the end of my rope... I NEED this.



  • tamba01
    tamba01 Posts: 110 Member
    I agree with lots of these. Affording things isn't hard when you make the right choices. Frozen veggies are great and non expensive. Buy a whole chicken when it's on sale, then freeze it into portions to use throughout the week. Just for some examples.
    And you can boil the chicken bones to make homemade chicken broth to flavor other recipes.
  • aleshai
    aleshai Posts: 55 Member
    I understand not being happy with your weight. I understand thinking that you will be HAPPIER with a healthy weight. But a number on a scale is not going to change everything if you are in a bad place mentally/spiritually etc. A loaf of whole wheat bread, some lean lunch meat and mustard is going to be cheap, last a while and help count calories, oatmeal, canned soup, canned veggies (all these things are super cheap on a budget) buy some carrots, string cheese, and light popcorn for snacks.

    You can do this! What you put into your body, how you treat your body (with exercise, etc.) is something you can control when everything else is out of control. We are all here for you.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't understand. If your boyfriend can afford a large sub, why can't you afford something healthy to eat?? Healthy food doesn't have to be expensive. You don't have to eat greek yogurt, or high priced fresh fruits and vegetables to lose weight. Clip coupons and buy whats on sale that week. Grow as much of your own foods as you can. Pasta, brown rice, dried beans, canned tuna, frozen fruits and vegetables are usually some of the cheapest foods in the market, and they are all healthy.

    The same is true for exercise. Exercise is free. Sure, you can spend a lot if you want, but you can burn a lot of calories and keep your muscle firm and shapely by walking, running, body weight exercises (pushups, planks, squats, lunges, etc.), Push something, pull something, pick something up.

    Don't make excuses. Get some cheap healthy food. And get up and move!!
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    Hi. I want you to know that right now, I'm basically running down my fridge and freezer because I don't have the money to go grocery shopping till my BF gets paid. I know it's a scary feeling, and that you're overwhelmed- it's intimidating to me, and I DON'T have depression or PTSD.

    I have a couple tips that I find helpful, I hope they work for you as well. In the meantime, keep your head up, you WILL get through this!

    -If you're buying fresh produce, but what's in season. If you have access to a farmer's market, their prices will often be lower on peak season items because they don't want to watch their crop rot off the vines. Peas, beans, and corn all freeze really well, so but em on the cheap and freeze away!

    -Rice and beans are about as cheap as it gets and they last forever. Not my favorite, personally, but sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do. Beats going to bed hungry.

    -I shop sales. I got through the fliers we get and figure out where I'm buying what this week. I'm really, REALLY luck that I have 4 places I can buy groceries within 5 miles of me, so there's some stiff competition out there. I buy family pack meats on sale and freeze them. Example, boneless skinless chicken breast usually runs me less than $1.75/pound. Make sure you have the 'frequent shopper card' or whatever they call it at your particular store so you can take advantage of the "buy one get one" sales. And as annoying as it is, coupons... Makes me feel like my grandma, but when you have to turn a dime into a dollar, every last bit helps.

    -Buy the store brand. Last week, Chobani Greek yogurt was up to $1.29 in the store I was at.... but the store brand was .85 cents a cup! I'll typically buy a weeks worth of those at a time, so small things like that add up REALLY quickly.

    -I make huge batches of sauce and soup and freeze them. All you have to come up with is some pasta. Or a little bread.

    OP, please know that you're not alone out there, and that there are a LOT of people struggling right now. I really hope that something in this thread helps you. Best of luck to you & your boyfriend, be strong!
  • janiceover
    janiceover Posts: 26 Member
    You need to look after yourself mentally....then the physical stuff will happen. Surround yourself with positive people, you would be surprised how much better that can make you feel. Walk, walk, walk....and when walking is getting really easy, start running a bit. The endorphins that you get from excercise are going to make you feel energized and help you to feel better, mentally.
    As for the food, you need to set up a menu plan that works within your budget. Fresh fruit and vegetables that are locally grown are not expensive. Get some less expensive cuts of meat, watch for specials at your grocery store. Eating healthy does not mean eating expensively, you just need to place a priority on what you are going to bring into your refrigerator and pantry.
    Using your own body weight for excercise means not having to worry about equipment or gyms. Check out all the internet ideas for would be surprised what you can find.
    Take time for you, and believe that you are important. Put yourself first, and you will find that your physical and mental well being will change for the better.
    Food doesn't need to me the deserve it!!:smile:
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    You can eat healthy for less by eating frozen foods. Frozen green beans, peas, and corn cost less than their fresh counterparts. AND added bonus, they don't spoil in the fridge if you don't eat them fast enough. Another added bonus... frozed foods are generally higher in nutirtion than fresh because they are frozen at their peak. Fresh veggies and fruits lose nutrients as they sit on the shelves. Frozen meats like fish and chicken are also cheaper than fresh. Again, no spoilage. Also, eggs are a great source of protein. They are cheap and they are low calorie.

    Check the stores weekly specials. Only buy fresh veggies and meats that are on sale. Last night I picked up 4 really big avocadoes for $5. That's a good deal. Also, the green peppers and cucmbers that are often $1 each were 3/$1. I stocked up. Dry beans are cheap and make a fantastic soup :flowerforyou: and a fantastic toot!

    You can do this!
  • Rosered3333
    Rosered3333 Posts: 171 Member
    First of all, thank you for asking for our help. That is a HUGE step and is very difficult. It sounds like you have a lot going on and that weight loss is just one of many concerns.

    Eating healthy can be expensive. I'm always amazed at how much I spend on fish and vegetables.

    Everyone seems to have great suggestions on how to shop for food cheaply but something else you might want to consider is actually looking at your expenses, itemizing them, and then see where your money is going. I did that and I was amazed to see how much I spent on alcohol.

    If at all possible, see if you can cut back in one area to make room for more money for food.

    Good luck and feel free to ask for more help. I'm always looking for more friends.
  • Naytahlee
    Naytahlee Posts: 53 Member
    You dont need to buy expensive. My grocery bill is the same as it was previously. I budget about $150 for two people for two weeks and I actually spend about $120. The only difference is I'm not buying junk, processed or prepared food and now it actually lasts two weeks because I'm not eating 3000 calories a day. Friend me and look at my food diary.

    I watched my boyfriend eat McDonald's the other night (it was a busy night where we ate dinner separately). I didnt feel deprived, I felt empowered that I didnt need to eat that anymore. I did try two of my favorite fries and they didnt taste good anymore, I was actually repulsed by them!

    I have zero exercise equipment in my home. Walking only costs you time and I walk in my $10 flip flops. Also, You Tube has exercise videos on it. You can use water jugs or cans of food for weights, or anything with some weight to it! :) I cant do any type of strenuous exercise because of a heart problem, but I can walk.

    It all comes down to choices. I hate to be cliche, but where there's a will there's a way. :)
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I agree with the others - baby steps. Though I say take a different step first - just log what you eat. Don't worry about calories or anything like that right now. Spend a week getting into the habit of logging your food and give yourself a baseline from which to start. That alone will often help you start making changes.

    Once you've done that, take a look at what you've got and see where you can make changes. Do you eat Frosted Flakes for breakfast every day? Then switch to Cheerios. Do you always go out to Subway for lunch? Then plan for and pack your own sandwiches.

    You say you can't afford to eat healthy? I bet you can. Find local farms, farmer's markets, or farming co-ops and use them to get things like eggs, meat, and in-season produce. They'll be a lot cheaper there than at the grocery store (and better, usually!). Plan to buy nonperishables in bulk at places like Costco, Sam's Club, or Gordon Food Service. Doing this can be a bigger upfront investment, but will save money in the long run.

    Don't waste your money on pre-packaged foods. Not only will they not last (they're usually only one meal's worth), but they're loaded with salt, chemicals, and basically empty calories. Go with whole/basic foods and start getting creative. You can make three days' worth of meals for less than what you'd pay for a single takeout pizza (or sub), and the links that people have posted already will help you get there.

    Also, don't forget to learn substitutions. For example, if you're out of eggs, but want/need to make something with eggs in it, milk or applesauce can substitute for eggs. Likewise, combining milk and vinegar will give you buttermilk.

    In the long term, plant a garden. Not only will it give you something productive to do, but it will help supplement your food bill.
  • semeyer
    semeyer Posts: 282 Member
    I think a lot of people on this post have given you some great advice! I will try to contribute as well:

    1. Like many posters have said, you don't need ANY money to go outside and go for a walk. Air and sunshine are still free, thank goodness. Go for a walk, let your mind relax. This will most likely help release some much needed endorphins.

    2. I understand your frustration about watching your SO each in your face. When I have a small portion of the dinner, he has 2nds and 3rds. He goes for the ice cream after dinner. He lays on the couch and eats chips and salsa. And I stare at him. But that only makes me resentful, upset, and cranky. And nobody likes a cranky resentful b*****. So instead, when he is indulging, I take some 'me time'. I take a bath, I paint my nails, I organize my closet, I catch up on chores, I go for another walk. None of which cost me any money. And when my SO is finally done gorging, I feel great and he whines that his stomach hurts. My nails look great, I'm exfoliated, I'm energized, and my house is clean! Its a win win situation.

    3. If you have enough money to eat anything at all, then you have enough money to eat healthy. I make a weekly dinner menu ahead of time. I theme them to movies so its more fun and I can look forward to making calorie counting more interesting. Thinking ahead and planning your meals can REALLY help you save $$$. If you know a dish you want to make that uses certain fruits and veggies, plan the other days of the week to incorporate them too. This helps me cut down on wasted food that goes bad before I eat it (i.e. lettuce, celery, mushrooms, things that come in larger quantities). Also, I think someone else suggest farmer's markets are GREAT. You can find LOTS of cheap produce!

    Good luck and I hope you get the motivation you are looking for!
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    In my experience, there are levels of eating healthy.
    Mc Donalds and other fast food is cheapest- the dollar menu... but it is sort of like poison to my body- the worst.
    Eating healthier is more expensive than the dollar menu, but it is more like real food.
    At the grocery store you can buy box food, processed food etc which is probably more expensive than whole foods, fresh foods etc.
    But, at least where I live, the healthiest food is the most expensive: local, organic, non-gmo fresh food... and that is what I choose now.
    If you must have the healthiest and you cannot afford it, I recommend dumpster diving.
    Oh yes... find out when the grocery puts food out and go get it... be wise- check it out and eat it that day or the next.
    Many people will not go dumpster hopping for food... but it is not beyond or beneath me~ and the times- they are a changin'
    I work out for free at home: swim in the river, hike on the trails, floor exercises on a floor.
    I am a permanently and totally disabled veteran, also diagnosed with Major Depression.
    I wish you the best.
  • camelgirlmn
    camelgirlmn Posts: 226 Member
    First off be happy with who you are!!! If your fiancee is eating all that sub whose going to lose weight you or him??? I would rather eat a yogurt any day over a sub. It is hard when you want food, cuz food is alsso one of my addictions!!! I dont have extra money either to go to gyms or whatever but i walk alot,. i also bought the biggest loser game and exercise wit that. I cant afford any dvds or anything else cuz i live on limited income with my 5 year old son. WHen you buy your foods just look at the labels some healthy stuff is cheaper. me and my fiancee and my son are learning to eat a little more healthier every day. Things like this dont just happen over night. Work yourself up to it. Even if you fail one day pick your self up the next and keep your goal in mind!!! Good luck and if you ever want to chat or need motivational friends send me a request. I to suffer from high anxiety, Obsessive compulsive and bipolar. And I understand that road
  • casandra_zamarripa
    casandra_zamarripa Posts: 133 Member
    Ok first i want to say to the man and people who CALL BULL****! Who are you to judge someone else's money situations! Just because you are well off and can afford all the healthier foods don't mean Everyone else can! She is pleading for SUPPORT NOT JUDGING AND NEGATIVITY! SO BACK TO THE POST!!!!
    I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT YOU CAN DO IT you can lose the weight and feel good again ! I AM PROOF SUMMER 2011 IM 5'3 189 pounds i was in the same situation you are in now but you made more money than me i didn't have a penny to my name couldn't find a job had no car living with family and suuuuppppeeeerrr depressed! I couldn't afford anything at all so whatever was bought i ate! I had absolutely NO SUPPORT i kept trying to diet but kept losing hope! And feeling worse and gaining more! I had been tiny all my life than ended up depressed and huge all i wanted was a little support and a way to afford the better things to help me lose to win myself back! Now summer 2012 im 5'3 140 !!! Working my way to 130! What i did??!?!?
    I said if no one is goin to help and support me ill do it alone! I walked to the park everyday it was pretty far from my house but i still did it i thought of the walk as a WARM UP so by the time i got to the park i would jog and run when i got tiered speed walked NOT STOPPED and i would do this everyday in the evening for 2 hours a day i would walk home and think of that as my cool down! As easy as it sounds it was miserably hard !!!!! There were times i would break down and cry at the park but i kept running i had no one to talk to so i spoke to god! Im not a religious person and dont no if you believe but this is what id say god please help me find the person i usto be please support me when no one else will please give me the strength to get home and wake up to do this everyday! And so on.... i turned down any drinks juices sodas ect.. i went to watter as nasty as it is it was FREE i would put a jug of watter in the fridge to keep it cold for me and i allways had a bottle of it with me i would drink a bottle and go for a walk everytime i got the erge to snack! I ate smaller portions of all foods just becasuse food was my comfort addiction problem! Its all I had to turn to! EAT SMALLER PORTIONS IF YOU CANT AFFORD THE HEALTHY STUFF! i used this site to count my calories and it was hard to not go over but i forced myself to stop! I did this from aug to jan and went down to 160! Not much and slowly but i was going down than i ended up moving getting married found a job joining a gym i go 7 days a week 2 hours a day and am 140 as of today goal 130 im just saying i was at rock bottom and forced myself to be motivated and find a way to get healthy again if i did it YOU CAN TO I WILL BE YOUR SUPPORT I WILL BELIEVE IN YOU BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE FEELING! There is hope for you and you WILL GET TO WHERE YOU WANA BE AGAIN SLOWLY BUT IT WILL HAPPEN JUST BELIEVE IN YOURSELF A LITTLE MORE!
    Sorry so long and so much info i just wanted you to understand that i was in the same as you and still did it so you can to and yes you seem to be mentally disscuraged but ONLY you can bring yourself out of that so give yourself another chance !

    Sorry for the grammar and spelling i still suck at it lol :-)
  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    First I have to say a food budget of $30-$50 per person is A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!
    I feed a family of 4 on that much.
    Have you ever heard of coupons? Have you ever seen the show EXTREME COUPONING?
    You obviously can afford internet service.

    Like everyone else is saying, use your own body for exercise.
    Go to a garage sale and pick up used equipement, or go to the library and rent work out tape/dvd's.
    Life is what you make of it. If you sit around feeling sorry for yourself, you will never climb out of that pit
    You say you'll be happy when you weigh 130... you aren't happy now so why would you be happy then? You need to seek counseling for the depression and PTSD then start on your weight loss journey. You need healing...
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    It's sad to think of food as the enemy. Food is neither good nor bad. People use food in harmful or helpful ways but food itself is neutral. If you have emotional issues around food (as so many of us do) they need to be addressed. Food is not comfort, entertainment, punishment or reward. It is just fuel. I wish you the best.
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    Yea, sorry, but I call bull**** on "I can't afford the food to lose weight" excuse. 1500 calories is half the cost of 3000.

    I'm sorry that you are in a bad spot right now. Calories in vs calories out is definitely one place where you do have control.

    First of all eating healthy is costly duh! IF I compare how much I was spending on food before I started this it was ALOT less why? well because I am buying healthier and fresher food derrrrrrrrrr! I could get a bag of chips for $!.00 as opposed to $1.25 per lbs on let's say Broccoli,.98 liter of soda as oposed to $1.99 for a gallon of skim milk or 3.99 for Special K cereal as opposed to the always on freaking sale fruit loops or lucky charms at my local store for $1.79.....

    ANYWAY I say the less you work out the less caloric intake you need that is a no brainer.I didn't exercise until I lost my first 15 lbs (confidence boost) then I just walked first for 10 min not too fast and not too slow then I slowly kept increasing my time and speed.Also drink LOTS OF WATER. I drink tap bcasue I refuse to spend $4.00 on a case of bottled waters and create more waste lol

    Good luck hun and your more than welcome to add me :) xo
  • jdaniels52509
    All the the advise you are getting a great. I want to add one thing. Don't buy more Fresh Foods than you guys are actually going to eat in a week or 2 time span because in the end it will go bad and you'll just throw it away which will be a waste. I only by what my daughter and I will actually eat that week and let nothing go to waste. Even if the means I'm pulling out left overers every other night for dinner.
  • tzeoli86
    tzeoli86 Posts: 75 Member
    Food isn't your enemy. It's your best friend. You're just spending too much time together ;)

    ^^^Nice quote :)
  • mollyjb3
    mollyjb3 Posts: 8 Member
    Yea, sorry, but I call bull**** on "I can't afford the food to lose weight" excuse. 1500 calories is half the cost of 3000.

    I'm sorry that you are in a bad spot right now. Calories in vs calories out is definitely one place where you do have control.

    You call bull****???? This person writes a whole damn page and "you call bull****. I agree with the other poster. Start small buy eating smaller portions of what you eat now, and every time you go shopping buy one or two things like fresh produce that you normally wouldn't buy. Little by little you can start to reinvent your diet.

    Also with exercising, the outdoors is your best friend. If you feel you can not jog yet, go for walks. You don't NEED weights to work out, Your own body weight will be just finr. Squats, Lunges, leg lifts, pushups. All the originals are the ones I swear by and they are free and they work.

    You ARE worth the effort but it will be difficult at time. Sometimes you will want to eat when you are not hungry and you will just have to start telling yourself to stop eating. This will get easier in time. This is something that takes work but the pay off is amazing :) Good luck to you and you can add me if you want!

    I agree with her, don't ridicule someone who just reached out for help. Have you tried frozen vegetables? Very inexpensive and keep longer. Build up your pantry with non perishable foods that are inexpensive like dried beans, lentils, brown rice, etc. You can make small changes to help with the pantry situation. Other than that, portion control is key! You should check online for you state extension program...often times they have a lot of recipes for tight budgets! This is Maine's
  • Perfectdiamonds1
    Perfectdiamonds1 Posts: 347 Member
    Fast food is very cheap, but you have to plan your meals. Its crazy here in the US that you can eat a lunch at McDonalds for about $4. If you can not afford a gym membership, walking is good, walking if free. Everybody has Free right now in their pocket. Start small and see what works for you.

    Also, see what the portion sizes are. You can make a meal off just eating the portion size, not the whole chicken or the whole bag of rice or beans. Meals will last longer.