HELP:I just ate a whole pizza by myself



  • jackiecamarena
    jackiecamarena Posts: 290 Member
    lol. This is a super old post :)

    Lulz. Didn't even notice.
  • jackiecamarena
    jackiecamarena Posts: 290 Member
    I EAT A WHOLE NY STYLE PIZZA BY MYSELF every fri or sat (its my reward for suffering all week) and Ive lost 85 pounds, I need that cheat day to make the rest worth it... dont happy ; 0

    What made you comment on a thread from 8 months ago???:noway:


  • amosmoses88
    amosmoses88 Posts: 163 Member
    You know those Totinos(?) pizzas you can get its meant for 2-3 people? Yeah, I used to eat those all the time by myself. It would be nothing for me to hock one down. I didn't realize how bad it was because I never paid attention to the nutrition facts until I committed myself to changing my lifestyle. Also, watching sodium is important to some and to some not. Salt causes swelling and water retention. If you drink more water, your body flushes that salt out and no swelling/weight gain. I'm one to talk because everything I have currently is LOADED with salt. :( But don't beat yourself up, it's one time. And you will probably have more of days like this as well in the future. WE ALL DO. Just brush it off and get back on the horse tomorrow!
  • Eat a ton of laxatives and water? LOL
  • tb221
    tb221 Posts: 54 Member
    Good advice about reading the success stories! I'm implementing a cheat day once a week to see if that helps me with binge eating. It can really be a problem.