is it okay to go to the zoo alone?



  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Is this a serious question??:noway: I have to ask because everyone knows how freakin' dangerous it is go to the zoo alone.:noway: Just imagine you are there and the animals decide to riot? At least if you have your friend with you, you can trip them up and make a run for it... this way the animals attack them while you make your getaway! Be careful out there! :noway:
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    Is this a serious question??:noway: I have to ask because everyone knows how freakin' dangerous it is go to the zoo alone.:noway: Just imagine you are there and the animals decide to riot? At least if you have your friend with you, you can trip them up and make a run for it... this way the animals attack them while you make your getaway! Be careful out there! :noway:

    hm... so bringing the kids IS a good idea! they are much slower than i am...
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Is this a serious question??:noway: I have to ask because everyone knows how freakin' dangerous it is go to the zoo alone.:noway: Just imagine you are there and the animals decide to riot? At least if you have your friend with you, you can trip them up and make a run for it... this way the animals attack them while you make your getaway! Be careful out there! :noway:

    hm... so bringing the kids IS a good idea! they are much slower than i am...
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Is this a serious question??:noway: I have to ask because everyone knows how freakin' dangerous it is go to the zoo alone.:noway: Just imagine you are there and the animals decide to riot? At least if you have your friend with you, you can trip them up and make a run for it... this way the animals attack them while you make your getaway! Be careful out there! :noway:

    hm... so bringing the kids IS a good idea! they are much slower than i am...

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    Is this a serious question??:noway: I have to ask because everyone knows how freakin' dangerous it is go to the zoo alone.:noway: Just imagine you are there and the animals decide to riot? At least if you have your friend with you, you can trip them up and make a run for it... this way the animals attack them while you make your getaway! Be careful out there! :noway:

    hm... so bringing the kids IS a good idea! they are much slower than i am...

    i should probably work on fattening them up then. these babies got good genes from somewhere (definitely not my big butt) and they are pretty thin (my 6yr old has abs for crying out loud!). if the riot were to happen, the animals would definitely go straight for my booty. :sad:
  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 337 Member
    i would prefer going alone to taking my children sometimes... is that mean? LOL they complain! "my feet hurt! my legs hurt! carry me! i'm tired! i'm hot! i'm hungry! i'm thirsty! i don't want water!" dude... shush your faces and enjoy the freakin' animals! bahahaha i kid... i love my babies but seriously... they complain. haha

    Thats so true.. My kids always drag me to the nocturnal house which stinks and appears to be full of endangered species of rats. I am going on Saturday with my daughter - I am super excited for the step count on my pedometer.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    i love going to the zoo alone! granted i've only done it once or twice but you get to see what you want to see on your own the same token, i love doing other things on my own too. eating, going to the movies, shopping. for what it's worth, i have a wonderful boyfriend with whom i love spending time, and great friends and family. but i like doing things solo just as much. enjoy!
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    My friend and I, had a massive day planned ahead at the zoo, but she just called and cancelled.

    I still really want to go and see the cute animals! is it okay to go alone??

    I'm confused by the question. Why wouldn't it be okay to go to the zoo (or anywhere actually) by yourself?
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I was in San Diego for a work conference and I went to the SD Zoo by myself, and actually it was great. I was able to spend as much time as I wanted with the animals I was interested in and didn't have to go and see the ones I didn't, so I think it was better than having someone else there.
    And technically you aren't alone, there are all of the awesome animals. Lol
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    Absolutely not! That's why I had I have an excuse to go. LOL
  • Telugammayi87
    Telugammayi87 Posts: 170 Member
    I go to the zoo alone about twice awake... great place for a morning walk!!!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    The only thing better than going to the Zoo alone is Kidnapping a Nursing Home Resident and taking them with you!! It is an AWESOME Experience, and pushing the wheelchair gives you added Exercise.
    :smile: Don't forget to take in the Petting Zoo!! It may have been years since that person has held or touched an animal.
    :wink: Also, remember the Sunscreen!!!
  • Firephoenix013
    Ok let me put in my two cents. I have wanted to go to the zoo for AGES. One day I asked my boyfriend to go and he said sure cause he knew I was dying to go. Seriously no one would realize you were alone, plus I took off and went on my own a lot to get good pictures of animals and he stood back and just watched me act like a 2 year old in a candy store lol. So I learned something from that day, I can go whenever I want. Is it fun to have someone else to go with you? Yeah sure. But I would still have a blast by myself. So GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!! There's too many people there to notice if you are alone or not and anyways people are focusing on the animals, not who is with who etc.
  • Firephoenix013
    I always go with family, I have three teenagers and they still love the zoo. However, I know I slow them down because when I see an animal being active, I want to watch and observe its behavior. Then again my youngest wants to be a marine biologist and we have to drag him out of the aquarium lol!

    So would I go alone? Heck yeah. I may only see 1/4 of the zoo, Columbus Zoo is HUGE, but I would do it on my terms.

    TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!! Lol. I want to get a season pass just so I can go visit what I want when I want. Like the loorakeets I think they are called that you can feed. I want to go and feed them and then watch the polar bears for a few hours.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Just don't wear a trench coat with black socks showing.
  • anchees
    anchees Posts: 14 Member
    Absoulutely!!! Go enjoy your day!! :smile:
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 397 Member
    Heck yes it's okay to go alone. I understand your disappointment but yeah, it's totally cool. Do it anyway and you can go at your own pace and explore everything. Be sure to tell her how much she missed out.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Go, enjoy and walk your booty off!!!
  • winninga
    winninga Posts: 77 Member
    I don't understand why people have such a hard time going places by themselves. I do all sorts of things alone like going to the movies, the theatre and sit down restaurants. I have friends who wouldn't dare think about doing these things unless they had someone with them. I'm married, a mom of 9 yo twins, work a stressful full-time job with the public, so I really appreciate those times when I can be alone with my thoughts. Doesn't happen very often.
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    The only thing better than going to the Zoo alone is Kidnapping a Nursing Home Resident and taking them with you!! It is an AWESOME Experience, and pushing the wheelchair gives you added Exercise.
    :smile: Don't forget to take in the Petting Zoo!! It may have been years since that person has held or touched an animal.
    :wink: Also, remember the Sunscreen!!!

    What an awesome idea! I bet there some elderly person who would LOVE to go out for a stroll with you :)