How long were you with your SO before you got engaged?



  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    You are still young. My question is....have you talked about it?!?! Communication is so important in a relationship.

    My husband and I briefly talked about marriage when we first started dating and he said he wasn't ready.....he had just moved out of his ex's house that she trapped him into staying with a signed lease but they were broken up for almost a year!!! The next time we talked was when he proposed to me!!!

    I would seriously talk to are at an age that marriage is a viable option and you should know where the relationship stands and what he is thinking.

    That being said my hubby and I were 25 when we started dating, I was 25/he was 26 when engaged and both were 26 when we got married. He proposed to me 2 months after our first official date and he had been talking to each other and developing a friendship about 1 month before that.

    Don't judge your relationship by others, that can be really dangerous. We are not the norm but we have a marriage based on trust, fidelity and Christ. We've been married 10 1/2 years.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    We will be together for almost 6 years, engaged for 4 by the time we get married. I know, long engagement, but we want a house and careers first. At least I'm sporting a stellar ring for the last 2 years lol
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    5 years. Then we were engaged for 1.5 before getting married.
  • Montegue42
    Montegue42 Posts: 98
    We were together for just under three years, but it felt really sudden :P Not unwanted, of course! But he was still in school, and I had just graduated.
  • KALMdown
    KALMdown Posts: 211 Member
    Dated 3.5 years before getting engaged, married a year and a half later . We started dating on Jan. 1, 2000 after um... hooking up.... celebrating the millenium, but we knew each other for a year before that.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    You are still young. My question is....have you talked about it?!?! Communication is so important in a relationship.

    My husband and I briefly talked about marriage when we first started dating and he said he wasn't ready.....he had just moved out of his ex's house that she trapped him into staying with a signed lease but they were broken up for almost a year!!! The next time we talked was when he proposed to me!!!

    I would seriously talk to are at an age that marriage is a viable option and you should know where the relationship stands and what he is thinking.

    That being said my hubby and I were 25 when we started dating, I was 25/he was 26 when engaged and both were 26 when we got married. He proposed to me 2 months after our first official date and he had been talking to each other and developing a friendship about 1 month before that.

    Don't judge your relationship by others, that can be really dangerous. We are not the norm but we have a marriage based on trust, fidelity and Christ. We've been married 10 1/2 years.

    I agree completely! You have do what is right for the two of you...not what your friends or family want. :)
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    We moved in together I'd say about 2 months after we started going out, lived together for 17 year and got married in 2010. No engagement, no ring, no big fancy wedding. Still got the love :love:
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    6 n half years.. I gave up thinking it was ever gona happen.. I had made loads of comments to him saying it had better happen soon.. when I stopped nagging it happened :D

    I stopped nagging...hoping it will happen :D
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    10 months, then engaged for 3 months.

    we were friends for about 2 years before we started dating.

    been married just under 7 years and still madly in love :)
  • Tebbspcad
    Tebbspcad Posts: 233
    18 months, we only got engaged as I found out we were pregnant! We were very serious about the relationship anyway and had been planning on living together/getting married when we found out. We then bought a house together & got married when our son was 3 years old. We have 3 kids now & are very happy :) Life and circumstances dictated when we got engaged, if it's the right time for you then you need to have a conversation with your partner.

    BTW getting engaged/married just isn't that important to some people - my friends have been living with each other for over 20 years and are very happy with no itention of taking things down the aisle! Everyone is different :)
  • lisag2007
    lisag2007 Posts: 130
    9 1/2 months....but we both had been previously married and were in our thirties. When I got married the first time, I was 22 and we got engaged after we had been together off and on for a year and 8 months or so. I should have known the "off and on" meant it would eventually be off for good. If it is meant to be....there won't be any off and on. When you love someone, you love them.
  • Medtech2004
    Medtech2004 Posts: 55 Member
    2 1/2 years and married 1 month before our 3rd anniversary. We have been together 10 years this year and married 7 years next month :smooched: Everyone has a different relationship but if you want it to move to the next step why don't you make the move? Good luck!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I met him, we were friends 11months, then started dating, then 8 months later he proposed. Altogether 19 months
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    6 months... I knew on the first date though that I wasn't letting this one get away ever! 3 hours and I had fallen hard for the man. :D Here's the funny part; I proposed, but he had a ring ready when I did, because he was planning to as well!
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    2 months. we had only been in the same country as one another for 15 days of those two months. We've been married now for 7 years.
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    my man and i have been together now for 5 yrs im 21 and he is 24 we are in no rush i really prefer it to stay the same he talks about it sometimes but i mean we have a child together already and i feel as if we are i dont need a paper to show, i just dont feel ready child wasnt planned but if i get married i want everything else in place our careers , our home, our money just everything so no complications but if not i feel fine either way. everybody is really different though.
  • angelndskies44
    angelndskies44 Posts: 13 Member
    3 weeks, married before 6 months past. Just celebrated 15 years of marriage. No, I wasn't pregnant, the children didn't come until 7 years later. We also moved in together on our first date. I wouldn't recommend this for anyone, but it sure helps that hes my best friend.
  • KetoBella
    KetoBella Posts: 141 Member
    I don't put too much stock in marriage - it is a piece of paper given to you by the government approving your relationship. I don't need someone to approve my relationship and I've gotten used to the "why aren't you two married" comments. I'm not a religious person, so that doesn't come into play. Besides, there was always an expectation in my family that marriage = kids and my Sweetie and I decided early on that we would not be having children. So, as of July 1st we will have been together for 19 years and we're not engaged yet! Although we've talked about marriage recently simply so I can add him to my health insurance. My employer doesn't offer coverage to "domestic partners" and we're not getting any younger.

    Actually, the purpose of marraige in the legal sense isn't so that the government can approve the relationship. It is actually more like a business partnership. The marraige contract protects you the same way a contract does in any other sense. I would never dream of going into a business and purchasing a building, hiring employees, taking out a line of credit and signing letters of guarantee with a business partner unless I knew that I had some legal protection in case my business partner/s decided to just walk out and leave me financially ruined.

    I always wonder why couples are willing to move in together, purchase homes and cars, have children and pool their money into one checking account and then don't see the need to get married. At least with a marraige contract, while divorce is possible both parties have the protections a contract provides.
  • bleacheblonde
    I met my fiance in June of 2008, we moved in together in December of 2008, and he proposed August of 2011. So we kind of did things in reverse order. We actually probably would have gotten engaged even a year earlier than that but he didn't have any money so he couldn't get a ring. It will be another year before the wedding because we have no money now either! I would say just do what feels right in your situation and don't worry about what other people are doing and/or thinking. My friends and family thought I was nuts to move in with him after a matter of months, but I decided to take the risk and it was definitely worth it :)
  • zerbe6982
    zerbe6982 Posts: 68
    My fiance and I started dating in 2004. He proposed in 2010 and we are finally getting married in 2012. What's that... 8 years total.

    The key to our relationship was communication. I was very frustrated that he wouldn't propose, but we talked about it, and I found out there were very specific personal goals he wanted to meet before he proposed. It took longer than he expected, but I knew why he was waiting so it wasn't a big deal.

    We knew we would eventually marry. We just didn't know when. However, I did put my foot down on the possibility of buying a home. I told him I was not taking on that kind of debt without being married. :)

    Here we are... 4 months away from our wedding and talking about the possibility of a home in a few years. :)