July 2nd - September 30th..P90x Group!



  • s_ton
    s_ton Posts: 3
    Can I join?!! I just started about 8 days ago and it's my first time ever doing P90X.

    I canceled my gym membership a couple of days ago, so I'm invested! I am subbing in Kenpo X and Yoga X with my boxing routine (heavy bag, shadow boxing, footwork) and regular yoga classes- which I hope is okay. :/

    Anyways, after a week. I'm loving it!

    Good luck! :D
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    Did Kenpo today, have tomorrow as a rest day. I am exhausted this week so I know I won't stretch in the morning maybe do it later in the day when I get home. Week 3 starts Saturday. Looking forward to it.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Just finished Yoga X, man my body does not bend that way. But it feels amazing after it's over.
  • Rukadare
    Rukadare Posts: 101 Member
    Great job you guys. :) I decided to switch my rest day to today, and I will be doing the Yoga on Sunday.

    Besides that, I actually kind of had a bad day. I'm finding it difficult to stick to the diet, because I am constantly going out to eat with my boyfriend. Now, going out to eat is one of the things we love to do, especially because he is busy working all day and when he gets back into town he's starving. So we go out to eat. And of course it's not always healthy. And of course we sometimes follow it up with dessert someplace like Coldstone. I always get the small, but even so, I feel like I can't control myself when I go out to eat. When I don't go out to eat, I control my meals and eat healthier. But I don't feel like I can just say to him that I don't want to go out to eat anymore (which isn't true! I do want to go out to eat, but I just find it so hard to control WHAT I eat).

    I'm doing great in the workouts, but I'm so bummed that I may be sabotaging myself by having days like today where I kind of splurged. Granted, I haven't done them a lot since I started, but I know I need to focus more.

    Anyone have this problem? Or any advice? Thanks for letting me vent a bit. I'm still going to press play tomorrow and give it my all!
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    Some progress:

    Starting weight 254 Body fat 41


    Weight 246 Body fat 35

    I am not noticing much except my pants are loser and I need to notch another hole in my belt
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Some progress:

    Starting weight 254 Body fat 41


    Weight 246 Body fat 35

    I am not noticing much except my pants are loser and I need to notch another hole in my belt

    very nice Joe, that is a big Body fat drop, means you gained a nice chunk of muscle :)
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Great job you guys. :) I decided to switch my rest day to today, and I will be doing the Yoga on Sunday.

    Besides that, I actually kind of had a bad day. I'm finding it difficult to stick to the diet, because I am constantly going out to eat with my boyfriend. Now, going out to eat is one of the things we love to do, especially because he is busy working all day and when he gets back into town he's starving. So we go out to eat. And of course it's not always healthy. And of course we sometimes follow it up with dessert someplace like Coldstone. I always get the small, but even so, I feel like I can't control myself when I go out to eat. When I don't go out to eat, I control my meals and eat healthier. But I don't feel like I can just say to him that I don't want to go out to eat anymore (which isn't true! I do want to go out to eat, but I just find it so hard to control WHAT I eat).

    I'm doing great in the workouts, but I'm so bummed that I may be sabotaging myself by having days like today where I kind of splurged. Granted, I haven't done them a lot since I started, but I know I need to focus more.

    Anyone have this problem? Or any advice? Thanks for letting me vent a bit. I'm still going to press play tomorrow and give it my all!

    I know how you feel, like I became very anti going out at the beginning because everything had so much calories. But once I got a better grasp on my calorie intake I started to plan for going out. I normally adjust my calorie intake for the day based on where we are going and what I plan to eat there.

    The big thing is planning ahead and know what you are going to eat before hand and staying strong, I know everything looks good and smells amazing when you get there but you have to stick to what you planned for. Also if you have a smart phone using the mobile app helps, I know it's kinda rude to text mid dinner, but I pretend to text and log everything as I eat it or drink it to help me stay on target.

    Now your significant other depending on how long you been together you probably have him figured out on where he would want to go when he says going out. So make sure you have a target food on each one of those restaurants that you have figured out calories wise. Of course if you have a very random spare of the moment type person who just goes to what he learned about most recently then you need to go back to plan A of logging everything as you go with a smartphone.

    For me personally I leave like 400 calories free during the weekend just in case one of my friends decide we need to go out for some beers ( I always limit myself to 2 pints max).

    Whenever I think I'm being too strict with my diet I just remind myself with the goals and how I will feel then.

    TL:DR : Plan ahead extra calories, log on mobile app as you go, remind yourself with the final goal.
  • mdm3
    mdm3 Posts: 40 Member
    I am doing well with the workouts, but am actually having trouble getting in all of the required calories and protein. It's a lot easier to get in the required calorie count when I'm eating junk, but when I'm trying to eat clean, it's really hard to eat all that I'm supposed to be eating. I find myself full at the end of the day with tons of calories left over. Anyone else having this issue?

    Otherwise, hope all are doing well. My weights are also getting easier and so I'll need to figure out how to up them. Keep pushing play!!!!
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    I am doing well with the workouts, but am actually having trouble getting in all of the required calories and protein. It's a lot easier to get in the required calorie count when I'm eating junk, but when I'm trying to eat clean, it's really hard to eat all that I'm supposed to be eating. I find myself full at the end of the day with tons of calories left over. Anyone else having this issue?

    Otherwise, hope all are doing well. My weights are also getting easier and so I'll need to figure out how to up them. Keep pushing play!!!!

    I find it very helpful to eat throughout the day. I eat something every few hours. If I'm having an issue getting in my protein, I'll end my day with a protein shake as my evening snack. It helps get in the protein I need AND it satisfies my sweet tooth!
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I am doing well with the workouts, but am actually having trouble getting in all of the required calories and protein. It's a lot easier to get in the required calorie count when I'm eating junk, but when I'm trying to eat clean, it's really hard to eat all that I'm supposed to be eating. I find myself full at the end of the day with tons of calories left over. Anyone else having this issue?

    Otherwise, hope all are doing well. My weights are also getting easier and so I'll need to figure out how to up them. Keep pushing play!!!!

    ya I'm on the same boat suppose to be doing 3000 calories but I stayed on my diet of 1640 calories. But also having issues hitting the protein 50% that is suggested. But most days I'm under that 1640 and still full (water and snacking helps me a lot)
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    I don't eat as many calories as what they ask. Just to update starting week 3 lean, core work done for today. Cardio tomorrow, hope I can do it after going to see Santana tonight.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I went through 2 shirts and 2 towels today doing Kenpo X! So much fun.
  • mdm3
    mdm3 Posts: 40 Member
    I am doing well with the workouts, but am actually having trouble getting in all of the required calories and protein. It's a lot easier to get in the required calorie count when I'm eating junk, but when I'm trying to eat clean, it's really hard to eat all that I'm supposed to be eating. I find myself full at the end of the day with tons of calories left over. Anyone else having this issue?

    Otherwise, hope all are doing well. My weights are also getting easier and so I'll need to figure out how to up them. Keep pushing play!!!!

    I find it very helpful to eat throughout the day. I eat something every few hours. If I'm having an issue getting in my protein, I'll end my day with a protein shake as my evening snack. It helps get in the protein I need AND it satisfies my sweet tooth!

    Thanks for the advice. I'll try that and see how it works.
  • mdm3
    mdm3 Posts: 40 Member
    I am doing well with the workouts, but am actually having trouble getting in all of the required calories and protein. It's a lot easier to get in the required calorie count when I'm eating junk, but when I'm trying to eat clean, it's really hard to eat all that I'm supposed to be eating. I find myself full at the end of the day with tons of calories left over. Anyone else having this issue?

    Otherwise, hope all are doing well. My weights are also getting easier and so I'll need to figure out how to up them. Keep pushing play!!!!

    ya I'm on the same boat suppose to be doing 3000 calories but I stayed on my diet of 1640 calories. But also having issues hitting the protein 50% that is suggested. But most days I'm under that 1640 and still full (water and snacking helps me a lot)

    Wow, there's no way that I could eat 3000 calories of clean food! I'm trying to net 1500 but am still really finding it challenging. I ate small meals all weekend and although I got to my calorie count, I felt like I was stuffing myself. Funny thing is that the scale dropped a pound and it hasn't done that in weeks! Perhaps it's a fluke, but I'll continue this week and see what happens.
  • pawheeler1
    pawheeler1 Posts: 80 Member
    1 week down and my body is sore!! lost 3 pounds this week!!!
  • pawheeler1
    pawheeler1 Posts: 80 Member
    love kenpo x!!
  • jordan1221
    jordan1221 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi everyone! How are the workouts coming along? I hope everyone is still pushing play. I was finally able to make an appointment with a hand specialist for this afternoon. I am hoping for some good news so I can jump back in!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • jordan1221
    jordan1221 Posts: 58 Member
    1 week down and my body is sore!! lost 3 pounds this week!!!

    Fantastic! :smile:
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member

    Wow, there's no way that I could eat 3000 calories of clean food! I'm trying to net 1500 but am still really finding it challenging. I ate small meals all weekend and although I got to my calorie count, I felt like I was stuffing myself. Funny thing is that the scale dropped a pound and it hasn't done that in weeks! Perhaps it's a fluke, but I'll continue this week and see what happens.

    ya The nutrition guide said 3k for someone my size but I've been staying on 1600 to help speed things up. Guess I'm hurting the big muscle growth but I'm more focused on the weight lose and body tuning.

    Like you I'm also noticing that I get full from less now, an I'm very happy about that.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    Looks like this group is getting a wicked start to p90x. I started my 2nd round also on the July 2nd week and wanted to cheer you on!!! Lost 5.2 lbs my first week and looking forward to toning up my seriously weak core! The yoga is a killer and I rain sweat onto my mat lol