight women if they are pregnant. I've tired many times explaining that it isn't polite to ask that, and in general it isn't polite to point out to people that they are different. She also asked the older gentleman who checker our recent what the big "thing" on his face was. It was a mole. I think she's getting it.
  • ccbing
    ccbing Posts: 162 Member
    Just this past weekend my 4 yr old daughter asked me why did I have wings and she didn't! Made me feel just great in my sleeveless shirt! :huh:
  • RainxPain
    RainxPain Posts: 152
    On a side note, my mom would have beat me if I said that to someone, even if I was a small child.
  • lbewley3
    lbewley3 Posts: 96 Member
    When my son was young, he had a friend with a little 3 year old brother. I was taking them all somewhere when the 3 year old looked at me and asked 'Do you eat a lot of butter?' All I could do was laugh.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Kids are the most pure and honest form of beings. They don't have filters and I love them for it. A friend's daughter once asked me if I was pregnant.. and it didn't make me feel ashamed or anything.. it made me realize that 1] the shirt I was wearing was not flattering at all, and 2] I am definitely making the right choice to get healthy. I thought her mom was going to DIE right then and there, but it just makes me LOL... because whatever... I kinda am fat.. a kid can be curious when they don't yet understand why it's 'rude' to mention weight!
  • peles_fire
    peles_fire Posts: 501
    Yeah so i don't like children least of all those who've not been taught manners so i'd tell the lil sot it was ugly and keep it pushing.
    (im aware this is not an approved of viewpoint but as i stated i do not generally like the ovarian parasites anyway)

    LOL! I love it. We used to be soul sisters and then I had my first parasite. Trust me there is a chemical need to love that parasite but it runs parallel to strong desire to drop them off and Grandma's house and run like hell. Your opinion is as valid as any other and no approval is necessary. I love your honesty!
  • izzydino
    izzydino Posts: 254 Member
    my son walks around his preschool telling his friends that "my mom doesn't have a baby in her belly ." They like patting it. :(
  • ladyfingers39
    You know what I think that is??? Insecure Mom's and Dads calling themselves fat and the kids hearing. How we talk about ourselves is what they take in. If we use the word fat, they use it. it's a freakin' cycle. I refuse to talk about dieting or losing weight with my kids. it's not a part of their world. They will never hear me say I am fat. Never.
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    Not sure what I would say if a kid said something to me. It hasn't happened with my niece and nephews yet. I'd like to think I'd try to get something along the lines of saying yep, I'm fat and your blond and he's short and people come in all shapes and sizes. And then attempt to explain that its considered rude to say these things, to bluntly comment on physical features in general, but particularly ones considered negative. However, well, I am fat. Seems silly to tell the kid they are wrong, just rude.

    I don't think using healthy an unhealthy instead is a good alternative (to each their own though). Lots of fat people can be in fairly good health and lots of thin people are not, fat does not automatically equal healthy and thin unhealthy. For example, a whole lot of people on this site are putting a ton of effort into eating healthy and exercising, but it's not something that changes overnight, so while this is in progress, a person may still be "fat" but a whole lot healthier than a thin nacho eating, chain smoking couch potato for example. Yes, they exist.
  • Kybelle132
    Kybelle132 Posts: 71 Member
    My daugter is 4 and extremely honest....she tells me i look like a boy because i have short brown hair...She asked me today why i have those "weird lines on your belly?" I said those are from you belly ripped because it need room for you to grow in there!
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    1) It s a 7 year old child
    2) They, like myself, know nothing but speaking the blunt truth when it comes to mind.

    If you are offended...bust your *kitten* and make the change!
  • a2902c
    a2902c Posts: 96
    1) It s a 7 year old child
    2) They, like myself, know nothing but speaking the blunt truth when it comes to mind.

    If you are offended...bust your *kitten* and make the change!

    great. thanks.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Maybe I'm strange, but it doesn't really bother me when a child tells me I am fat or asks if I'm pregnant. I just don't get upset about it, because I AM fat and I look like I could be pregnant. The child is not being mean. There's no malice there. He or she is just being a child, curious about the world.

    That said... one hilariously funny and embarrassing moment in my life occurred when I buckled my nephew into his car seat. I was leaning over him. My boyfriend at the time was standing right next to the two of us. My nephew got these big eyes, put his hand on my breast, and said "WHOA. You have really big.... what are these?" I turned bright red, of course, but then simply said "they're breasts and yes I do have big ones."

    Kids are kids.

    Edit to add: The connection between this thread and my story is fat often = well endowed. Sorry if it wasn't obvious.
  • kxblack
    kxblack Posts: 18
    yup kids tell it like it is my son when he was 4 said wow daddy you bellys like a punkin i saaid what he said it agin then said to me is it gonna grow really big like at the fair lol it was time to change eating habits
  • NathanJ79
    NathanJ79 Posts: 36
    My niece told me that a couple years ago when she was 7, and this kid thinks the world of me and is glad to tell it to whoever will listen (usually other kids).

    You have to consider intention... adults will comment on weight either to be rude or health-conscious. A kid might have the former, but they won't have the latter. If the kid isn't otherwise being rude, they're probably just curious.

    I told my niece that I was working on losing weight and she asked how that worked, so I briefly explained calories, how you get them from food and burn them through exercise (and play), and if you consume more than you burn, you gain, while if you burn more than you consume, you lose. She thought that was cool. Kids will ask about anything that is different. If you explain it, they won't think of it as wrong.
    xSCiNTILLATEx79 Posts: 245 Member
    People young and old are mean. But who cares what they think. Your beautiful so screw em.

    My Nephew called me fat not too long ago, I've had countless children call me fat all through out my life as I did alot of babysitting (maybe thats why the thought of children kinda makes me wanna vomit)

    My grandma used to great me with " Oh honey your face is so pretty, why are you so fat, let your self go, too bad your so big, etc"

    My mom sent me with her sister for the summer, my aunt told me I was too fat, and told everyone else we encountered - put me on a diet at 10yo of nothing but cherios for 2 weeks I lost 16 lbs, but semi traumatized

    Severly bullied on the bus by my peers for my weight even though the girls who sat in front of me had 200lbs on me.

    The list goes on. People are cruel and so are kids. I agree, under 3-4 they are just making observations, after that they are mean, kids are just mean, testing their boundries, teenagers and adults are jerks too.

    I know the feeling when my nephew said auntie your fat and smiled (he new he was saying something wrong) I felt sick and humiliated - especially when they do it infront of other people.

    Anyhow your beautiful - no ones perfect not even little kids. :smile:

    Edit: I left this one out but it's the one that motivated me to lose all the weight. A family friend announced at a company Christmas party that I was the biggest person in the room and I should be ashamed, and that Im not even as pretty anymore. - that humiliation was probably the worst but also the biggest eye opener.
  • chelseyjoan
    chelseyjoan Posts: 79 Member
    my cousins daughter will be 3 next week and she always tells me she likes my "wiptick and eyes" (lipstick and eyemake up- she's extrememly girly) and she will always tell me that i'm "gawww--jus" (gorgeous) but one rough morning after drinking when i was about to leave the house- after i already got ready for work, she asked me "chewwsey, are you gonna put on any makeup?!" meanwhile, i had makeup on.. at that point i knew how brutal i truly did look hahaha
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Middle-schoolers are the worst. They used to throw candy at me on the bus, expecting me to pick them off the floor and eat them because I was such a fatty.