


  • Reignofmongo
    Reignofmongo Posts: 137

    Still disproves losing fat is simply cals in/ cals out. That was my point.

    Anecdotal evidence. Your results are not universal, so it doesnt disprove anything.

    Check out the guy who lost 27 lbs, 9% body fat, lowered his bad cholesterol and didn't increase exercise being on a TWINKIE DIET. You know what he did? He restricted his calories. Just that.

    Not saying it's safe or healthy, but just showing that different things work for different people.

    garentee he lost quite a bit of LBM as well though, still proving that cals in/cals out may be the answer to weight loss, but for efficient fat loss while preserving muscle mass... Not so much.
  • Reignofmongo
    Reignofmongo Posts: 137
    Now I will touch a bit on ketosis; ketosis is very effective though not sustainable for targeted fat loss. The cliff notes of ketosis is that it puts your body into a state where it is readily metabolising calorie rich fat, to process not as calorie rich and harder to break down into energy; protein.

    However the principles are still the same, and even on ketosis you do it in cycles, and "carb load" inbetween.

    I know people that have been doing it for years...
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I eat carbs daily, but I eat "good" carbs. Veggies, some fruit, whole grains.

    I also run daily, though, and train for distance and obstacle races, so I'm burning a lot of those carbs for fuel.

    It really depends on your activitiy level and the kinds of carbs you're eating. They're not the enemy, necessarily....the body needs fuel, and carbs are the most efficient source for that fuel.
  • lforner46
    lforner46 Posts: 103 Member
    I'm going to have to agree with most on this post. It is a combination of lower carbs and lower calories. When I did Wt. Watchers, I would eat low calorie carbs and I was starving in an hour. Then I tried a higher fat/lower carb approach and I felt much more satisfied.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    the body needs fuel, and carbs are the most efficient source for that fuel.

    based on this thread, calories are the fuel. Thus calories in, calories out.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Carbs will not slow weight loss. There are not many people who can sustain a low carb diet forever. But there are a whole lot of people at a healthy weight out there eating carbs.

    Avoid sugary foods and concentrate on how healthy, rather than how many, your carbs are. And, of course, don't go over your calorie limits.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    Now I will touch a bit on ketosis; ketosis is very effective though not sustainable for targeted fat loss. The cliff notes of ketosis is that it puts your body into a state where it is readily metabolising calorie rich fat, to process not as calorie rich and harder to break down into energy; protein.

    However the principles are still the same, and even on ketosis you do it in cycles, and "carb load" inbetween.

    I know people that have been doing it for years...

    I highly doubt they have done it non stop, day in, day out without some kind of cycle off inbetween ketosis cycles.
  • Reignofmongo
    Reignofmongo Posts: 137
    Now I will touch a bit on ketosis; ketosis is very effective though not sustainable for targeted fat loss. The cliff notes of ketosis is that it puts your body into a state where it is readily metabolising calorie rich fat, to process not as calorie rich and harder to break down into energy; protein.

    However the principles are still the same, and even on ketosis you do it in cycles, and "carb load" inbetween.

    I know people that have been doing it for years...

    I highly doubt they have done it non stop, day in, day out without some kind of cycle off inbetween ketosis cycles.

    A carb up weekend every week or two is part of this diet.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    One glycogen molecule is stored with 2.7 grams of water. Reduce the carbs, you reduce the glycogen and water. This is the initial weight loss and also why people who low carb gain so much weight back when they eat carbs.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    This might explain why I'm so thirsty lately. Question is, does drinking tons of water while low carbing and making sure to get enough salt help with this, or is it an inevitable loss of water weight?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Glycogen requires the water for storage. Cutting carbs reduces your glycogen supply, as your body doesn't refill glycogen stores from protein or fat, only from carbs. Without the stored glycogen, the water is unnecessary.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Now I will touch a bit on ketosis; ketosis is very effective though not sustainable for targeted fat loss. The cliff notes of ketosis is that it puts your body into a state where it is readily metabolising calorie rich fat, to process not as calorie rich and harder to break down into energy; protein.

    However the principles are still the same, and even on ketosis you do it in cycles, and "carb load" inbetween.

    I know people that have been doing it for years...

    I highly doubt they have done it non stop, day in, day out without some kind of cycle off inbetween ketosis cycles.

    A carb up weekend every week or two is part of this diet.
    And that would the "cycling off" part.
  • KimbaJL
    KimbaJL Posts: 10 Member
    I think it depends on what you want to do. I joined Medi Weight Loss last year on 7/27/11 and reached my goal weight at the beginning of March 2012. MWL is low carb. I pretty much just ate protein and veggies for all that time and now I'm in the maintenance phase and have 3 servings of "healthy" carbs each whole wheat bread, rice, etc. I lost 60 pounds doing this (as well as going to the gym at least 5 times a week if not more) and so far since March I'm keeping it off. You should do whatever is comfortable for you. :)
  • sfoster3171982
    sfoster3171982 Posts: 76 Member
    My doctor and i were talking about how many carbs mfp lets me have and she told me to cut that in half (pissed me off) and not to have carbs with a lot of sugar and salt it has to be carbs with a lot of salt or cabs with a lot of sugar ( easier said than done)
  • knewme76
    knewme76 Posts: 25 Member
    I do the same as you. I do low carb during the week and then saturday i eat basically whatever. I have lost 35 pounds since march.
  • ZarrX86
    ZarrX86 Posts: 38
    I've thought about it for a long time. I think its still calories in/calories out. BUT, the reason people think they lose more weight when doing lower carbs is because they do. Inherently while cutting carbs your going to cut calories, its very hard to cut carbs, very limited in what you can have. So naturally while cutting carbs your going to cut some calories.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I've thought about it for a long time. I think its still calories in/calories out. BUT, the reason people think they lose more weight when doing lower carbs is because they do. Inherently while cutting carbs your going to cut calories, its very hard to cut carbs, very limited in what you can have. So naturally while cutting carbs your going to cut some calories.

    I don't see the same thing at all in my body. There is definitely a relationship between the amount of starches I consume (and the timing) at the same exact calorie level.

    I think many people, especially women over 30, will see a bigger change if they reduce starchy carbs. Not eliminate, but cut back. Timing seems to matter too. Earlier in the day appears to be better.

    The "quality" of the calories makes a big difference. In fact take a look at this recent study on diets and calorie burning, following a lower glycemic diet was very effective (and much more sustainable than cutting out carbs completely.)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I don't pay attention to macros, really... the only one I do is my protein. I know I feel best when I eat 100g or more of protein daily... after that I don't care if it's carbs or fat and I eat quite a lot (about 2100 calories/day to lose)... but then I run a lot and need the carbs for running.

    So... that's me. Not a big macro watcher and it's working for me.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Lots of people say it does. I am not finding this to be so for me.

    Since June 1, I have been experimenting with eating 50-100 gr carbs per day (kinda primal-ish). I've had 4 days over 100, but the average over 28 days has been 97 gr carbs per day. Prior to June 1 I only aimed for 30% protein without regard for carbs. I was eating 200-300 gr carbs a day. I'm measuring and tracking very carefully; and I keep a spreadsheet so I can run the averages and see the weight trend (I weigh daily and track it on Hacker). On average over these 28 days my macros have been 52 fat, 33 protein, 15 carb.

    So . . . . 28 days into my experiment I have lost . . . . . 1 pound. (This is the average weight for June compared to the average weight for May, but actually today I am up by 2 lbs after a carby day yesterday).

    That being said, I have discovered some interesting things about eating Primal(ish):

    1. I am not lactose intolerant. I thought that I was for many years. Perhaps it was WHEAT that was the problem, or the combination of dairy and wheat.

    2. The scale fluctuations while eating fewer carbs are less dramatic. I ate 133 carbs yesterday due to Bunko at my house, and went up 2 lbs. this morning. Also last Sat I went to a baby shower and the scale took a big jump Sunday morning thanks to the cake and cookies. The rest of the month when the carbs were <100 the scale would read the same for many days in a row, or fluctuate by only a few tenths of a pound.

    3. I am not more fatigued due to a lack of carbs.

    4. I did not experience carb "flu"

    5. It is very challenging to make my calorie goal without eating carbs (I work out every day and burn a LOT of calories). Overall my avg. daily net calories for these past 28 days has been only 1514, despite my best efforts not to fall below 1650.

    6. Overall, my stomach is not bloating and I feel better after meals, HOWEVER, motility is a challenge. First time in my life I am needing some natural supplements to assist. Ahem. Some would blame that on the protein, but I was already eating high protein before I tried this primal experiment.

    7. It's not that hard to keep carbs under 100. You just have to get over that mental shock of how much fat you're eating.

    Conclusion: none. Ha. I'm really essentially at goal anyway, but I was hoping eating fewer carbs would assist in body fat loss and that I could expose my 6-pack. It hasn't happened yet. I'm still going; we'll see.

    EDIT: I haven't actually measured my body fat, so I don't know if it went down. I just know I can't see a 6-pack. Good thing I'm not a scientist bc I'd get fired.
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • 140lbgoal
    140lbgoal Posts: 19
    Prettygirl, If watching carbs, (Low Carb Diet) works for you and makes you feel healthier and more energetic, then do it. I know that it is what works for me. I have tried watching calories so many times and have put weight on each time. I walk 30 minutes a day and I do mild weight lifting, (playing with the weights). This month I lost 24 pounds and I started this site just this month. I feel so much better and even stopped taking one heart medication for my heart arrhythmia. I have gone from an 18 dress to a 14 and it really shows, despite my pear Good Luck and remember, only you will know what works for you.